Series One: Papers of the Economic Section, 1941-1961 (Public Record Office Class T 230)
Part 2: T 230/37-73
"The Economic Section was the first group of professional economists to operate full-time as government advisers in Britain. From 1940 onwards they occupied a key role in the making of economic policy and their views carried great weight with successive governments. The papers of the Section are indispensable to an understanding of the thinking behind government policy, especially budgetary policy, and of the evolution of modern economic management."
Sir Alec Cairncross
Former Chancellor, University of Glasgow
and Supernumerary Fellow, St Anthony’s College, Oxford
Co-Author The Economic Section, 1939-1961 (London, 1989).
Part 2 focuses on the following topics:
- Bretton Woods.
- International Monetary Policy.
- the Economic Surveys of 1946, 1947 and 1948.
- The Long Term Economic Survey 1948-1951.
- Employment policy with minutes and memoranda of the Committee on
Post-war Employment.
There are also a number of good Preview Papers including:
- Iron and steel, by E Akroyd.
- Food and agriculture in a post-transition year, by G L S Shackle.
- First estimate of a total investment programme for 1951 gross fixed investment, by C T Saunders.
- Construction programme 1951, by D Butt.
- Road haulage and public passenger vehicles, by P Chantler.