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Part 6: 1938-1945

The London Stock Exchange was at the centre of the world’s financial and trading markets from 1875 to 1945. It was the place to raise capital and almost every country in the world featured in its lists of government securities and company stocks. The strength of the British economy in the period and the international spread of the British Empire contributed to its importance.

  • The Stock Exchange Year-Book started in 1875 and quickly grew in size and stature, eclipsing rival publications. Its readers acknowledged it as an essential reference source for tracking the growth and the development of individual companies, international markets and the economy as a whole.
  • Today it is acknowledged as a basic reference source for economic and business historians, but one for which most libraries only hold scattered issues.
  • We can now offer a complete 70 year run of the Year-Book from 1875 to 1945, tracing the development of British Commonwealth and World finance and industry from the heights of the Victorian era to the end of the
    Second World War.
  • Every issue is packed with detail and is extensively indexed.  By 1945 over 35,000 companies were listed each year with specific listings on
    Government Securities (Home, Colonial and Foreign), Railways, Banks, Insurance Companies, Lighting, Gas and Water Companies,
    Mining Companies, Iron, Coal and Steel Companies, Land, Investment, Finance and Discount Companies, Tramway and Omnibus Companies, Telegraph and Telephone Companies, Dock, Canal, Harbour and Shipping Companies, Rolling Stock Companies, Tea, Coffee and Tobacco Plantation Companies, Hotel, Tavern, Brewery and Distillery Companies,
    Oil Companies, Trusts and Bonds.
  • For each company the volume gives lists of directors, date of establishment,
    capital value and the amount paid up or subscribed, details of trading, dividends, and dates of meetings.
"...the mart of the world, the nerve-centre of the politics and finances of its nations, the barometer of their prosperity and adversity."
Charles Duguid.

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