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The Reconstructed Libraries of European Scholars, 1450-1700
Series One: The Books and Manuscripts of John Dee, 1527-1608

Part 3: John Dee's Manuscripts & Annotated Books from Cambridge University Library

Renaissance Man Series One  makes available the actual volumes - printed and manuscript - that made up the library of Renaissance polymath, John Dee.
It does so without significantly duplicating volumes covered in EEBO.  It focusses on:

  • Unique manuscript texts owned by Dee - His library catalogue lists 368 of these and we should not understimate the importance of such texts to Renaissance learning.
  • Continental Literature - The majority of most major Renaissance libraries were not works printed in England or written in English.
  • Heavily annotated volumes, which tell us much about the reading practices of scholars of the period.

Part 3 is based on the holdings of Cambridge University Library and offers 40 printed volumes and one manuscript text.  Most of the printed volumes were produced in Basle, Koln, Paris and Venice.  None are in EEBO.  Authors include Averroes, Georgius Benignus, Diogenes Laertius, Dionysius Areopagita, Hermes, Henricus Herpf, Pomponius Gauricus, Rasis, Johannes Tritheimius, and John of Vienna.  Neoplatonism is well represented, and there are three Hebrew texts.

The project is a major research resource for all those interested in Renaissance culture, the history of the book, alchemy, astrology, astronomy, chemistry, exploration, literature, medicine, navigation, the occult, politics and science

"It is not only a monument to Dee's scholarly interests and achievements; it is one of the great monuments of English Renaissance culture."
Dr William H Sherman

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