Women's Diaries and Related Sources
Part 3: Sources from Suffolk County Record Office and Cambridge University Library
Add 738
Jane West's Tour in Wales and Ireland, 1810
Add 6230
Harriet Miller's tours in the Alps and Germany, 1856 & seq
Add 6253
Diaries of Jane M Bacon, 1837-1843 and 1846-1851 (13 vols.)
Diaries of Jane M Bacon, 1854-1856 (3 vols.)
Add 6253
Diaries of Jane M Bacon, 1861, 1863-1867 and 1869-1870 (8 vols.)
Add 6445
Mrs Siddons, Mrs Pennington and Sir Thomas Lawrence:
Correspondence, 1798-1803. Letters pasted into one large volume.
Add 7218
Maria S Grey: Correspondence, 1829-1848. (Items 1-200)
Letters to Maria Susannah Grey (d. 1859), a grand-daughter of the 1st Earl Grey, from her family and friends. The writers include her mother Mrs Maria Grey ( née Shirreff) [21 letters]; her aunt Miss Eliza Shirreff ("Goody") [17 letters]; her sister Emily (Mrs Duberly) [25 letters]; her brothers Captain Charles C Grey, RN [40 letters] and William T Grey [27 letters]; her cousins Maria Georgina (Mrs W T Grey) [23 letters] and Emily A E Shirreff [17 letters]; her cousin Charlotte Grey (afterwards Mrs Wilson) [5 letters]; Eugénia, Marquesa das Minas ( née de Souza, daughter of 1st Duke of Palmela) [17 letters]; Theodosia, Lady Monson [3 letters]; and with the above are 16 letters (all but one addressed to Major M R W Duberly), a pedigree and notes relating to the genealogy of the Shirreff and allied families, 1924-1950.
Add 7218
Maria S Grey: Correspondence, 1829-1848.
Items 201-231;
Two un-numbered items;
Items A1-A18 (of which Item A15 appears to be missing from the original.)
Add 7502
Commonplace Book of Anne Webb, 1801-1851.
(formerly Anne Gould, she married Dr W Webb, Master of Clare College, Cambridge).
The volume contains notes, verses, poems, writings and sketches.
Add 7718
Ladies' Pocket Journal or Toilet Assistant for the Year 1799.
Add 7719
Ladies' Pocket Journal or Toilet Assistant for the Year 1804.
Add 8460
Commonplace Book of Elizabeth Lyttleton, c1680.
Poems, Notes, Essays , Other Writings, Epitaphs and Notes on Sermons.
Starts with Sir Walter Rawleiy's Letter to his wife after his Condemnation.
Add 8571
Commonplace Book of Sophia Churchill, Countess of Oxford, 1777-1780.
Poems; Plays; quite a lot of writings in French; recipes; epigrams;
Notes on the death of David Garrick; Notes on Reading Habits; Views on Books.
Ipswich Material
Pocket diary of Catherine Mannock of Giffords Hall, 1814-19
Ips: HA 246/H6/8
Pocket diaries of Miss E A Gideon of Paddington, 1817-18
Ips: HD 298/1-2
Travel diary (Lakes and Scotland) of Ann Gurdon, 1854
Ips: HA 54/1/617
Travel journals of Elizabeth Sarah White, 1858-1878
Ips: HA 244/K/3-11
(3) My first Journal abroad, 1858
(4) Diary, 1865
(5) Journal Abroad, 1865
(6) Journal Abroad, 1868
(7) Journal Abroad, 1871
(8) Journal Abroad, 1873: Visit to Venice and Florence
(9) Journal Abroad, 1877
(10) Journal Abroad, 1878: Paris Exhibition
(11) Journal of Visit to Normandy and Brittany, 1878
Travel journals of Elizabeth Sarah White, 1879-1889
Ips: HA 244/K/12-21
(12) Russian Journal, 1879
(13) Journal, 1880
(14) Journal, 1881
(15) Journal Abroad, 1883
(16) Journal of Visit to Italy, April and May 1886
(17) Journal: Oxford, June 1886
(18) Chronicles of Lingholm, 30 July - 28 October 1886
(19) Journal, c1887
(20) Journal of Visit to Venice, 1888
(21) The Coryton Log, 2 August - 29 October 1889
Travel journals of Elizabeth Sarah White, 1888-1901, with volume for 1846-1852
Ips: HA 244/K/22-25 & 27
(22) Dresden Journal, August - September 1891
(23) Journal of ESW at Venice, 3-7 April 1888
(24) Holiday in Cornwall, 18 August - 24 October 1890
(25) Journal of My Mother, Elizabeth S White, signed by RLW
covering August 1846 - 19 September 1846 and 1 January 1847 - November 1852
with Extracts from Tennyson's "In Memoriam", Obituary and Notes on Death.
(26) Not included. (R E White Diaries, Vols 1-26, 1899-1940)
(27) Diary, 1901: Travels in Europe
Pocket diary of Elizabeth Rope of Fresingfield, 1861-1871
Ips: HD 298/5-9 & 11
(5) Diary and Almanack, 1861
(6) Diary, June - November 1862: Visit to London and Visits to the Exhibition
(7) Diary, January - July 1863
(8) Diary and Almanack, 1866
(9) Diary, April - July 1871
(10) Missing. Diary and Almanack, 1872
(11) Diary of Visit to the Channel Islands, n.d.
Social and local events journal of Anna Maria Roper of Boyton Hall, 1863-5
Ips: HD 641/1 & 2
Pocket diaries of Isabella Brett of Ipswich, 1867, 1872-3
Ips: HA 71/B/1-3
Personal and travel diaries of Fredericia Loraine, 1878 and 1884
Ips: HA 61: 436/448
Personal and travel diaries of Fredericia Loraine, 1885-1890
Ips: HA 61: 436/448
Personal and travel diaries of Fredericia Loraine, 1891-1893;
Almanacks for 1877, 1881-1883 and two further diaries for 1882 and 1883
Ips: HA 61: 436/448
Pocket diary of Henrietta Gurdon, 1879
Ips: HA 54/1/616
Diaries of Juliet Godlee (née Seebohm), wife of the surgeon Sir Rickman John Godlee,
who was related to Lord Lister. Diaries for 1884-1886 (3 vols); there is no volume for 1887.
Ips HA 43: 1051/5: 1449
Diaries of Juliet Godlee (née Seebohm), 1888-1889 (3 vols);
there are two volumes for 1889; there is no volume for 1890.
Ips HA 43: 1051/5: 1449
Diaries of Juliet Godlee (née Seebohm), 1891-1892 (2 vols);
Ips HA 43: 1051/5: 1449
Diaries of Juliet Godlee (née Seebohm), 1893-1898 (6 vols);
Ips HA 43: 1051/5: 1449
Diaries of Juliet Godlee (née Seebohm), 1899-1902 (4 vols);
Ips HA 43: 1051/5: 1449
Diaries of Juliet Godlee (née Seebohm), 1903-1906 (4 vols);
Ips HA 43: 1051/5: 1449
Diaries of Juliet Godlee (née Seebohm), 1907-1910 (4 vols);
Ips HA 43: 1051/5: 1449
Diaries of Juliet Godlee (née Seebohm), 1911-1914 (4 vols);
Ips HA 43: 1051/5: 1449
Diaries of Juliet Godlee (née Seebohm), 1915-1918 (4 vols);
Ips HA 43: 1051/5: 1449
Diaries of Juliet Godlee (née Seebohm), 1919-1922 (4 vols);
Ips HA 43: 1051/5: 1449
Diaries of Juliet Godlee (née Seebohm), 1923-1926 (4 vols);
Ips HA 43: 1051/5: 1449
Diaries of Juliet Godlee (née Seebohm), 1927-1930 (4 vols);
Ips HA 43: 1051/5: 1449
Diaries of Juliet Godlee (née Seebohm), 1931-1934 (4 vols);
Ips HA 43: 1051/5: 1449
Diaries of Juliet Godlee (née Seebohm), 1935-1938 (4 vols);
Ips HA 43: 1051/5: 1449
Diaries of Juliet Godlee (née Seebohm), 1939-1943 (5 vols);
Ips HA 43: 1051/5: 1449
Travel diary (Venice) of Cecilia Hanbury, 1903
Ips: HA 68: 662/385
Bury Material
Travel diaries of Susanna Cullum (6 vols), 1799-1801
Bury: E2/44/62-67
(62) Journey from Hardwick to Normanton, Yorkshire, 1799
(63) Fair copy of opening pages of item (62)
(64) Journey to Normanton and visit there, June-July 1801
(65) Journey from Peterborough to Ely, 13 August 1801
(66) Journey to London, November-December 1800
(67) My sister journal into Yorkshire, 23 June 1801
Travel diaries of Susanna Arethusa (née Cullum), 1822-1830
Bury: E2/44/52-55 (4 vols)
Journal 1822[-24]: "Methusa travels" to Naples, Pompeii,
Florence, Venice and Rome, with sketches; travels to Italy,
Switzerland and Strasbourg
(53) Journal of a tour in Germany, France and Italy, 1 June - 15 July [1830]
(54) Journal of a tour in Germany and Italy, with sketches, starting 25 August 1830
(55) Journal of a tour in Germany and Italy, with sketches, starting 21 September 1830
Travel diaries of Susanna Arethusa (née Cullum), 1829-1831
Bury: E2/44/56-58 (3 vols)
(56) Journal of a tour in Germany and Italy, with sketches, starting 23 October 1830
(57) Journal of a tour in Germany and Italy, with sketches, starting 4-22 May [1831]
Notebook with verses written for Eliza Westrup, Carlsbad, 7 August 1829 and
Tour in Germany, starting 26 June 1830
Travel diary ("Italian notes") of Mary Anne Cullum, 1825-6
Bury: E2/44/59
Travel diary (England and Ireland) of Anne Cullum, 1835-1858
Bury: E2/44/60
Journal written at Plymouth, Bristol and Torquay by Emily Hervey, 1849-50
Bury: 941/62/4
Lowestoft Material
Travel journal of Lady Harriet Walker, 1837
Lowestoft: 1057/3/5
Journal of Agnes Eden. Three weeks tour in Brittany, 1886 and tour in
Scotland, 1888-9
Lowestoft: 869/2/1