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Manuscript Records of Traders, Travellers, Missionaries and Diplomats, 1853-1941

Part 10: Japan Manuscripts from the Oriental Manuscripts Collection at the British Library

The Oriental Manuscripts Collection at the British Library is immensely rich. This tenth part provides extensive coverage of Japanese manuscripts held in the collection.

Highlights include:

OR 1266 - History of the Mikados

OR 1288 - Journal of a mission to Europe

OR 2158 - Japanese mission to America

OR 2633 - Record of journeys in China and Annan

OR 2635 - Account of Corea, Lin-kin and Yezo

OR 4225 - Police Register for a street in Osaka

OR 4702 - Shoka-fu – Japanese song book

OR 5457 - The murder of the Regent Ini Massuke

Once again, these few examples only hint at the range of material to be found – all of which will help to enrich our understanding of Japan.

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