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Part 1: Archives of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 1989-1994

The issue of nuclear disarmament did not die away with the end of the Cold War. Far from it. Huge stockpiles of nuclear weapons were left in the hands of increasingly unstable countries. Prospective members of the 'nuclear club' grew unabated, and those with nuclear weapons continued to test and refine their systems - with apparent disregard for the damage that such tests might inflict or the opinions of those living close to the test areas.

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament has always been one of the most outspoken critics of those wielding nuclear power - both as weapons and as energy resources. Their marches, protests, publications and political lobbying have made a difference to the climate of opinion - but they will not rest until they achieve their aim of worldwide nuclear disarmament.

Part 1 of this project makes available their complete archives for 1989-1994, including CND Annual Conference Programmes and Working Group Committee Papers, 1990-1994; Minutes of the National Council and National Executive Committee of CND, 1991-1993; Minutes of Sub-Committees, 1991-1994; papers of local CND groups; CND Information/Defence Briefings, 1989-1995; CND Press Releases, 1990-1994; and all of their pamphlets, leaflets and periodicals (such as Sanity, 1989-1991, Campaign, 1991-1994 and CND Today, 1991-1994).

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