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Advice Books, Manuals and Journals for Women

Part 4: Sources from the Bodleian Library, Oxford

While Parts 1 and 2 of this project provided over 200 books, pamphlets and short-lived journals, Parts 3 and 4 commence coverage of a number of longer-lived periodicals, which offer insights into the lives and hopes of women in the Victorian and Edwardian eras and their place in family life and the world of work.  These are a rich source for:

  • readers' letters - outlining problems, frustrations and anxieties.
  • women's fiction - ranging from aspirational fiction aimed at girls, to the sensation fiction of the 1860s, and all shades in between.
  • advice and instruction - covering all aspects of women's lives.
  • advertising - what products were promoted to women?
  • fashion - the journals were often illustrated.

Part 4 covers Every Girl's Annual (1878-88); Every Girl's Magazine (1878-88);
The Girl's Empire
(1902-04); Womanhood (1899-1907); The Woman's Library (1903); Woman's work in the great harvest field (1874-84); and Women's Health
and Beauty
(1902-08).  There is much material on education, health, appearance, suitable careers, and 'appropriate' literature.

Women & Victorian Values

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