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SEX & SEXUALITY, 1640-1940
Literary, Medical and Sociological Perspectives

Part 2: Romantic friendships and lesbian relationships in literature and history

Sources from the Bodleian Library, Oxford


Classical works

- The Works of Anacreon and Sappho translated by A Phillips, 1713 - Douce A 151
- The Works of Anacreon and Sappho, 1768 - Douce A 155
- Sappho and Phaeon, Mary Robinson, 1796 - 280 n.416
- Sappho: Memoir, Text, Selected Renderings and a Literal Translation,
Henry Thornton Wharton, 1885 - 29361 f.1
- Sappho: One hundred lyrics, Bliss Carman, 1906 - 29361 f.4
- Juvenals Sixteen Satyrs or, A Survey on the Manners and Actions of Mankind,
translated by Sir Robert Stapylton, 1647 - Douce I 121


- Juvenal: The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis translated by Dryden, 1693 - Fol Δ 681
- Juvenal: The satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis translated by William Gifford, 1802 - CC 192 Art Seld
- Ovid: The History of Love translated by Charles Hopkin, 1695 - 2799 e.406


Historical accounts

- The Present State of the Ottoman Empire by Paul Rycaut, 1668 - Bliss A 311
- The Six Voyages ... through Turkey into Persia ... Together with a new relation
of the present Grand Seignors Seraglio
by John Baptista Tavernier, 1678 - Ashm. 1724
- Travels into Turkey translated by A G Busbequius, 1744 - 24494 f.1
- Pretty Doings in a Protestant Nation ... the Present State of Fornication,
Whorecraft, and Adultery
by Father Poussin, 1734 - Douce TT 35 (3)


- Memoirs of the Life of Count de Grammont by Anthony Hamilton,
translated by Mr Boyer, 1714 - 8 M 219 (1) TL
- The Book of the Ladies, with elucidations by C A Sainte-Beauve by Pierre de Bourdeille,
translated by Katharine Prescott Wormeley, 1899 - 23746 d.66
- The Fleet Registers, comprising the History of Fleet Marriages, and some account
of the Parsons and Marriage housekeepers by John Southernden Burn, 1833 - 33.660


- The Intersexes: a History of Similisexualism by Xavier Mayne, 1908 - Ф d 122
- Uranisme et Unisexualit by Marc-Andr Raffalovich, 1896 - Ф d 161
- A Problem in Greek Ethics, being an inquiry into the phenomenon of Sexual Aversion
by John Addington Symonds, 1908 - Ф d 240


Medical works

- The Anatomy of Humane Bodies Epitomized by Thomas Gibson, 1684.
2nd edition, corrected and enlarged - 8 L 70 Med
- Dr Carrs Medicinal Epistles upon Several Occasions by Richard Carr,
translated by John Quincy, 1714 - 8 M 224 (1) Th


Literary treatments

- Venus in the Cloister, or The Nun in her Smock. In curious dialogue...
done out of the French
by Jean Barrin, 1683 - Don.f.537
- Poetical Recreations by Jane Barker, 1688 - 12 θ 1207
- The Entertaining novels of Mrs Jane Barker by Jane Barker, 1719. 2 volumes - 12 θ 1866, 1867
- The Lining of the Patch-Work Screen by Jane Barker, 1726 - Douce B 294


- The British Recluse: or, The Secret History of Cleomira
by Eliza Haywood, 1722. 2nd edition - Vet A4 e.979
- Cleomelia: or, the Generous Mistress. Including The Lucky Rape and
- The Capricious Lover
by Eliza Haywood, 1727. 2nd edition - G Pamph 1308 (10)
- The History of Jemmy and Jenny Jessomy by Eliza Haywood,
1753. 3 volumes - 256 f.2598-2600
- Reflections on the Various Effects of Love by Eliza Haywood,
1726. 2nd edition - Vet A4 e.2872


- Familiar letters... by Sarah Fielding, 1747. 2 volumes - 12 θ 1890, 1891
- The Governess; or, Little Female Academy by Sarah Fielding, 1749 - Don. f.531
- The Lives of Cleopatra and Octavia by Sarah Fielding, 1757 - 13 θ 49


- The Dictionary of Love by John Cleland, 1753.
Adapted from Dictionairre damour by du Radier - Vet A5 f.3201
- Memoirs of a Coxcomb by John Cleland, 1885 - PHI e.128
- Memoirs of Fanny Hill by John Cleland, 1888 - PHI e.437
- The Surprises of Love by John Cleland, 1765 - Vet A5 f.314


- Roxana: or, The Fortunate Mistress by Daniel Defoe, 1742 - Vet A4 f.16
- Les Bijoux Indiscrets by Denis Diderot, 1748 - Douce D17, 18
- La Religieuse by Denis Diderot, 1804 - Douce DD59
- Female Friendship, a Tale for Sundays, 1824 - 24.345
- A Sapphick Epistle from Jack Cavendish to the
honourable and most beautiful Mrs D***, 1771 - G Pamph 1699 (18)


- The Rival Duchess: or, Court Incendiary, 1708.
Attributed to Arthur Maynwaring - Pamph 280 (2)
- Antiochus the Great: or, the fatal relapse. A tragedy by Jane Wiseman, 1702 - Harding D2224
- The Toast by William King, 1732 - G Pamph 2756 (8)
- A description of Millenium Hall, and the country adjacent, by a gentleman on his travels
(really Lady Montagu and Sarah Scott) by Barbara, Lady Montagu, 1762 - 256 f.672
- A description of Millenium Hall, and the country adjacent, by a gentleman on his travels
(really Lady Montagu and Sarah Scott) by Barbara, Lady Montagu, 1764.
2nd edition corrected - 256 f.1253
- The death of Amnon. A poem by Elizabeth Hands, 1789 - 280.i.310 (i)
- Marina and Amelia: or, The history of Two Female Friends by Eliza Jeary, 1808 - 2537 e.1093
- Some particulars relating to the life and death of Rebecca Scudamore by Sarah Young, 1790 - 210 f.93


- The Life of Harriot Stuart by Charlotte Lennox, 1751. 2 volumes - Vet A5 f.456,457
- The Female Quixote; or, the Adventures of Arabella by Charlotte Lennox,
1752. 2 volumes - 251 g.886, 887


- Henrietta by Charlotte Lennox, 1758. 2 volumes - 12 θ 1757, 1758
- Sophia by Charlotte Lennox, 1762. 2 volumes - 12 θ 1734, 1735
- The Sister: A Comedy by Charlotte Lennox, 1769 - Harding D.1486


- Euphemia by Charlotte Lennox, 1790. 4 volumes - 256 e.15421-15424


- The Memoirs of Mrs Sophia Baddeley by Elizabeth Steele, 1787.
6 volumes - Vet A5 f.1118-1123


- Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Pierre Ambroise F Chaderlos de Laclos,
1784 - Vet A5 f.2167, 2168
- Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Pierre Ambroise F Chaderlos de Laclos,
translated by Ernest Dowson, 1898 - Arch.D.d.37, 38


- The Miscellaneous Works by Elizabeth Rowe, 1739 - 8 F77, 78 JUR
- Pamelas Conduct in High Life, 1741. A sequel to S Richardsons novel - 256 f.2528


Correspondence and dialogues

- Letters to Mrs Montague 1755-1800 by Elizabeth Carter, 1817.
3 volumes - 2287 d.44-46


- Correspondence de Madame Gourdon dite la Petite Comtesse by A E Gordon, 1883 - Ф d 93
- The Intimate letters of Hester Piozzi and Penelope Pennington, 1788-1821
by Hester Lynch Piozzi, 1914. Edited by Oswald G Knapp - 2695 e.125
- The Dialogues of Luisa Sigea by Nicolas Chorier, 1890 - Ф e.140
- Loeuvre...Satyre sotadique de Luisa Sigea sur les Arcanas de lAmour ed de Vnus
by Nicolas Chorier, 1910 - Ф e.733

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