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Section I: East Asia Missions

Part 18: Fukien Mission, 1900-1934, Kwangsi-Hunan Mission, 1911-1934, China General, 1935-1951, and South China, 1935-1951

Part 18 comprises a variety of records from different missions in China:

  • Fukien Mission Original Papers, 1930-1934. Précis Books, 1900-1934. Letters from missionaries describe their first impressions, travels in China and the details of their work. The Précis Books provide summaries for the Group Committee.
  • Kwangsi – Hunan Mission Letter Books, Original Papers and Précis Books, 1911-1934. These enable scholars to examine the work of Bishop William Banister and the small group of CMS missionaries in Hangchow, Kweilin and Yungchow.  The Native Church grew steadily and by 1930 full control had moved from the mission to the diocese.  Records on the hospital at Kweilin highlight the work of Dr Charlotte Bacon.
  • General Papers on the CMS China Missions, 1935-1951 These are arranged by subject area and cover the Central Office in Shanghai, tours of various missions, training of CMS missionaries, correspondence with other organisations and details on Sino-Japanese relations.
  • South China Mission, 1935-1951 These papers are subdivided into General Papers, Diocesan Papers and Papers regarding Education.  There are Committee Minutes, reports from missionaries, conference reports, correspondence and lists of new appointments of missionaries.  The Diocesan Papers include reports of the Standing Committee, the Medical Board and relevant Conferences, as well as correspondence from the Diocesan Office and documents on the centenary celebrations.  The material on Education covers the Union Theological College, Union Women’s Hostel and St Hilda’s School Hostel in Canton, as well as St John’s Hall and St Paul’s College in Hong Kong.
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