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Series One: European War 1914-1919, the War Reserve Collection
from Cambridge University Library

Part 7: Economics, Finance and Socialism


- WRA.30.1: Imperial Britain: An Illustrated Descriptive Record of
Industrial Achievement during the War for Freedom, 1914-18. Vol I: Industrial.
31cm. London. 1920. 348pp
- WRA.30.2: Imperial Britain: An Illustrated Record of Services
rendered during the War for Freedom, 1914-18. Vol II: Biographical.
31cm. London. 1921. 278pp
- WRB.30.1-2: Prange (G). Das deutsche Kriegsnotgeld (2 volumes).
Bd.1. 27cm. Grlitz. 1921. 128pp. Bd 2. 27cm. Grlitz. 1922. 130pp
- WRB.30.101: Durenberger (R). La circulation montaire dans les pays occups.
26cm. Strasbourg. 1921. 154pp.


- WRB.30.301: Leeuw (H J Van der). Restriction of the ill-results of the war.
27cm. Rotterdam. 1920. 250pp
- WRB.30.302: Ersatzlebensmittel. Liste 5 der nicht genehmigten Ersatzlebensmittel.
29cm. Berlin. 1920. 12pp
- WRB.30.303: The Labour Party. Report of the Executive Committee.
25cm. London. 25 June 1919. 142pp
- WRB.30.304: Troelstra (P J). An open letter on the New Socialist Peace Conference.
25cm. London. 1919. 76pp
- WRB.30.305: The International at Lucerne 1919.
25cm. London.1919. 24pp
- WRB.30.306: Memorandum on the industrial situation after the war.
26cm. London. 1916. 96pp
- WRB.30.307: Nosek (Vl). Austrian Socialism and the present war.
25cm. London. 1920. 20pp
- WRB.30.308: Evans (W A). Wheat and its relation to the Present crisis.
27cm. Leicester. 1914. 24pp
- WRB.30.309: Bulletin de documentation conomique 23 juin 1920. (Royaume de Belgique).
31cm. Brussels. 1920. 36pp.
- WRB.30.310: De Brittiska. Fackfreningarnas landsorganisation.
(General Federation of Trade Unions). (circular).
26cm. London. 1917. 4pp
- WRB.30.311: Davies (E J). Brittiskt och Tyskt finansvsende.
24cm. Edinburgh. 191-. 20pp
- WRB.30.312: Kahn (O H). Impressions from a journey in Europe.
30cm. New York. 1920. 20pp
WRB.30.313: Not used
WRB.30.314: Statens Provianteringskommission Beretning II.
28cm. Kristiania. 1916. 314pp


- WRB.30.315a: Statens Provianteringskommission Beretning III
28cm. Kristiania. 1916. 142pp
- WRB.30.315b: Stateus Provianteringskommission virksomhet m.v. (St.md. nr. 12) (1915)
28cm. Kristiania. 1915. 138pp
- WRB.30.316: Aufrufe Verordnungen und Beschlusse
des Vollzugsrates des Arbeiter und Soldatenrates Gross-Berlin.
26cm. Berlin. 19-. 62pp
- WRB.30.317: Bremier (H). Le commerce et L'industrie de Marseille
pendant les deux premires annes de la guerre.
27cm. Marseille. 1916. 116pp
- WRB.30.318: Chamber of Commerce of the USA. Referendum No.23.
27cm. Washington. 1918. 16pp
- WRB.30.319: Ulrich (Leo). Der wirtschaftskrieg. 3. Japan.L
26cm. Jena. 1917. 188pp
- WRC.30.1: Thimme (Fr). und Legien (Carl). Die Arbeiterschaft im neuen Deutschland.
24cm. Leipzig. 1915. IV + 232pp
- WRC.30.2: Drahn (E). Unterirdische Literatur im Revolutionren Deutschland whrend des Weltkrieges.
23cm. Benlimfich. 1920. 200pp


- WRC.30.3: Alien Property Custodian report.
24cm. Washington. 1919. 608pp
- WRC.30.4: Keynes (J M). Economic consequences of the Peace.
23cm. London. 1919. 280pp
- WRC.30.101: Czrac (M). Les rquisitions et contributions allemandes.
24cm. Montauban. 1918. 208pp


- WRC.30.102: Solnissen (G). Das deutsche Finanzwesen nach Beendigung des Weltkrieges.
24cm. Berlin. 1921. 84pp
- WRC.30.301: Gegen die englische Finanz vormacht...
22cm. Frankfurt. 1915. c72pp
- WRC.30.302: England's financial supremacy.
22cm. Frankfurt. 1918. c54pp
- WRC.30.303: Dade. Deutsche Wirtschaft im kriege.
22cm. Berlin.1918. c124pp
- WRC.30.304: Frankfurth (E). Geldbriefe vom Silberstrom.
25cm. Montevideo. 1915. c88pp
- WRC.30.305: Foxwell (H S). Ways and means.
25cm. London. 1916. c20pp
- WRC.30.306: Foxwell (H S). British War finance.
25cm. London. 1915. c20pp
- WRC.30.307: Lupton (A). The coal resources of the United Kingdom.
22cm. Colchester. 1916. 32pp
- WRC.30.308: Froyer (E). La social-dmocratie allemande.
24cm. London. 1918. c78pp
- WRC.30.309: Rowell-Jones (H E). German trade in the Argentine Republic.
15cm. Buenos Aires. 1915. c20pp
- WRC.30.310: Memorial of the Bohemian Socialist Federation to the International.
22cm. Chicago. 1918. c4pp
- WRC.30.311: A Memorial to the International.
22cm. Chicago. 1918. c32pp
- WRC.30.312: Cosnier (H). Allocution causerie conference. Programme prononcs par H Cosnier
24cm. Casablanca. 1918. c32pp
- WRC.30.313: Srodkowa. Europejski zwiazek gospodanczy i Polska.
24cm. Krakw. 1916. c216pp
- WRC.30.314: Ramsay (Sir W). Six articles on Germany's commercial war machine.
22cm. Manchester. 1916. 28pp


- WRC.30.315: War Revenue and Federal Income Tax Laws.
23cm. New York. 1917. c172pp
- WRC.30.316: Trading with the enemy act.
23cm. New York. 1917. c72pp
- WRC.30.317: Exports of Raw cotton from the United States
to the leading European Neutrals. 1900-1917.
23cm. New York. 1917. c16pp
- WRC.30.318: Lifschitz (F). ber die Bedentung Englands fr die Theorie der Wirtschaftswissenshaft.
23cm. Bern. 1916. 24pp
- WRC.30.319: Davies (E F). British and German finance.
25cm. New York. 1915. 16pp
- WRC.30.320: Yates (T M). The future of China.
21cm. Shanghai. 1916. 16pp
- WRC.30.321: Recapture and occupation of British trade.
23cm. London. 1918. 36pp
- WRC.30.322: Textile Industries.
23cm. London. 1918. 40pp
- WRC.30.323: Commercial and War and Expert Selling.
23cm. London. 1918. c54pp
- WRC.30.324: Building Trade.
23cm. London. 1918. c32pp
- WRC.30.325: Mechanical Engineering.
23cm. London. 1918. 28pp
- WRC.30.326: Internal Combustion Engines.
23cm. London. 1918. 36pp
- WRC.30.327: L' tat economique de la Lithuania.
24cm. Lausanne. 1919. c60pp
- WRC.30.328: Harrison (E). South American trade.
23cm. New Orleans. 1914. c12pp
- WRC.30.329: L'importance conomique-politique de Trieste.
23cm. Lioubliana. 1919. c8pp
- WRC.30.330: Bernhand (G). Demokratische Politik.
23cm. Berlin. 1919. c6pp
- WRC.30.331: Giesberts (J). Resultado de los servicios prestados por
los seguros del Estado para el proletariado.
21cm. U P. 1915. 32pp
- WRC.30.332: Det Tyska lantbrukets produktionsfrmga.
22cm. Stockholm. 1916. 16pp
- WRC.30.333: Tysklands finansiella styrka i kriget.
23cm. Berlin. 1916. 36pp
- WRC.30.334: Schmidt (R). La proteccin al obrero en Alemania.
21cm. Berlin. 1916. 58pp
- WRC.30.335: El Commercio de Alemania y la Guerra.
21cm. Berlin. 1915. 4pp
- WRC.30.336: German trade and the war.
21cm. Bordeaux. 1915. 4pp
- WRC.30.337: Engineering industry in War and Peace.
21cm. London. 1916. 40pp
- WRC.30.338: Great Eastern Railway. Train Service from 4th Jan 1915.
21cm. London. 1915. 24pp
- WRC.30.339: The Starving of Germany.
22cm. Berlin. 1919. c36pp
- WRC.30.340: Aldred (Guy A). Socialism and War.
21cm. London. 1915. 24pp


- WRC.30.341: Mobilizing America's resources for the War.
25cm. Philadelphia. 1918. 242pp
- WRC.30.342: La Fte de L'Empire britannique
22cm. Paris. 1918. c460pp
- WRC.30.343: Visit of the 'Mission amricaine de rapproachement conomique, intellectuel et artistique.
24cm. 1910. 70pp
- WRC. 30.344: Maclean (John). Condemned from the dock.
22cm. Glasgow. 1918. 24pp
- WRC.30.345: Council for organising British Engineering Industry.
25cm. Manchester. 1916. 28pp
- WRC.30.346: Harrison (F). A Statesman's opportunity.
23cm. New York. 1914. 12pp
- WRC.30.347: Frietsch (D). Alemania en nmeros.
21cm. Barcelona. 1916. 28pp
- WRC.30.348: Hoover (H). Food in War.
22cm. London. 1918. 20pp
- WRC.30.349: Brand (Hon R H ). The financial and economic future.
22cm. London. 1919. 28pp


- WRC.30.350: Vose (EN). Storbritanniens Storsinnade Handelspolitik.
22cm. London. 1919. 20pp
- WRC.30.351: Foster (Sir G). Trade after the War.
21cm. London. 1916. 16pp
- WRC.30.352: Hogge (Jill). The co-ordination of war pensions.
21cm. London. 1916. c12pp
- WRC.30.353: Le Personne. Notes concerning the economic situation between the Allies and Germany.
21cm. London. 1916. 12pp
- WRC.30.354: Webb (J). The War and the Workers.
21cm. London. 1914. 24pp
- WRC.30.355: Lubin (D). Further papers on the resolution passed by the
Congress of the United States for an international commerce commission.
23cm. Rome. 1916. 24pp
- WRC.30.356: Double income tax within the Empire.
21cm. London. 1916. 20pp
- WRC.30.357: Robertson (J M). Fiscal policy after the war.
21cm. London. 1916. 32pp
- WRC.30.358: Hutton (J A). The effects of the War on cotton-growing in the British Empire.
21cm. Manchester. 1916. 40pp
- WRC.30.359: Mond (Sir A). Relief of soldiers and sailors from liabilities under certain contracts.
21cm. London. 1916. 8pp
- WRC.30.360: Sherwell (A). State control of liquor trade.
21cm. London. 1918. 20pp
- WRC.30.361: Horn (L). Sugar and sugar confectionery.
21cm. Stockport. 1916. 44pp
- WRC.30.362: Capitalism and education.
21cm. London. 1918. 12pp
- WRC.30.363: Rowntree (A S). The 1918 Education Act explained.
21cm. London. 12pp
- WRC.30.364: Leipzig-Fair. Listo de la komercaj brancj.
21cm. Leipzig. 1918. 20pp
- WRC.30.365: Cox (H). The economic strength of Great Britain.
21cm. London. 1914. 12pp
- WRC.30.366: Norman (C H). British Militarism. 3rd Ed.
21cm. London. 1915. 12pp
- WRC.30.367: Horatio Bottomley exposed.
21cm. Manchester. 1915. 12pp
- WRC.30.368: India. De Internationella socialistiska kongressernas tal och resolutioner angende Indien.
21cm. Sdertlje. 1917. 16pp
- WRC.30.369: Havenstein (Dr). Rede am so September 1917.
22cm. Berlin. 1917. 16pp
- WRC.30.370: Fielding (Charles W). England's Food.
21cm. London. 1915. 36pp
- WRC.30.371: George (Rt Hon D Lloyd). Peace and retrenchment.
20cm. London. 1919. 32pp
- WRC.30.372: Broz (A). Vers un socialisme nouveau en Boheme.
23cm. Paris. 1920. 12pp
- WRC.30.373: Knight's Handbook for Food Control Committees. 2nd Ed. By W G Gillings.
24cm. London. 1917. 348pp
- WRC.30.374: Ince (G B). To the British democracy and to the democracies of France.
21cm. Almeria. 1915. 24pp


- WRC.30.375: Aarberetning angaaende de offentlige foranstaltninger til landbrukets frmme i aaret 1917.
23cm. Kristiania. 1918. 810pp
- WRC.30.376: Beck (Joseph). Der neue schulkampf.
22cm. Olten. 1918. 164pp
- WRC.30.377: Report of the Committee on Co-operation in foreign trade, July 21, 1916.
22cm. New York. 1916. 28pp
- WRC.30.378: Not filmed. This item is a duplicate of WRC.30.384 and has been withdrawn from the collection by CUL.


- WRC.30.379: Baeumer (G). Die deutsche Frau in der sozialen kriegsfrsorge.
22cm. London. 1916. 64pp
- WRC.30.380: Sanders (W S). Is it a Capalist war?
22cm. London. 191-. 12pp
- WRC.30.381: Utltande am fredsvilkoren.
22cm. London. 1918. 36pp
- WRC.30.382: Zimmern (A E). Det ekonomiska vapnet i kriget mot Tyskland.
21cm. London. 1918. 20pp
- WRC.30.383: Sangue e denaro. Versione italiana di P Santamaria.
21cm. Roma. 1918. 16pp
- WRC.30.384: Sozialismus ist Arbeit.
22cm. 1920. 16pp
- WRC.30.385: Food supply of the Republic of Austria.
22cm. Vienna. 1920. c54pp
- WRC.30.386: Report of the coal supply of the Republic of Austria.
22cm. Vienna. 1919. 12pp
- WRC.30.387: Marburg (Gustav). Soziale reformen.
23cm. Wien. 1910. 110pp
- WRC.30.388: Kuttner (E). Die deutsche Revolution.
22cm. Berlin. 1918. 20pp
- WRC.30.389: Grice (J W). The Resources of the Empire Pt 1.
(being Vol 1 of the International Information Series).
21cm. London. 1918. 64pp
- WRC.30.390: The Work and Wealth of Austria Hungary.
23cm. Berlin. 1916. 44pp
- WRC.30.391: The Economic Value of Upper Silesia for Poland and Germany respectively. 2nd Ed.
25cm. London. 1921. 24pp
- WRC.30.392: The New Victory Loan.
22cm. London. 1919. 32pp
- WRC.30.393: Blood and Treasure.
21cm. London. 1918. 12pp
- WRC.30.394: Die Neuordnung der deutschen Finanzwirtschaft. Teil 1.
23cm. Mnchen. 1918. c412pp. Missing from the collection.
- WRC.30.395: Die Neuordnung der deutschen Finanzwirtschaft. Teil 2.
23cm. Mnchen. 1918. 408pp
- WRC.30.396: Williams (B H). The constructive program of the First World War and Perry (G H).
How scabs are bred.
22cm. London. 8pp


- WRC.30.397: Schmidt (L W). Die Entwicklung der Aussenhandelsbeziehungen
der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.
24cm. Jena. 1915. c60pp
- WRC.30.398: Curth (H). Der Nahrungsmittel und Rohstoffbedarf Englands.
24cm. Jena. 1917. c150
- WRC.30.399: Marr (E). Die Turken und Wir nach dem Kriege.
23cm. Berlin. 1916. c48pp
- WRC.30.400: Mobilization for food production.
23cm. (Urbana). 1917. 4pp
- WRC.30.401: "Nur ber meine Leiche"
22cm. Berlin. 68pp
- WRC.30.402: Les Conditions du travail en France, aux tats-Unis, en Angleterre.
21cm. Paris. 1919. 64pp
- WRC.30.403: Mikkelsen (T) & Co. Financial Denmark and the War.
22cm. Copenhagen. 1918. 80pp
- WRC.30.404: Davies (J). Prime Minister's Secretariat, 1916-20.
24cm. Newport. 1951. 200pp


- WRD.30.1: Eulenburg (Fr). Weltwirtschaftliche Mglichkeiten.
19cm. Berlin. 1916. c140pp
- WRD.30.101: Arbeiterinteressen und kriegsergebnis.
20cm. Berlin. 1915. c180pp
- WRD. 30.102: Lensch (Paul). Drei Jahre Weltrevolution.
20cm. Berlin. 1917. 224pp
- WRD.30.103: Lebon (A). Problmes conomiques ns de la guerre.
18cm. Paris. 1918. c280pp
- WRD.30.104: Ghessa (F). Costo economico e costo finanziano della Guerra.
19cm. Roma. 1920. c140pp


- WRD.30.201: Dibble (G B). Germany's economic position.
18cm. London. 1919. 108pp
- WRD.30.202: Thompson (J S). Bankers Trust company's tables.
18cm. New York. 1919. 48pp
- WRD 30.203: Fisk (H E). Our Public debt.
18cm. New York. 1919. c130pp
- WRD.30.204: Victory and other Liberty loan acts.
18cm. New York. 1919. c83pp
- WRD.30.205: Gottlieb (L R). Financial status of belligerents.
18cm. New York. 1920. c54pp
- WRD.30.206: Important financing since the armistice.
18cm. New York. 1920. c60pp
- WRD.30.207: America's merchant marine.
18cm. New York. 1920. c260pp
- WRD.30.301: Beer (M). Englisch-deutsche Gegenstze.
20cm. Berlin. 1915. 16pp
- WRD.30.302: Englands finanser och preussisk militarism.
18cm. Stockholm. 1918. 24pp
- WRD.30.303: Tillet (Ben). Vem br ansvaret?
18cm. Stockholm. 1918. 16pp
- WRD.30.304: Krigets finansiering.
18cm. Stockholm. 1918. 24pp
- WRD.30.305: Borsa (M). England ach dess belackare.
18cm. Stockholm. 1918. 64pp
- WRD.30.306: Robertson (J M). Tysklands ekonomiska motstndskraft.
17cm. Stockholm. 1916. 36pp
- WRD.30.307: Les Socialists dans la Nation et Pour la Nation.
18cm. Paris. 1917. 36pp
- WRD.30.308: Tyskt affrsliv och tysk politik.
20cm. Stockholm. 1917. 36pp
- WRD.30.309: Vdjan (Sir). Frn Belgiens arbetare till arbetarne i allo lnder.
17cm. Stockholm. 1917. 16pp
- WRD.30.310: Kahn (O H). Government ownership of railroads.
18cm. 1918. 50pp


- WRD.30.311: Herzog (J). The iron circle (Prospectus).
19cm. London. 1918. 4pp
- WRD.30.312: Seddon (J A). Englands arbetare och kriget.
19cm. Stockholm. 1917. 16pp
- WRD.30.313: Cassel (G). Deutschlands wirtschaftliche Widerstandskraft.
16cm. Berlin. 1916. c200pp
- WRD.30.314: The Central Control Board and its liquor restrictions.
18cm. London. 1915. c20pp
- WRD.30.315: The Liquor restrictions.
16cm. London. 1916. c36pp
- WRD.30.316: Henderson (F). A plea for national unity.
18cm. London. 1918. 20pp
- WRD.30.317: National campaign for prohibition during the war.
19cm. London. 1916. 12pp
- WRD.30.318: How the United States of America is dealing with the shortage of dye stuffs.
17cm. London. 1916. 72pp
- WRD.30.319: Poynter (F G). Poultry for land settlement.
18cm. London. 1916. 28pp
- WRD.30.320: Grey (Sir). Great Britain's measures against German Trade.
19cm. London. 1916. 32pp
- WRD.30.321: Mee (A) S.O.S. The facts about the great food scandal.
London. 1917. 16pp
- WRD.30.322: Sten (Erik). Skall Folkfriheten eller mammon segra?
19cm. Sdertlje. 1917. 16pp
- WRD.30.323: La Guerre. Le rglement par un diplomate tranger.
18cm. Paris. 1918. c60pp
- WRD.30.324: Copper (C). La clase obrera y el Estado alemn.
19cm. Madrid. 1917. c72pp
- WRD.30.325: Llamaniento de los obreros belgas a los obreros del mundo entero.
La Paz. Bolivia. 1917. 12pp
- WRD.30.326: Delaisi (Francis). La Guerra que viene.
18cm. Barcelona. 1915. 50pp
- WRD.30.327: Tyskland och England.
20cm. Magdeburg. 191-. 8pp
- WRD.30.328: Deutschland und England.
20cm. Magdeburg. 191-. 12pp
- WRD.30.329: McMurtrie (D C). Returning the disabled to economic independence.
20cm. New York. 1919. 12pp
- WRD.30.330: Why we must save and how.
18cm. London. 1915. 48pp
- WRD.30.331: Potozerie ekonomiezne Galicyi.
18cm. London. 1918. c12pp
- WRD.30.332: Proceedings at the 26th Annual General Meeting.
Imperial Bank of Persia December 13, 1915.
18cm. London. 1915. 8pp
- WRD.30.333: Besant (A). The War and its lessons.
18cm. London. 1920. 88pp
- WRD.30.334: Charriaut (H). La liquidation financire de la guerre. By H Charriaut et R Hacault.
19cm. Paris. 1919. 100pp


- WRD.30.335: Meier (F). Wie erhalte ich als Kriegsbeschdigter.
18cm. Oldenburg. 1919. 100pp
- WRD.30.336: Delbrueck (Hans). Wider den Kleinglauben.
18cm. Jena. 1917. 24pp
- WRD.30.337: Rohrbach (P). Deutschlands Lage in der Welt.
20cm. Hamburg. 1916. 20pp
- WRD.30.338: Fendrich (A). Ein Wort an die unten und die oben
von einem deutschen Sozialdemokraten..
20cm. Stuttgart. 1919. 28pp
- WRD.30.339: Bryan (J). Essays in Socialism and War.
18cm. London. 1917. c16pp
- WRD.30.340: Newbold (J T W). The politics of capitalism.
18cm. London. 1918. 24pp
- WRD.30.341: Fairchild (E C). The Economics of War.
18cm. London. 1917. 20pp
- WRD.30.342: McLaine (W). The evolution of industry.
18cm. London. 1918. 36p
- WRD.30.343: Rarhenan (W). Die neue Wirtschaft.
19cm. Berlin. 1918. 88pp
- WRD.30.344: L' Allemagne impriale devant ses juges.
20cm. Genve. 1918. 32pp
- WRD.30.345: Varfr lida vi nd?
19cm. Uppsala. 1917. 32pp
- WRD.30.346: Deakin (F B). Le Industria britanica.
16cm. 1918. 8pp
- WRD.30.347: Pankhurst (Christabel). International Militancy.
20cm. London. 1915. 24pp
- WRD.30.348: Kantsky (Karl). Nationalversammlung und Rteversammlung.
18cm. Berlin. 191-. 16pp
- WRD.30.349: Girard (A). Anarchy.
18cm. London. 191-. 8pp
- WRD.30.350: Crida dels obrers de Belgica als obrers de totes les naciońs.
19cm. 10pp
- WRD.30.351: National Savings Committee. Notes for Secretaries.
London. 1919. 24pp
- WRD.30.352: Trietsch (D). Deutschland Tatsachen und Ziffern.
20cm. Mnchen. 1916. 36pp
- WRD.30.353: Ret Frem eller utenom.
19cm. London. 1916. 12pp
- WRE.30.301: Villkorien fr fred. Resolution antagen an den storia
arbetare kongressen i London. February 1918.
14cm. Stockholm. 1918. 32pp
- WRE.30.302: Storbritanniens jatteanstrngning.
13cm. London. 191-. c16pp

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