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Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Series One: Rare Printed Sources from the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, c1470-1822

Part 2: Sources, 1622-1824

Part 2 makes available the rare printed items dated 1621-1824.  The bulk of the material is, however, for the period 1621-1687.

  • There are works by Paracelsus, Bacmeister, Donatus, Fioravanti, Freytag and van Helmont.  Please see digital guide for a full listing.
  • As with Part 1, there is a concentration of treatises, case studies, accounts of the fate of the individual towns and villages, recipes for treatments and observations of the causes and effects of the Plague.
  • Many items include beautiful woodcut illustrations.
  • There is material for Germany, France, Italy, England, Switzerland and Central Europe.

This microfilm set offers up numerous research possibilities for those looking at pestilence and disease in Early Modern Europe.  It is also clear that significant outbreaks of the Plague continued well into the nineteenth century.

Florence, Italy

Digital Guide
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