Series Two: The Beveridge Papers from the
British Library of Political and Economic Science
Part 1: Early Working Papers on Welfare, Labour and Unemployment Insurance, 1902-1944
All references will be laid out in the order of:
Item; Former Reference
Early Activities
Complete Handlist to the Beveridge Papers, Sections I - XIV (164ff)
1. A6.104
Toynbee Hall, Balliol House and Wadham House residents committee on the unemployed, minutes, 1903-4: additional notes and statistics, 1904-19.
2. ?B?D
Working notes and statistics about unemployment, Trade Union Law, the Poor Law, Sunday trading and Toynbee Hall rents, 1902-5.
3. ?B?D
Mansion House Unemployed Fund: reports of the sub-committee and on the working colony at Hadleigh (Essex), and statistical abstract of Stepney applicants, 1903-4. [folio 23 is blank].
4. ?B?D
London Unemployed Fund: report of the sub-committee and other papers, 1904-1905.
5. ?B?D, Z1/2
Central (Unemployed) Body for London, conference reports, summaries of working colony schemes and related papers, 1905-8.
6. Z1/2
Copy letters between Fabian Ware, E. Peacock and Lord Glenester about management of the Morning Post, 1906-9.
7. Z1/2
Letters of correspondence on Beveridges visit to Germany to study ways of dealing with unemployment, 1907.
8. X.X
Notes and statistics about unemployment insurance and labour exchanges in Germany, 1907.
9. X.X
Notes and statistics about unemployment insurance and labour exchanges in Britain, 1908.
10. X.X
Notes, statistics and circular letters about Salvation Army sweating, 1908-9.
11. Z1/2
Notice and syllabus of nine lectures on The Economics of Unemployment given at Oxford, 1908.
12. DO25, LIII225
Papers relating to first three editions, 1907-13. Includes preface (draft and proof copy) and conclusion (draft), 1908, correspondence with Longmans and others, 1908-13, and royalty statements, 1909-11.
Unemployment: A Problem of Industry (revised edition)
13. DO45
Correspondence with Longmans and others about a proposed new edition, 1919-20; royalty statements, 1918-21.
14. DO25
Correspondence with Longmans and others about a new edition, 1927-30.
15. DO40
Lists of material for use in the revised edition.
16. DO44
Pamphlets, articles and reports for use in the proposed revision.
17. DO40
Eight lectures (no. 2 missing) on The Problems of Industry, given at LSE, 1921.
18. DO45
Correspondence about problems of unemployment, 1921-27.
19. DO40
Plan of proposed revision, including working notes. [folios 122, 154, 200, 330-339 and 433 are missing from original.]
20. DO40
Working notes, statistics and articles for proposed revision.
21. DO41
Working notes and statistics for proposed revision.
22. DO42
Working notes, statistics and drafts for statistical supplement. [folio 255 is missing.]
23. DO43
Working notes, statistics and drafts for statistical supplement. [folio 50 is missing.]
24. DO25
Reviews of new edition, 1930-34.
Labour Exchanges
25. LI204
Letters of congratulations on appointment to the Board of Trade, 1908.
26. A3.101
Copy minute of appointment as Director of Labour Exchanges, 1909; photograph of Director.
27. LII215
Letters of congratulations on appointment as Director of Labour Exchanges, 1909.
28. DO46
Correspondence and memoranda about juvenile employment, 1910-11.
29. DO39, Z1/2
Reports of speeches by G R Askwith and other papers about labour exchanges in Ireland, 1910-19.
30. Z1/2, A4.101
Papers relating to a conference on unemployment and labour exchanges at Ghant (Belgium), 1913-14.
31. DO39
Memoranda about working of labour exchange 1915-16.
32. DO30
Evidence given by Beveridge to the committee on Employment Exchanges, 1920.
33. DO30
Note of a scheme for cooperation between Birmingham Corporation public works department and employment exchanges, 1929.
34. DO47
Papers relating to 50th anniversary celebrations of the establishment of labour exchanges. Includes correspondence, 1959-60, Beveridges speech in London, 1960, and article The birth of labour exchanges (Minlabour, Vol XIV, No. 1, 1960).
35. DO39 Z1
Memorandum on 17th century labour exchanges.
36. A4.102
Miscellaneous papers, 1909-15.
Unemployment Insurance
37. Z2
Memorandum on the scheme, draft heads of bill criticisms and amendments, 1908-9.
38. Z2
Statistical notes and tables for the scheme, 1909.
39. Z2
Memoranda on specific aspects of the scheme, 1907-9.
40. DO26
Duplicate memoranda as in Section III 37 and 39, 1908-9.
41. DO30, Z2
Memoranda on unemployment insurance prepared for the Poor Law Commission, 1907.
42. DO28
Conference and other papers on aspects of unemployment insurance, 1911.
43. DO32
Explanatory memorandum on unemployment insurance, 1912; first draft of insurance card, 1907.
44. DO31, DO27
First report on unemployment insurance, 1913. [One copy bound for Beveridge and endorsed to ASB].
45. DO30
Report on labour exchanges and unemployment insurance, 1915.
46. DO39
Statistical returns and abstracts of particular points of unemployment insurance, 1913-18.
47. DO29, Z3/5
Unemployment Insurance Committee, Sub-Committee on Dock Labour; minutes, memoranda and correspondence about casual labour problems, 1913-24.
48. DO32-3
Civil War-Workers Committee, Unemployment Insurance Sub-Committee: minutes, memoranda and correspondence about insurance by industries, 1917-18.
49. DO34
Extension of the Unemployment Insurance Committee; minutes, memoranda and correspondence, 1919.
50. DO36
International Labour Office; memoranda and correspondence about unemployment problems, 1920.
51. DO48
Economic cost of the war: labour balance sheet, 1914-22.
52. DO30, A4.102
Newspaper articles and notes about unemployment insurance and casual labour, 1924-31.
53. A6.105
Notes by Beveridge on unemployment, 1925-27, 1944. [folio 121 is missing.]
54. DO39
Unemployment insurance by industries: working notes and statistics, memoranda and other papers, 1922-23.
55. DO45
Insurance for all and everything: working notes and correspondence with T W Phillips and others about the pamphlet, 1924.
56. DO35
Acts, statutory orders and government reports, 1902-30.
56 cont. DO35
Acts, statutory orders and government reports, 1902-30.
57. DO30
Ministry of Labour official notes and memoranda on unemployment insurance, 1910-21.
58. DO30
Government reports on unemployment insurance, 1917-20.
59. DO38
Government reports and publications on unemployment, 1913-30. [Ministry of Reconstruction, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Interim Report of Civil War Workers - pp9-10 are missing.]
59 cont. DO38
Government reports and publications on unemployment, 1913-30.
60. DO31
Acts and Government reports on unemployment insurance, 1915-30.
61. DO37
Ministry of Labour reports, 1923-29.
[WW and Z3-8 in former catalogue]
Ministry of Munitions, 1915-16
1. Z6
Memoranda on establishment of the Ministry, 1915, strikes and disputes, 1915, and the training of munition workers, 1916. History and Administration of Section 7 of the Munitions of War Act, 1915, and of war munitions volunteers, 1916.
2. Z6
Correspondence, memoranda and reports about labour problems, 1915-16.
3. Z6
Correspondence, memoranda and reports about organisation of departmental work and labour supply, 1915-16.
4. Z6
Central Munitions Labour Supply Committee: minutes, 1915-16.
5. LIII227
Correspondence, 1915-16.
5 cont. LIII227
Correspondence, 1915-16.
6. Z6
Memoranda about duties of Board of Trade Staff, 1916.
7. Z3/3, 6
Memoranda and report on dilution of labour, 1915-16.
8. Z6
Notes on the history and activities of the Ministry, 1915-16.
Man-power Distribution Board
9. WW
Correspondence and memoranda about evidence given, 1916.
10. WW
Memoranda of evidence given, 1916.
10 cont. WW
Memoranda of evidence given, 1916.
11. WW
Press-cuttings about first report, 1916.
12. WW
Drafts, office minutes and memoranda about industrial compulsion, 1916.
13. WW
Outline plan for the history of economic organisation of the United Kingdom for War [1918].
Reconstruction papers
14. Z7/1
Draft scheme for post-war demobilisation, and related correspondence, memoranda and reports, 1914. [folios 43-71 and 254-255 missing in original due to misnumbering].
15. Z7/2
Correspondence, office minutes, memoranda and reports about post-war demobilisation of the army and industry, 1916.
15 cont. Z7/2
Correspondence, office minutes, memoranda and reports about post-war demobilisation of the army and industry, 1916.
16. Z7/3
Survey of the position and post-war prospects of trades and industries, 1916.
17. Z8
Notes on functions of Government departments, 1919.
18. Z8
Memorandum on distribution of business and staff at the Board of Trade, 1921.
19. WW
History of the Ministry of Munitions, vols IV (parts 2-4), VI (parts 1-2).
Ministry of Food, 1916-19
20. Z4/1-2
Correspondence, office minutes, memoranda and reports about the establishment of the Ministry and sugar-rationing proposals, 1916-17.
21. Z4/3-8
Office minutes, memoranda and reports about bread and flour rationing proposals, 1917. Includes papers relating to a commission for Relief in Belgium.
22. Z4/4-5
Memoranda and draft reports on the machinery of food rationing, 1916-17.
23. Z4/7
Draft orders and memoranda on the machinery of food rationing, 1916-17.
24. Z4/6
Memoranda on family budgets and adequate diets, 1917.
25. Z3/1
Contribution on Ministry of Food and rationing to Harold Begbies biography of Lord Rhondda, and related correspondence, 1916-19.
26. Z3/2
Correspondence, memoranda and press-cuttings about changes of officials in the Ministry, 1918.
27. WW, Z5
Correspondence, 1916-19.
27 cont. WW, Z5
Correspondence, 1916-19.
28. A4.102 Z8
Memoranda, press-cuttings and other papers relating to peace negotiations and post-war economic prospects, 1918-1921. Also includes evidence of EC Gonner to the Tithe Redemption Committee, 1921.
29. A6.105
Visitors Book (? dates of arrival and departure of Ministry of Food staff).