Part 1: Eve, 1919-1929
- What happened to the Women’s Movement after partial suffrage was granted in 1918?
- What impact did the loss of almost an entire generation of British males have upon the women of England after the First World War?
- Who was the 'New Woman' and how did she differ from her predecessors?
- How did the advent of electrical household appliances, popular motor cars, lipstick and sun-tan cream change women’s lives?
These questions, and many others, can be explored in Eve, a new pictorial for women launched in 1919. It is breezy and self-confident, deliberately seeking to challenge the status quo. It declares:
"We do not rule out one single emotion or experience as being impossible or improper to any person or set of persons. We are determined to let in the air - to ventilate every corner of our mansion...."