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Diaries and Related Records Held at the British Library, London

Part 3: Diaries and related records describing life in India, c.1861-1889

Here we make available a further 80 diaries offering an extraordinarily rich and diverse series of accounts of life in India during the Raj.  Part 3 features:

  • Diaries of Sir Frederick William Richards Fryer describing his daily life in the Punjab and Burma, 1865-1880
  • Major Croker’s journals and photographs of his hunting trips in the Kashmir and the Punjab, 1846-1864
  • Descriptions of the daily life and missionary activities of Sarah Ann Fitzgibbon, wife of Lt Richmond Fitzgibbon of the Madras Army, 1864-1876
  • A journal of one year as a schoolmistress in Calcutta by Annette Beveridge, wife of Henry Beveridge of the Indian Civil Service
  • A description by H A K Wright of his first years in India as a coffee planter
  • An account of the siege of Kohima, Assam, 1879 by Mrs Cawley, wife of George John Cawley, District Superintendent of Police
  • Letters from Lillian Lawrence in India to her parents, describing vividly her experiences
  • Colonel George Stuart White’s diary of the Burma campaign, 1886-1887

These eyewitness accounts are excellent sources for all those studying the culture, literature and history of the Raj. They offer good evidence on the significant changes taking place in India in the second half of the nineteenth century.

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