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Part 2: Vols 46-91, 1960-2005

The Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society (JRAHS), published twice yearly, is the oldest established journal of Australian history and contains a wide range of scholarly articles and reviews. It is a rich resource for scholars interested in topics such as:

  • Exploration of the Pacific
  • The First Fleet
  • The Foundation of New South Wales
  • The growth of Australia as a colony
  • Lives of prisoners and explorers
  • Economic issues such as the wool industry and mining
  • Social history, from the life of a chemist to an account of an opening of the first synagogue in Australia
  • Literature and drama
  • Images of early Australia - in paintings and photographs
  • The development of Australian nationalism
  • Immigration

Very few libraries contain a full run of this important journal. For those libraries trying to enlarge their coverage of Australasian and Pacific Studies, this back file will provide access to much important scholarship.


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