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The Papers of Maria Edgeworth, 1768-1849

Part 1: The Edgeworth Papers from the Bodleian Library, Oxford

Catalogue of the Papers of Maria Edgeworth (1768-1849) compiled by Judith Priestman, Mary Clapinson and Tim Rogers

Literary and Educational Papers
MS Eng misc c894
Miscellaneous educational & literary papers of Richard Lovell Edgeworth (henceforth RLE) (c1806-15)
MS Eng misc d1299
Notebook compiled by RLE containing material for Continuation of early lessons and Harry & Lucy (c1806 15)
MS Eng misc 2 notebooks compiled by Mrs Honora Edgeworth
e1459-60 (henceforth Mrs HE) recording her children’s responses to lessons and forming the basis of Practical Education (c1778-9)
MS Eng misc c895 Papers relating to Practical Education (RLE/ Mrs HE/ME) (c1779-85)
MS Eng misc e1461 Incomplete draft of essay "On the Education of the Poor" (ME/RLE) (c1800)
MS Eng misc c896 Notes, drafts and fair copies of published stories and educational works by ME arranged by date of publication:
The Parent’s assistant, The mental thermometer, Essays on Irish bulls, Popular Tales (includes holograph MS of Recueil de Btises by Andr Morellet), Patronage, Comic Dramas, Harrington, Ormond, Frank: a sequel to Frank in Early lessons, Harry & Lucy concluded, and Helen.

Literary and Education Papers
MS Eng misc e1462: Notebook compiled by ME containing material for The parent’s assistant (c1797-8)
MS Eng misc e1463: Notebook compiled by ME containing material for Professional education, Ennui, Tales of fashionable life,and Popular Tales and notes for an unwritten essay on Burke (c1805-7)
MS Eng misc f859: Notebook compiled by ME with additional notes by Harriet Edgeworth (henceforth HarE) containing material for Popular Tales, Travellers Tales, Frank, and Helen. Also, "Meillerie", a poem by ME, and notes for Take for granted, an unwritten novel (c1820-7)
MS Eng misc f860: Notebook compiled by ME containing material for Harry & Lucy concluded, Travellers Tales, Popular Tales, Helen, Frank: A Sequel and Take for granted (c1821-7)
MS Eng misc f861: Notebook compiled for ME by Mary Sneyd (henceforth MSn) containing material for Harry & Lucy concluded (c1823-5)
MS Eng misc e1464: Notebook compiled for ME by HarE containing material for Helen and Take for granted (c1829-30)
MS Eng misc f862: Commonplace Book compiled by ME and others (c1835-8)
MS Eng misc c897: Unpublished stories, plays, verses and notes by ME including notes for an unwritten novel about Ireland; outlines for "A Canterbury Tale", "The Modern Lucretia", "All in the wrong", "Garry Owen", "The life and death of a divorce"; a copy of "The Devil’s thoughts" by S T Coleridge "as read by Davy, 1805"; "Requte Presente Made. Helvetius par ses chats, 1785" by Andr Morellet; "pitre ddicatoire" by Marmontel; and material for Comic Dramas and Harrington (c1800-49)

Literary and Education Papers
MS Eng misc e1465: Fair copy by Andr Morellet of "De L’Esprit de Contradiction" and other items (c1780)
MS Eng misc d1300: Fair copy by Andr Morellet of "Rcit de quelques vnemens qui ont eu lieu Paris au mois de septembre, 1792" (1792)
MS Eng poet d255: Notebook containing verses by [Charles] Sneyd Edgeworth (henceforth CSE) (c1797-1823)
MS Eng poet c83: Fair copy of a poem entitled "Transmigrations of Indur" by CSE with notes by RLE? and ME (1806)
MS Eng poet e190: Play entitled "Remus, A Tragedy", probably by Michael Pakenham Edgeworth, though possibly by Francis Beaufort Edgeworth (c1823-31)
MS Eng poet e187-9: 3 notebooks of Richard Lestock Edgeworth containing drafts of "Onora" or "Inle" etc (c1867-8)
MS Eng misc c898: Literary papers of various members of the Edgeworth family, including Honora Edgeworth, CSE, Michael Pakenham Edgeworth, HarE, Francis Beaufort Edgeworth, Emmeline King (ne Edgeworth) and Richard Lestock Edgeworth. Also, a copy of a poem "Lines written by Mrs Barbauld in her 80th year" (c1787-1868)

Letters of Maria Edgeworth
MS Eng lett c696 Correspondence: ME with her stepmother Frances Anne Edgeworth (ne Beaufort) (Henceforth FAE) (1818-19)
MS Eng lett c697: Correspondence: ME - FAE (1820-1821)
MS Eng lett c698 : Correspondence: ME - FAE (1822-1824)
MS Eng lett c699: Correspondence: ME - FAE (1825-1829)

Letters of Maria Edgeworth
MS Eng lett c700: Correspondence: ME with her stepmother Frances Ann Edgeworth (ne Beaufort) (FAE) (1830-33)
MS Eng lett c701: Correspondence: ME - FAE (1834-1840)
MS Eng lett c702: Correspondence: ME - FAE (1841-1848)

Letters of Maria Edgeworth
MS Eng lett c703: Correspondence: ME with her sister Emmeline King (c1842-7); with her half-brother Lovell Edgeworth (c1818-38); and with her half-brother [Charles] Sneyd Edgeworth (c1807-47)
MS Eng lett c704: Correspondence: ME with Henrica (‘Hariette’) Edgeworth (ne Broadhurst) (wife of [Charles] Sneyd Edgeworth) (c1818-42); and with her half-sister Honora (Beaufort) (c1819-30)
MS Eng lett c705: Correspondence: ME with her half-sister Honora (Beaufort) (c1831-49); and two letters from her half-brother William (1826)

Letters of Maria Edgeworth

MS Eng lett c706 Correspondence: ME with her half-sister Frances ("Fanny" Wilson) (henceforth FW) (1818-29)
MS Eng lett c707 Correspondence: ME - FW (1830-33)

Letters of Maria Edgeworth

MS Eng lett c708: Correspondence: ME - FW (1834-37)
MS Eng lett c709: Correspondence: ME - FW (1838-40)
MS Eng lett c710: Correspondence: ME - FW (1841-44)

Letters of Maria Edgeworth
MS Eng lett c711:
Correspondence: ME with her half-sister Frances ("Fanny" Wilson) ME - FW (1845-49)
MS Eng lett c712: Correspondence: ME with her half-sister Harriet (Butler) (1818-40

Letters of Maria Edgeworth
MS Eng lett c713
Correspondence: ME with her half-sister Harriet (Butler) (1841-49)
MS Eng lett c714 Correspondence: ME with her half-sister Sophy (Fox) (nd, 1830); with her half-sister Lucy (Robinson) and her husband, Thomas Robinson (1820-49); with her half-brother Francis Beaufort Edgeworth (FBE) (c1815-1846); and with Rosa Edgeworth (ne Eroles) (wife of FBE) (1840-46)

Letters of Maria Edgeworth

MS Eng lett c715: Correspondence: ME with her half-brother Michael Pakenham Edgeworth (1819-49)
MS Eng lett c716: Correspondence: ME with Harriet Beaufort (c1820-49); with Francis Beaufort (1820, 1837); with Louisa Beaufort (1822-37); and Daniel Augustus Beaufort (1820)
MS Eng lett c717: Correspondence: ME with her aunt Mrs Margaret Ruxton (1818-25)

Letters of Maria Edgeworth
MS Eng lett c718:
Correspondence: ME with her aunt Mrs Margaret Ruxton (1825-30); with her cousin Margaret Ruxton (1819?-48); and with her cousin Sophy Ruxton (1818-22)
MS Eng lett c719 : Correspondence: ME with her cousin Sophy Ruxton (1823-37); with her aunts Charlotte and Mary Sneyd (1818-21) and with her niece Emmeline Gibbons (ne King) (1838-1849)
MS Eng lett c720: Correspondence: ME - General correspondence arranged chronologically (1805-30)

Letters of Maria Edgeworth

MS Eng lett c721: Correspondence: ME - General correspondence arranged chronologically (1831-49); with papers concerning journeys in England and on the Continent (1818-21); miscellaneous papers; and letters about A memoir of Maria Edgeworth (privately printed, 1867)
MS Eng misc e1466: Letter from [Charles] Sneyd Edgeworth to ME (1815) together with an incomplete chap-book of "Whittington and his cat"
MS Eng misc e1467: Account book of Maria Edgeworth for travels on the Continent (1820-1)
MS Eng lett c722 Correspondence: RLE & ME with their publisher Rowland Hunter (1816, 1825-26); papers regarding the publication of ME’s works and copyright in them
MS Eng lett c722: (1814-48); and miscellaneous correspondence of RLE (1802-17)

Correspondence of Michael Pakenham Edgeworth and his wife

MS Eng lett c723: Correspondence: Michael Pakenham Edgeworth (henceforth MPE) with his mother Frances Edgeworth (1825-39)
MS Eng lett c724: Correspondence: MPE and his wife Christina (ne MacPherson) (henceforth CE) with his mother Frances Edgeworth (1840-64) and joint letters from various members of the family (1836-8)
MS Eng lett c725: Correspondence: MPE with his half-sister Honora (1826-54); and his sister Frances ("Fanny") (c1822-46)

Correspondence of Michael Pakenham Edgeworth and his wife
MS Eng lett c726:
Correspondence: MPE & CE with his sister Harriet (HarE) (1820-37)
MS Eng lett c727: Correspondence: MPE & CE - HarE (1838-48)
MS Eng lett c728: Correspondence: MPE & CE - HarE (1849-57)

Correspondence of Michael Pakenham Edgeworth and his wife
MS Eng lett d529: Correspondence: MPE & CE - HarE (1858-62)
MS Eng lett d530: Correspondence: MPE & CE - HarE (1863-9)

Correspondence of Michael Pakenham Edgeworth and his wife
MS Eng lett c729:
Correspondence: MPE and his sister Lucy (1818-59); his brother Francis Beaufort (1819-46); Rosa, widow of Francis, and her children (1846-54); CE (1846-65); and his daughter Harriet (c1860-5)
MS Eng lett c730: Correspondence: MPE with members of his wife’s family (1848-54); and general correspondence and miscellaneous papers of MPE (1929-66)
[NB Michael Pakenham Edgeworth’s Journals, 1828-67, and sketchbooks, mainly recording his life and career in India both as a member of the Indian Civil Service (1831-81) and Commissioner for the Settlement of the Punjab (1850 onwards), and as a keen etymologist, botanist and observer (Bodleian Library MSS Eng misc d1302-7, e1469-77, and g356) are published as a separate project by Adam Matthew Publications entitled:
India in the Age of Empire:
The Journals of Michael Pakenham Edgeworth (1812-1881) from the Bodleian Library, Oxford

Correspondence of Christina (Mrs M P) Edgeworth
MS Eng lett c731-3: Correspondence: CE to her sister-in-law Harriet (Butler) (1846-57, 1859-61, 1862-68 + nd); and with other members of the family (1846-57, nd)

Correspondence of Christina (Mrs M P) Edgeworth
MS Eng lett c734:
Correspondence of Christina (Mrs Michael Pakenham Edgeworth (CE) with members of her own family (1829-59)
MS Eng lett d531: Correspondence of Harriet J Edgeworth, daughter of MPE and CE, with her grand-mother Frances Anne Edgeworth (c1857-64); her aunt Harriet (Butler) (1857-69); with miscellaneous family papers of MPE and CE

Correspondence of Frances Anne Edgeworth (ne Beaufort, the 4th wife of RLE)
MS Eng lett c735 Correspondence: Frances Anne Edgeworth (henceforth FAE) with her step-son [Charles] Sneyd Edgeworth and his wife Henrica ("Hariette") (1826-38, 1858); with her daughter Frances Maria ("Fanny") (1818-39); and with her step-sons Lovel (1824) and William Edgeworth (1826-28)

Correspondence of Frances Anne Edgeworth (ne Beaufort), the 4th wife of RLE
MS Eng lett 736: Correspondence: FAE with her daughter Harriet (1820-45); with her daughter Sophia ("Sophy") (1825-53); and her daughter Lucy (1826, 1832, nd)
MS Eng lett c737: Correspondence: FAE with her son Francis Beaufort Edgeworth (1819-41) and his wife Rosa (1836, 1846)
MS Eng lett c738: Correspondence: FAE with her family (1818-60)

Correspondence of [Charles] Sneyd Edgeworth and his wife Henrica ("Hariette")
MS Eng lett c739:
Correspondence: CSE and Henrica ("Hariette") (henceforth HenE) with his sister Honora Edgeworth (1818-44)
MS Eng lett c740: Correspondence: CSE and HenE with his step-brother Lovell (1818-35); his brother William (c1825-28); his step-sister Frances Maria ("Fanny") (1820-40, 1846); and his step-sisters Emmeline and Anna Maria and their children (1818-30)
MS Eng lett c741: Correspondence: CSE and HenE with his step-sister Harriet (1821-60); with his step-sister Sophy and her husband, Barry Fox (1825-35); with his step-sister Lucy (1821-58); with his step-brother Francis (1828-39); and other miscellaneous letters (1809-52)

General family correspondence
MS Eng lett c742
Correspondence: Honora Edgeworth (daughter of RLE and Elizabeth Edgeworth ne Sneyd) with her brother William (1821-8); with her step-sister Frances ("Fanny") (1819-39, nd); with her step-sister Harriet and her husband Barry Fox) (1823, 1839); with her step-brother Francis (1819-33); and other miscellaneous letters (1819-50)
MS Eng lett c743 Correspondence: Frances Maria Edgeworth ("Fanny") with her step-brother William (1825-28); her sisters Harriet (1823-48) and Lucy (1821-5); her sister Sophy and her husband Barry Fox (c1820-34); and from Mary and Anna Beddoes and Lovell Edgeworth (1828)
MS Eng c744 Correspondence: Frances Maria Edgeworth ("Fanny") with Francis Beaufort (husband of her step-sister Honora) (1819-28, 1846); with her brother Francis (1819-29); and with other family members (1819-44). Also Fanny’s journal of a tour of England, 1819-20

General family correspondence
MS Eng lett c745: Correspondence: Harriet Edgeworth (HarE) with her brother Francis (1822-26); with her sister Lucy (1821-23); with Harriet Beaufort (1820-25); with Louisa Beaufort (1820-22); with Mrs Margaret Ruxton (1820-22); and with her husband Richard Butler (1816, 1826)
MS Eng lett d532: Correspondence: HarE with Elizabeth MacPherson (1846-55); and with Edward Ford (1868-86)
MS Eng lett 746: Correspondence: Lucy Edgeworth with her brother Francis (1818-46); Sophy Edgeworth, miscellaneous letters (1819-36); Francis Beaufort Edgeworth with his wife Rosa, Sir William Hamilton and others (1817-41). Also a list of Francis’s books (1828); and Sophy’s journal of a tour of Scotland (1823)
MS Eng lett c747: Correspondence: Lovell Edgeworth, miscellaneous letters (1818-26); William Edgeworth, miscellaneous letters (1818-27); and miscellaneous family correspondence and papers (1692, 1762, 1818-69)

Miscellaneous Papers

MS Eng misc b432: Large format papers, including correspondence of Michael Pakenham Edgeworth with his sister Harriet (1833-48) and his mother Frances Anne Edgeworth (1840-7); miscellaneous papers (1803-51); theatre programme for "Old Poz" (c1825); and [Charles] Sneyd Edgeworth’s "Essay on the insane" (c1830)
MS Eng misc c899: Miscellaneous financial and estate papers, 17th - 19th cent.
MS Eng misc c900: Genealogical notes, pedigrees and copies of wills, 18th - 19th cent. Also a memoir of The late Mrs Edgeworth of Edgeworthstown (Privately printed, nd) and articles on Edgeworthstown and Maria Edgeworth form the Art Journal (1849, 1866)
MS Eng misc d1301: Edgeworth pedigree, 19th cent.
MS Eng misc c901: Drawings by various members of the Edgeworth family and others

Miscellaneous papers
MS Eng misc e1468: Portrait on ivory of Harriet Edgeworth by ME
MS Eng misc c902-3: 2 albums of drawings by Charlotte Edgeworth
MS Eng misc a30: Large drawings and silhouette portraits of the Edgeworths with other papers pertaining to the Edgeworth’s house at North Church, Herefordshire, and the career of Michael Pakenham Edgeworth
MSS Photogr g2-4: 3 daguerrotypes of ME
MS Photgr c6: Photographs, mainly of members of the Edgeworth family, 19th - 20th cent.
(NB Some 20th cent. papers relating to the Edgeworths, and facsimiles of manuscripts held in other collections (some of poor quality and many unidentified) have been excluded from this microfilm edition) (Namely MSS Eng misc c904-5 and Ms Facs c98)
MS Facs c99: Calendar of the Edgeworth family correspondence in the Bodleian and the National Library of Ireland, compiled by Mrs C Colvin, and reproduced here with her kind permission

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