NORTON: The Collected Writings of Caroline Norton (1808-1877)
Aunt Carrys Ballads for Children
Adventures of a Wood Sprite.
The story of Blanche and Brutikin with illustrations by John Absolon
London, 1847 The Child of the Islands, a poem
London, 1845 The Coquette, and other Tales and Sketches in prose and verse.
Reprinted from the Court Magazine. 2 vols London, 1835 REEL TWO The Dream, and other poems
London, 1840 The Lady of La Garaye
2nd ed. London, 1862 The English Annual
London, 1836 REEL THREE The Sorrows of Rosalie or, Loves Sacrifice, a Tale, with other poems
London, 1829 The Undying One, and other poems
2nd ed. London, 1830 A Voice from the Factories, in serious verse
London, 1836 A Plain Letter to the Lord Chancellor on the Infant Custody Bill,
by Pearce Stevenson, Esq
London, 1839
Letters to the Mob, by Libertas
Reprinted from the Morning Chronicle, 1848 A letter to the Queen on Lord Chancellor Cranworths Marriage and Divorce Bill
London, 1855 Remarks upon the Law of Marriage and Divorce,
suggested by the Hon Mrs Nortons letter to the Queen London, 1855 REEL FOUR The Wife and Womans Reward
London, 3 vols, 1835 Tales and Sketches in prose and verse
London, 1850 REEL FIVE Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times
London, 3 vols, 1851 The Rose of Jericho
London, 1870 REEL SIX Lost and Saved
London, 3 vols, 1863 REEL SEVEN Old Sir Douglas
London, 3 vols, 1868