Part 3: The Correspondence and Literary Manuscripts of Arthur Hugh Clough (1819-1861) from the Bodleian Library, Oxford REEL 1
General correspondence of Clough and his wife, Blanche, 1829-1900
MSS Eng lett c189-90, d 175-78, e 74-76
c 189; 1829-40: 214 leaves
d 175; 1841-45: 234 leaves
General correspondence of Clough and his wife, Blanche, 1829-1900
MSS Eng lett c189-90, d 175-78, e 74-76
c 190; 1846-48: 288 leaves
d 176; 1849-50: 219 leaves
General correspondence of Clough and his wife, Blanche, 1829-1900
MSS Eng lett c189-90, d 175-78, e 74-76
d 177; 1851-June 1853: 201 leaves
e 74; July 1853-1857: 170 leaves
e 75; 1858-October 1861: 183 leaves
General correspondence of Clough and his wife, Blanche, 1829-1900
MSS Eng lett c189-90, d 175-78, e 74-76
d 178; November 1861-January 1866: 180 leaves
e 76; February 1866-1900, n d: 181 leaves
Correspondence between Clough and his wife, 1851-52 MSS Eng lett e 77-79 e77; December 1851-February 1852: 174 leaves REEL 5
Correspondence between Clough and his wife, 1851-52
MSS Eng lett e 77-79
e 78; March-June 1852: 197 leaves
e 79; July -October 1852: 181 leaves
Letters from Clough in America to his wife, 1852-1853 MSS Eng lett e 80-81 e 80; November 1852-January 1853: 117 leaves REEL 6
Letters from Clough in America to his wife, 1852-1853
MSS Eng lett e 80-81
e 81; February-July 1853: 280 leaves
Letters to Clough from his wife, 1852-1853 MSS Eng lett d 179 d 179; November 1852-June 1853: 368 leaves REEL 7
Correspondence between Clough and his wife, 1853-57, 1858-61
MSS Eng lett e 82-83
e 82; 1853-1857: 124 leaves
e 83; 1858-1861: 153 leaves
Letters from Henry Sidgwick to Blanche Clough, 1866-84 MSS Eng lett e 84 e 84; 1866-84: 125 leaves REEL 8
Lectures by Clough on language and literature, n d
MS Eng misc d 511
d 511; n d: 238 leaves
Essays on social and literary topics, n d MS Eng misc d 512 d 512; n d: 177 leaves Three exercise books of English essays written at Balliol College, Oxford, 1837, 1839, 1840 MSS Eng misc d 513-515 d 513; 1837: 44 leaves d 514; 1839: 44 leaves d 515; 1840: 22 leaves REEL 9
Miscellaneous papers, 1830-1860
MS Eng misc c 359
c 359; 1830-1860: 168 leaves
Two printed copies of the 1850 re-issue of Clough's poems in Ambarvalia, with his manuscript corrections MSS Eng poet e 88-89 e 88; 1850 e 89; 1850 REEL 10
Notebooks containing rough drafts and fair copies of poems, 1843-1851
MSS Eng poet d 117-23
d 117; 1843: 35 leaves
d 118; 1844: 30 leaves
d 119; 1845: 30 leaves
d 120; 1847: 45 leaves
d 121; 1851 (A): 26 leaves
d 122; 1851 (B): 24 leaves
d 123; 1851 (C): 22 leaves
Notebooks containing drafts and fair copies of 'Adam and Eve' MSS Eng poet d 124-25 d 124; 46 leaves d 125; 27 leaves Notebooks containing fair copies of poems, 1839-52 MSS Eng poet d 126-28 d 126; 1839-42: 47 leaves d 127; 1849-50: 64 leaves d 128; 1852: 22 leaves Rough drafts and fair copies of poems, arranged by Mrs A H Clough, junior MSS Eng poet d 129 d 129; 132 leaves REEL 11
Notebooks containing early drafts of Amours de voyage
MSS Eng poet d 130-31
d 130; 70 leaves
d 131; 34 leaves
Earlier drafts of Amours de voyage, removed from d 130. MS Eng poet d 132 d 132; 9 leaves Notebooks containing rough drafts and fair copies of Dipsychus MSS Eng poet d 133-38 d 133; Rough notes: 96 leaves d 134; First revision (i): 38 leaves d 135; First revision (ii): 62 leaves d 136; Second revision: 66 leaves d 137; Third revision (i): 20 leaves d 138; Third revision (ii): 23 leaves Loose papers, including drafts of parts of Dipsychus MS Eng poet d 139 d 139; 30 leaves Three notebooks and (d 143) loose papers containing drafts and fair copies of 'Songs in absence' MSS Eng poet d 140-43 d 140; 23 leaves d 141; 14 leaves d 142; 21 leaves d 143; 11 leaves REEL 12 Diary of 1861 and four notebooks containing drafts and fair copies of Mari magno MSS Eng poet d 144-48 d 144; 1861; 124 leaves d 145; 94 leaves d 146; 48 leaves d 147; 22 leaves d 148; 82 leaves Four notebooks and (c 47) loose papers containing translations from Homer MSS Eng poet c 43-47 c 43; 20 leaves c 44; 47 leaves c 45; 20 leaves c 46; 23 leaves c 47; 127 leaves