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Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Advice Books, Manuals and Journals for Women, 1450-1837

Part 6: Sources from the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds

This path-breaking project brings together early women's journals, ephemeral publications and didactic literature.  It will be invaluable for all those studying the history of women, family life, material culture, metropolitan and provincial life, taste, diet, nutrition, and the culinary arts.

Part 6 offers a broad range of titles for the study of household management and domestic economy, 1600-1800, from the renowned collections at the University of Leeds.  Students will be able to use this material in conjunction with later sources offered in Women and Victorian Values Part 6 and Part 7.

There is material concerning:

  • The garden, fruits and flowers, vegetables and bee-keeping.
  • Angling, hunting, curing and preserving.
  • Family structure and the roles played by individuals in the household.
  • Class and the organisation of servants.
  • The kitchen, cookery, daily meals and celebration feasts.
  • Beer, wine, viticulture, brewing and drinks made from fruit.
  • Washing, cleaning and standards of cleanliness.
  • Health, medicines and traditional cures.
  • Pregnancy, child-birth and child-rearing.
Victorian Library

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