Section VI: Missions to India
Part 6: North India Mission, 1817-1880
REEL 117
Catalogue to West Asia ( Group 2) Missions Vol 2 North India pp 57-89
C I 1 O 54 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Mrs Annie Jane Briggs, wife of
Rev William Briggs 1877-1878
Letters to the General Secretary regarding work at her seven schools in Mooltan; reports on her schools by school Inspectors and other individuals; details on her visits to zenanas.
C I 1 O 55 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev William Briggs 1870-1878
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his health, his wife’s health and his work; Annual Letters detailing his work in the Mooltan mission.
C I 1 O 56 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
D P Broadway 1843,
Letters to the General Secretary and a journal regarding his evangelistic work; Annual Letters detailing his work in the mission.
C I 1 O 57 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev David Brodie 1867-1874
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work; a journal of an itineration and Annual Letters.
C I 1 O 58 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev James Brown 1869-1877
Reports on a preaching tour with the purpose of converting the Santals and the Hindus; letters regarding his poor health; Annual Letters regarding evangelistic work including statistics relating to the work of the mission; thoughts on a Santali self supporting Church.
C I 1 O 59 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev John Mortlock Brown 1861-1865
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in the mission; a report on an itineration in 1863; Annual Letters giving details on his year’s work; report on the mission station Nanowal.
C I 1 O 60 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Thomas Brown 1822
Letters to the General Secretary re articles needed for the Church Mission Press.
C I 1 O 61 (1-86) Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Robert Bruce 1859-1875
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work, his health, his family; news of the deaths of missionaries; maps sketched by Rev Bruce; reports on the famine in Ispahan, 1870.
REEL 118
C I 1 O 61 (87-139) Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Robert Bruce 1859-1875
An account of an itineration of three months from Amritsar with descriptions of the villages, the inhabitants, the scenery; Annual Letters; financial accounts; a report on the Persian & Famine Relief Committee; an account of a month in the Charmachal? mountains in Persia.
C I 1 O 62 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Julius P Caesar 1849-1853,
Journal of a missionary tour; report on the schools in the mission; Annual Letters; cash account for the mission together with a list of subscriptions and statistics; first report of the Saunpur Church Missionary Association in connection with the CMS, 1849 including reports on schools, medical activities; statistics regarding finances.
C I 1 O 63 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Edwin Carter 1872
A letter to the General Secretary regarding his work in the mission.
C I 1 O 64 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Samuel Carter 1867,
An account of his voyage to India, an Annual Letter detailing his work for the year.
REEL 119
C I 1 O 65 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Elias Champion 1859-1868,
Letters to the General Secretary regarding evangelistic efforts, the ritualistic movement and converts; extracts from his journal written in Benares 1859 and 1861; reports on itinerations, the school and the orphanage; report on his first tour to Dummoh, 1863 and a trek among the Gonds in 1866; report on the mission and the school at Jabulpore; Annual Letters regarding his work and travels round the mission.
C I 1 O 66 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Henry Chapman 1836-1837
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in the mission.
C I 1 O 67 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Paul Chukrabertty 1837
Reports on itinerations undertaken in the mission area.
C I 1 O 68 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
H Clark 1833-1835
Letters to the General Secretary in London regarding his work in the mission.
REEL 120
C I 1 O 69 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Robert Clark 1853-1878
Rev Robert Clark was Secretary of the Punjab Medical Missionary Association and Chairman of the Punjab Native Church Council. Included in the papers are: letters to Major Straith and the General Secretary regarding mission affairs; notes on the possibility of opening a mission at Peshawar with a description of the area; an account of an itineration beyond Amritsar; details of a journey to Ladak and Iskardo with descriptions of the Dalai Lama and monasteries; discussions with the General Secretary regarding “the continuation of mission work through the agency of the natives of the country”; accounts of the deaths of missionaries from dysentery and of the funeral of Dr Elmslie; schedule for a visit from the Bishop to Amritsar in 1875; schedule for a meeting of the first Punjab CMS Native Church Council in April 1877 with a list of delegates and native clergymen; notes on mission schools at Batala; a report on the Amritsar Mission, 1867; Annual Letters describing his work in the mission; an account by two Afghan Christians of a journey from Peshawar to Kafistan.
C I 1 O 70 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Roger Edmund Clark 1859-1861
Rev Roger Edmund Clark taught at Peshawar school. His papers consist of: a letter to the General Secretary, a journal and two Annual Letters.
C I 1 O 71 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Alfred Clifford 1875-1880
Rev Alfred Clifford worked in Calcutta. His papers consist of: four letters to the General Secretary and an Annual Letter describing his first year in India.
REEL 121
C I 1 O 72 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Clement Francis Cobb 1852-1859
Rev Clement Francis Cobb was Principal of Jay Narayan’s Boys’ School in Benares. His papers include: letters to the General Secretary; a history of the college and reports for 1854 and 1857 including financial accounts and lists of subscriptions; an Annual Letter for 1855 and a journal of a visit to Lucknow, 1859.
C I 1 O 73 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Frederick Thomas Cole 1874-1880
Details on the Taljhan schools; reports on his work with the Santals and an Annual Letter describing his work in the mission.
C I 1 O 74 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev William Barry Cole 1861
Report on the Meerut mission, 1861 and an Annual Letter.
C I 1 O 75 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev John Cooper 1862-1863,
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in the mission.
C I 1 O 76 (1-80) Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Daniel Corrie 1815-1834
Rev Daniel Corrie was Archdeacon and Secretary to the Calcutta Auxiliary CMS and Bishop of Madras, 1835-1837. Papers include letters to the General Secretary on all manner of topics regarding his work in Calcutta.
REEL 122
C I 1 O 76 (81-182) Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Daniel Corrie 1815-1834
Rev Daniel Corrie was Archdeacon and Secretary to the Calcutta Auxiliary CMS. His papers include: letters to the General Secretary and the Bishop of Calcutta; reports on mission stations in the Upper Provinces; reports on mission schools; circulars on decisions made by the Calcutta Corresponding Committee; letters from missionaries in the area; proceedings of the CMS in Calcutta.
REEL 123
C I 1 O 76 (183-207) Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Daniel Corrie 1815-1834
Rev Daniel Corrie was Archdeacon and Secretary to the Calcutta Auxiliary CMS. His papers include: letters to the General Secretary; minutes of meetings of the Auxiliary CMS Committee; pamphlet on Native Female Education, 1822; a proposal for a central school for women, 1823; report on the inspection of a Burdwan school, 1822; an account of the hill people of the district of Boglipoor in the province of Bahar.
C I 1 O 77 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev George William Crauford 1824, 1829
Letters to the General Secretary and to Archdeacon Daniel Corrie relating his missionary experiences of the first year in Calcutta, 1829.
C I 1 O 78 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Thomas Cussens 1829,
Letters to the General Secretary regarding mission affairs; report on the mission school for February 1836 and April 1832.
REEL 124
C I 1 O 79 (1-164) Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev George Goring Cuthbert 1845-1861
Rev George Goring Cuthbert was President of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee. His papers include: letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in the Calcutta and Krishnaghur missions; report for August 1846 on the Girls’ School; financial statements for the missions.
REEL 125
C I 1 O 79 (165-425) Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev George Goring Cuthbert 1845-1861
Rev George Goring Cuthbert was Secretary of CMS, Calcutta. His papers include: very frequent letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in the mission; annual mission estimates; letters describing conditions after the Siege of Lucknow during the Indian Mutiny,1857; a description of a journey to the Tinnevelly Missions.
REEL 126
C I 1 O 79 (426-519) Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev George Goring Cuthbert 1845-1861
Journals of visits to the Krishnaghur district, 1846 and1849 with sketches, descriptions of local events, notes on inspections of schools and the development of missionary work; report of an inspection of the Training School at Santipore, 1835; minutes of the Benares Conference Committee of the CMS, 1848; notes on the proposed site for the Punjab mission station.
REEL 127
C I 1 O 79 (520-613) Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev George Goring Cuthbert 1845-1861
Letters to the General Secretary and to the members of the Calcutta Corresponding Committee; discussions regarding the possibility of Mooltan as a mission station; monthly mission reports; report on the Training School at Santipore, 1859.
C I 1 O 80 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Carl Gustav Daeuble 1862-1869,
Rev Carl Gustav Daeuble was Secretary of the CMS Association in Lucknow. His papers include: letters written from the Secundra Orphanage at Agra; an appeal for a mission church at Lucknow; news cuttings regarding the famine in Oudh; Annual Letters re missionary work and the Secundra Orphanage.
C I 1 O 81 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
A M Dallas 1867-1868,
Letters to the General Secretary regarding mission work; a pamphlet on a proposed medical mission at Palampore.
C I 1 O 82 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Charles Davies 1852-1853
Letters to the General Secretary regarding mission work.
REEL 128
C I 1 O 83 (1-75) Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Brocklesby Davis 1859-1869,
Rev Brocklesby Davis was Secretary of the Tract Society and the CMS Education Society in Benares. The papers include: letters to the General Secretary; reports on his work at Benares and Allahabad covering preaching in the bazaar, new school buildings, native Christians and new church buildings; journal of his work for 1859-1863.
REEL 129
C I 1 O 83 (76-141) Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Brocklesby Davis 1859-1869,
Journals for 1864-1879; reports on his itinerations around Benares with descriptions of the difficulties encountered; much on illness in his family; visit by the Government Inspector of Schools; details on his preaching in the bazaar; notes on conferences attended; report on the first Native Church Council held in 1879; Annual Letters for 1861 and 1876.
REEL 130
C I 1 O 84 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Mrs Charlotte Davis 1877
Charlotte was the wife of Rev Henry Davis and worked for the Ladies Association for Promoting the Education of Females in India and the Heathen Countries before her marriage. The papers consist of one letter to the General Secretary.
C I 1 O 85 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Henry Davis 1873-1876
Annual Letters 1873-1876 describing his itinerations and work in the Kirapun mission, Santal district.
C I 1 O 86 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Henry Dunsterville Day 1879
One letter to the General Secretary.
C I 1 O 87 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Thomas Dealtry 1832-1840
Rev Thomas Dealtry was Archdeacon of Calcutta and included are: letters to the General Secretary and to the Archdeacon from native catechists; journal of a visit to Krishnaghur, July 1840.
C I 1 O 88 (1-30) Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev William James Deerr 1820-1845
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in the Burdwan mission; a description of a new sect of the Hindoos; letters to Rev Daniel Corrie; details on a school inspection trip in Culna.
REEL 131
C I 1 O 88 (31-49) Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev William James Deerr 1820-1845
Very long and detailed journals for the 1820s and 1830s describing his work in the Burdwan mission and itinerations with details on local customs and much on his preaching in the bazaar; a general description of the Burdwan and Culna missions; an account of a journey from Burdwan to Bisenpore, Bancora and the coal mines, 1831.
C I 1 O 89 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Felix Justus De Rozario 1837-1879
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in the Augurpara mission; news on the mission school and students; extracts from his journal for 1837, 1843 and 1856; Annual Letters regarding mission schools, preaching and the native Christian congregation; report on the Augurpara Bengalee school; yearly reports on the mission; report on the vernacular schools at Augurpara, 1868.
C I 1 O 90 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
P S D’ Rozario 1832
One letter to the General Secretary regarding his work in the mission.
C I 1 O 91 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev E A Dicken 1844
Two letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in the mission.
C I 1 O 92 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Edmund Downes 1874,
Three letters to the General Secretary concerning his work in the Srinajar mission and two Annual Letters.
C I 1 O 93 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev John Smith Doxey 1876-1877
Two letters to the General Secretary regarding his work at Multan and one Annual Letter, 1877.
C I 1 O 94 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Ernest Droese 1851-1880
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in the Bhaugulpore mission; reports on the Bhaugulpore mission with details on mission premises, schools and the progress of preaching in the local markets; first report of the Bhaugulpore mission school for boys; Annual Letters; information regarding schools for orphans.
REEL 132
C I 1 O 95 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
James Dunsmure 1822, 1832
One letter to Archdeacon Daniel Corrie concerning the Burdwan school; a report on CMS supported schools.
C I 1 O 96 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
George Backhouse Durrant 1876-1880
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in the Lucknow mission; Annual Letters including his first impressions, worries about sickness in the mission, reports on schools, appointment of other staff, itinerant work and work in the out-stations.
C I 1 O 97 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Samuel Dyson 1855-1877
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in the school in the Krishnaghur mission and as Principal of the Cathedral Mission College, Calcutta; reports on meetings to discuss proposals to amalgamate missionary colleges in Calcutta; report on an itineration; report on the mission, 1860 covering a preaching tour and schools; report on the Krishnaghur Mission School, 1863; report on the Cathedral Mission College 1876, 1877 and Annual Letters.
C I 1 O 98 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Herbert B Edwardes 1855-1857,
Two letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in the mission.
C I 1 O 99 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Robert Elliott 1878-1879
One letter to the General Secretary and one Annual Letter regarding his work in the mission.
C I 1 O 100 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
John Price Ellwood 1871-1880
Letters to the General Secretary concerning his mission work in Lucknow and Faizabad; report on the Lucknow mission, 1879 including details on preaching tours, the Native Christian Congregation, Sunday Schools and Zenana Schools; report on the Basti mission, 1879, 1880; Annual Letters with news on the mission schools together with the first report of the Sunday School at Lucknow, 1875.
REEL 133
C I 1 O 101 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Mrs Margaret A Elmslie 1873, 1875,
The wife of Dr William J Elmslie, her papers include: a report on her work at the Girls’ Orphanage, Amritsar and two letters to the General Secretary.
C I 1 O 102 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries, catechists and others
William J Elmslie 1864-1869
Dr Elmslie was a medical missionary at Amritsar in the Punjab for many years. Included are: letters to the General Secretary; a sketch map of the tea plantations in the Palum valley; extracts from his journal on his medical work, 1865; a report written on his work by the Bishop of Calcutta; statistics on how many patients he saw at the Dispensary and a list of ailments attended to for 1865.
C I 1 O 103 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev John James Erhardt 1857-1879
Letters to the General Secretary concerning his work at the Secundra Orphanage, Agra; a report on the German ladies working as Female Agents in the Secundra mission; a report on the schools of the Bhagulpore mission, 1859; Annual Letters.
C I 1 O 104 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Ralph Eteson 1828-1834
Letters to the General Secretary concerning his work at Benares and Chunar; an account of his journey out to India; journals for 1828, 1829, 1831 including descriptions of visits to temples, local religious rites; a review of the Benares mission.
C I 1 O 105 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Henry Fisher 1819,
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in Meerut and the growth of Native Christians.
C I 1 O 106 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Thomas Henry Fitzpatrick 1851-1860,
Letters to the General Secretary concerning his work at Amritsar and his failing health; the first report of the Punjab Mission, January-July 1852; report on the Amritsar mission; Annual Letters with statistics regarding baptisms and the number of Native teachers.
C I 1 O 107 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
T D Forsyth 1874
One letter to the General Secretary regarding his work in the mission.
REEL 134
C I 1 O 108 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
G M Francis 1830-1832
Journals of itinerations, 1830-1832 describing activities such as preaching, inspection of schools and meetings with Brahmans.
C I 1 O 109 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Thomas Valpy French 1850-1877
Letters to the General Secretary giving details of his journey to India and his work in the Dorajat and Lahore missions; reports on the employment of orphans of the famine of 1837/1838 in printing and agriculture; Annual Letters regarding his work, his ill health and journeys to Dera in Afghanistan; a report for his work in 1858; annual reports on the Lahore Divinity School giving details on the progress of the students (Rev Valpy French was Principal of the school); report, 1877 on the suitability of Multan and Jhelum as new missions. He was made Bishop of Lahore.
C I 1 O 110 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Charles Friend 1828-1829
Letters to the General Secretary and to Archdeacon Daniel Corrie describing his journey out to India and his work in Chunar; notes on a journey from Calcutta to Benares, 1828 and a journal for January to April 1829.
C I 1 O 111 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Mrs Amalie Fuchs 1878
One letter to the General Secretary regarding her work.
C I 1 O 112 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev John Fuchs 1847-1877
Letters to the General Secretary describing his safe arrival in Benares and his work at the mission; journals and Annual Letters giving details of his work,
REEL 135
C I 1 O 113 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Dormer Fynes-Clinton 1859-1860
Two letters to the General Secretary regarding his work.
C I 1 O 114 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Thomas Joseph Gaster 1857-1863
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in Agra; journals for 1857-1858 and a very long, fascinating journal, 1860 describing a missionary tour from Agra to Khundowlee, giving vivid accounts of his journey on a cart ‘shigrum’ and the living conditions encountered in the villages; Annual Letter, 1859.
C I 1 O 115 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Bernard Geidt 1847-1861
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in Burdwan; accounts of his itinerations with statistics on the number of people baptised, the native teachers, communicants and the number of schools and scholars; journal of a trip from Burdwan to Calcutta and a missionary tour to the north of Burdwan in 1857 and in 1859 describing the effects of a cholera outbreak and how the villages are “wholly given to idolatry”; report for the mission, 1847; journal of 1849 describing preaching, vernacular schools and itinerations; reports for the Burdwan mission, 1850-1862 with details on preaching, itinerating, vernacular schools, the orphan boys’ school and expenses; Annual Letters for 1856, 1858 and 1861 giving statistical returns and much detail on itinerations.
C I 1 O 116 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Bhola Nath Ghose 1878
Bhola Nath Ghose was a native pastor in Calcutta. Included is his account of mission work in Narwal, 1878.
C I 1 O 117 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others Rev Frederick Gmelin 1860-1878
Letters to the General Secretary describing his work in Calcutta and then in Krishnaghur where he was Inspector of Schools; a printed leaflet with proposals for the establishment of a CMS Normal Training School at Krishnaghur followed later in the papers by a account of a conference with the teachers of the school; a report, 1862 on the schools in the Krishnaghur Rural District and his thoughts on ways to improve the schools with statistics; reports on the Krishnaghur mission, 1864-1867 with details on the vernacular, normal and Christian schools, training institutions, pastoral work, literary work and zenana work; Annual Letters 1868 and 1872-1876 with much detail on the schools in the mission.
REEL 136
C I 1 O 118 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Sir Frederic John Goldsmid 1874
Three letters to the General Secretary regarding his work.
C I 1 O 119 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Malcolm George Goldsmith 1873-1874
Rev Goldsmith was Assistant Minister at Christ Church in Calcutta. Included are his Annual Letters for 1873 and 1874 giving his first impression of the work.
C I 1 O 120 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev George Maxwell Gordon 1872-1878
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in Julfa, Ispahan and Lahore; description of a tour, 1875 to the Jhelum district to explore the suitability of a new mission; journals, 1876 and 1877; Annual Letters describing his work for 1874 and 1876, 1877; a printed account of “Jhelum Itinerancy”, a four to five year programme of itinerancy to extend the work of the mission; a printed journal for 1877.
C I 1 O 121 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Mrs Lydia Greaves 1871
One letter to the General Secretary regarding her work in Barrackpore.
C I 1 O 122 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Richard Pearson Greaves 1857-1869
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work at the Cathedral Mission College, Calcutta; a report,1863 on Chupa and Kapurchunga missions; Annual Letter for 1869.
C I 1 O 123 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
J Greenfield 1848, 1850
Two letters to the General Secretary and a report,1848 regarding his work at the Goruckpore Christian School.
C I 1 O 124 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev William Greenwood 1824
Two letters to the General Secretary regarding his work.
C I 1 O125 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev George Thomas
Marsden Grime 1874
Two letters to the General Secretary regarding his work.
C I 1 O 126 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev John Grisdale 1871
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in Calcutta.
C I 1 O 127 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev John Haeberlin 1833-1835,
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in Krishnaghur and Calcutta; journals for 1833-1835; a printed report on the possibility of starting a mission in the Saugor and Nerbudda territories in Central India.
C I 1 O 128 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Henry Monck
Mason Hackett 1878-1879
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in Benares; Annual Letter, 1879; a report on Jay Narayam’s College.
C I 1 O 129 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Thomas Edward Hallett 1859-1860
Letters to the General Secretary regarding the Santhal mission; journals for 1860 with statistics on schools in the mission.
C I 1 O 130 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev William Handcock 1863-1866
Letters to the General Secretary regarding his work in the Peshawar mission; extracts from journals; description of an itineration in Afghanistan; report on a second Summer in Cashmere, 1865; Annual Letter for 1864.
C I 1 O 131 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Bhim Hansda 1879
Letters to the General Secretary from the native pastor of Talphari.
C I 1 O 132 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev John Mothu Mohan Hasava 1854
Journal of the native catechist, 1859.
C I 1 O 133 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Samuel Hasell 1847-1860,
Reports and journals for the Nirzapore mission, Calcutta.
REEL 137
C I 1 O 134 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Robert Hawes 1842-1847
Letters to the General Secretary ; reports on the mission work and schools in the Juanpur mission; journals of itinerations; a list of subscribers to the benevolent fund for orphans and other destitute children.
C I 1 O 135 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
W H Haycock 1844-1846
Letters to the General Secretary regarding work in the mission.
C I 1 O 136 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Dietrich Hechler 1846-1849,
Letters to the General Secretary, journals and reports on the Benares, Chunnar and Calcutta missions.
C I 1 O 137 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
J A Henry 1836-1840
Letters to the Bishop of Calcutta and to the General Secretary regarding the Calcutta mission.
C I 1 O 138 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Thomas Robinson Hodgson 1876-1879
Letters to the General Secretary and Annual Letters regarding the Agra and Jabalpur missions.
C I 1 O 139 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Augustus Frederick
Rudolf Hoernle 1867-1880
Letters to the General Secretary regarding mission work.
REEL 138
C I 1 O 140 Original Papers
Letters, journals and papers
of individual missionaries,
catechists and others
Rev Christian Theophilus
Hoernle, father of the above 1837-1880
Letters to the General Secretary regarding work in the Agra and Meeruth missions; reports on a missionary tour to Maltra and Goverdham, 1842 and from Secundra, Agra to Bindrabund School, 1845; report on the Orphan Boys Institution in Secundra, Agra and the mission, 1843-1847-1848, the one for 1845 containing letters written by some of the boys; reports on his work, 1844,
1851-1854; 19th report of the Meeruth mission, 1865 with statistics on the congregation; Annual Letters for the 1850’s to 1880; a printed appeal on behalf of the church at Annfield in the Dehra Doon by John Pratt, Archdeacon, 1868 and a printed proposal for the erection of a church at Meeruth, 1865.