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Part 1: Jamaica, c1765-1848: The Taylor and Vanneck-Arcedekne Papers from Cambridge University Library and the Institute of Commonwealth Studies,
University of London

The Taylor and Vanneck-Arcedekne Papers from Cambridge University Library

(Reels 1-7)





Typescript Handlist (4pp)

VANNECK – ARC/3A: Correspondence and Papers of West Indian Agents, c1765-1848.

(material organised chronologically by date)

Simon Taylor (Correspondence and Papers for 1765-1781)

1765 - items 1-18

1767 - items 1-20

1768 - items 1-12

1769 - items 1-12

1770 - items 1-12

1771 - items 1-9

1773 - items 1-40

1774 - items 1-13

1775 - items 1-16

1781 - items 1-31


Simon Taylor (Correspondence and Papers for 1782-1788)

1782 - items 1-49

1783 - items 1-43

1784 - items 1-2

1786 - items 1-25

1787 - items 1-20

1788 - items 1-29


Simon Taylor (Correspondence and Papers for 1789-1793)

1789 - items 1-31

1790 - items 1-49

1791 - items 1-23

1792 - items 1-19

1793 - items 1-34


Simon Taylor (Correspondence and Papers for 1794-1800)

1794 - items 1-23

1795 - item 1

1796 - items 1-22

1797 - item 1

1798 - items 1-33

1799 - items 1-26

1800 - items 1-26


Simon Taylor (Correspondence and Papers for 1801-1813)

1801 - items 1-34

1803 - items 1-4

1811 - item 1

1812 - item 1

1813 - item 1

J Shand, Thomas McCornock and William Winton (Correspondence and Papers for 1813-1848)

1813 - item 2

1814 - item 1

1815 - item 1

1818 - item 1

1823 - item 1

1832 - item 1

1834 - item 1

1835 - item 1

1848 - items 1-2

VANNECK – ARC/3B: Correspondence and Papers on West Indian Business,

from London Agents, Long, Drake & Long and others, c1779-1848.

(223 items, organised chronologically by date)

Correspondence and Papers for c1779-1798

nd - item 1

1779 - items 1-4

1780 - items 1-5

1784 - items 1-2

1791 - item 1

1792 - item 1

1794 - item 1

1796 - item 1

1797 - item 1

1798 - items 1-51


Correspondence and Papers for 1799-1848

1799 - items 1-67

1802 - item 1

1803 - items 1-33

1804 - items 1-24

1805 - items 1-5

1811 - item 1

1815 - items 1-2

1816 - items 1-3

1817 - items 1-11

1820 - items 1-7

1848 - items 1-2


VANNECK – ARC/3C: Accounts and Papers on West Indian Business,

from West Indian Agents and London Agents, 1772-1848.

(65 items, comprising one large bundle of papers)


These items relate to:

Long, Drake & Co

Long, Drake & Long

Simon Taylor

Long & Dawkins

Thomas McCornock

William Beckford

William Winton

(Please note that some Accounts are found with the correspondence in 3A and 3B)

VANNECK – ARC/3D: Correspondence of John Renwick, Captain of Ships sailing to Jamaica, writing to Chaloner Arcedekne.

(24 items)



Letters of Robert Taylor to Chaloner Arcedekne on disagreement between

John Renwick and Simon Taylor, and Renwick’s giving up management of shipping, 1803.

(5 items)

Letter of 29 November 1804: Robert Taylor to Chaloner Arcedekne on share in new ship

‘Forty Second’.

(1 item)


VANNECK – ARC/3F: Legal Papers: Jamaican Business

comprising depositions and other records; the final item is a copy of the report on the case of Arcedekne v Beeston Long concerning slaves on Jamaican estates, February 1821.

(18 items)

VANNECK – ARC/3G: Miscellaneous Papers: Jamaican Business

including pamphlets and observations on plantation life, negro slaves in Jamaica, property in West Indies, c1761-1799, as well as a list of salaries of ‘White people’ on Arcedekne’s Jamaica estate, nd, and a letter with an opinion on Simon Taylor’s management of Jamaican business.

(8 items)

The Taylor Family Papers from the Institute of Commonwealth Studies,

University of London (Reels 8-17)



I Simon Taylor Letter Books

I A-I (468 items

July 1779-July 1785,

December 1797-May 1801,

August 1801-January 1806,

March 1806-June 1808


I Simon Taylor Letter Books

I J - April 1810-May 1812

(56 items)

At the end of the last volume there are lists of stock on Golden Grove Estate and on Batchelor Hall - January 1809-January 1810

(3 items)

II Sir John Taylor’s Letter Books and Letters

II A Copies by Sir John Taylor of letters from Simon Taylor - March 1771-December 1782

(66 items)

II B Copies by Sir John Taylor of letters to Simon Taylor - February 1779-August 1784

(57 items)


II C Original Letters from Sir John Taylor while in Jamaica to Simon Taylor - January 1784,

(11 items) - May 1785- July 1785

II D Miscellaneous - September 1777, 1784?, nd

(3 items)


III Lady Elizabeth Haughton Taylor

III A Lady Taylor to Simon Taylor - October 1792-July 1805

(20 items)

III B Simon Taylor to Lady Taylor - July 1786-December 1797

(39 items)

III C Miscellaneous letters and documents - August 1793-February 1822

(8 items)

IV Neil Malcolm

IV A Neil Malcolm to Simon Taylor - March 1793-September 1794

(10 items)

IV B Simon Taylor to Neil Malcolm - February 1788-May 1794

(9 items)

V Correspondence between Richard Brissett and Simon Taylor

and Charles and William Mitchell - September 1789-July 1790

(10 items)

VI Simon Richard Brissett Taylor

VI A Simon Richard Brissett Taylor to Simon Taylor - August 1792-November 1812

(113 items)


VI B Correspondence with Robert Taylor - October 1798-January 1812

(15 items)

VI C Miscellaneous letters - June 1798-June 1814

(13 items)

VII  Anna Susanna Taylor

VII A  Simon Taylor to Anna Susanna Taylor - April 1787-March 1810

(24 items)

VII B Reports on her estates from John Cooper - January 1835-April 1835

(4 items)

VIII George Watson Taylor

VIII A George Watson Taylor to John Shand - September 1815-May 1818

(12 items)

VIII B John Shand to George Watson Taylor - August 1815-July 1819

(36 items)

VIII C George Watson Taylor to others

on behalf of John Shand - September 1816-October 1816

(3 items)

VIII D George Watson Taylor to William Shand - January 1816-August 1819

(24 items)

VIII E William Shand to George Watson Taylor - January 1819-March 1824

(14 items)

IX Elizabeth Taylor Mayne and William Mayne

IX A Simon Taylor to Elizabeth Taylor Mayne - March 1798

(1 item)

IX B Elizabeth Taylor Mayne to Simon Taylor - October 1797-August 1808

(13 items)

IX C William Mayne to Simon Taylor - July 1804-December 1805

(3 items)

IX D William Mayne to Robert Taylor - October 1811

(1 item)


X Robert (Bontine) Graham and Anne Taylor Graham

X A Robert Graham to Simon Taylor - April 1774-November 1797

(117 items)

X B Robert Graham to Sir John Taylor - March, June 1786

(2 items)

X C Miscellaneous - October 1778- December 1797

(5 items)

X D Anne Graham - February, March 1779

(2 items)

XI Nicol Graham

XI A Nicol Graham to Simon Taylor - April 1793-December 1808

(23 items)

XI B Miscellaneous - December 1804

(1 item)

XII Martha Graham Spiers

XII A Martha Graham Spiers to Simon Taylor - November 1792-October 1812

(47 items)

XII B Alexander Spiers to Simon Taylor - July 1807, nd

(2 items)


XIII Robert Taylor

XIII A Robert Taylor to Simon Taylor

Letters 1-200 - December 1791-June 1804

(200 items)



XIII A Robert Taylor to Simon Taylor

Letters 201-327 - July 1804-June 1813

(126 items)

XIII B Simon Taylor to Robert Taylor - July 1794- January 1813

(36 items)

XIII C William McCulloch to Robert Taylor

Copied or sent on to Simon Taylor - January 1801-January 1805

Plus one letter from William McCulloch to Simon Taylor - March 1803

(25 items)

XIII D Miscellaneous - November 1797-May 1816

(7 items)



XIV John Taylor

XIV A John Taylor to Simon Taylor - June 1781-February 1810

(198 items)

XIV B Simon Taylor to John Taylor - July 1794-February 1797

(7 items)

XIV C Miscellaneous

(3 items) - September 1790, December 1798,June 1802

XV Thomas Fry of St John’s College, Oxford

XV A Thomas Fry to Simon Taylor - August-October 1770

(3 items)

XV B Thomas Fry to Simon Taylor - August 1770


XVI Richard Grant

XVI A Richard Grant to Simon Taylor - November 1793-February 1810

(40 items)

XVI B Simon Taylor to Richard Grant - October 1793-March 1796

(18 items)

XVI  C Miscellaneous

(3 items) - August 1794,

December 1760, nd



XVII George Hibbert

XVII A George Hibbert to Simon Taylor - August 1791-June 1809

(92 items)

XVII B Miscellaneous

(3 items) - April 1796, September 1805, May 1816

XVIII William Sleigh

XVIII A William Sleigh to Simon Taylor - August 1794-January 1796

(4 items)

XVIII B Simon Taylor to William Sleigh - November 1794-October 1795

(3 items)

XIX Tharp Family

XIX A John Tharp to Simon Taylor - February 1791-March 1801

(10 items)

XIX B Miscellaneous

(3 items) - August 1790, July 1792, August 1797

XX Miscellaneous

XX A Letters to Simon Taylor - July 1782-February 1789, nd

(6 items)

XX B Letters from Simon Taylor - March 1785-September 1787

(10 items)

XX C Miscellaneous - November 1796

(2 items)

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