Part 1: 1842-1880
The Guardian newspaper has a permanent and respected place amongst the leading international newspapers of record. It has always been characterised by its liberal outlook, its interest in world affairs and the quality of its writing. Many libraries hold backfiles, but access to the paper has been hindered by the absence of any index prior to 1986. This gap was filled with the discovery of the newspaper's own working index. For the period from 1842 to 1928, this was in the form of large manuscript ledgers.
Part 1 covers the period 1842-1880, including the re-establishment of Income Tax, Peel's Corn Law Bill, the 1848 Revolutions, Chartist risings, the Great Exhibition, the Crimean War, the Indian 'Mutiny', Wars with China, Disraeli's Reform Bill, the American Civil War, the death of the Prince Consort, the Zulu War and Gladstone's first ministry.
The index covers persons, places and subjects and provides access to special features such as interviews with Anti-Corn Law Delegates. Each entry is accompanied by a brief abstract (5-10 words).