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The African Times & Orient Review, 1912-1914, 1917-1918 and the African Colonizer, 1840-1841

Edited by Duse Mohamed and published monthly The African Times & Orient Review covers Politics, Literature, Art and Commerce. A striking illustrative design by Walter Crane depicting Concordia dominates the cover page.

Volume 1 No 1, London, July 1912 proclaims that "the recent Universal Races Congress, convened in the Metropolis of the Anglo-Saxon world, clearly demonstrated that there was ample need for a Pan-Oriental Pan-African journal in the seat of the British Empire". This first issue contains articles on the Negro Conference at the Tuskegee Institute, the report of the First Universal Races Congress, and sections on Morocco, East Africa, Uganda, Oriental Mails and Shipping. Other early issues include much material on Japan, Black Studies, Racial Issues and the Need for Inter-racial Unity, Africa, Trade and Commercial Interests. Much emphasis is placed upon promoting the common fundamental interests of white and coloured peoples. Above all, it is a newspaper produced by coloured people reflecting their opinions and stating their aims and desires.

The financial and commercial section provides shipping information, market prices and an African produce report.

From 24 March 1914 a new series starts and The African Times and Orient Review appears on a weekly basis. It contains comments and opinions from correspondents in all parts of the world - Turkey, Albania, Asia Minor, Egypt, British East Africa, Uganda, Zanzibar, the South African Dominion, Nigeria, Togoland, the Gold Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Gambia, the West Indies, the United States, Brazil, Panama, British Guiana, Haiti, Ceylon, India, the Malay States, China and Japan.

Unfortunately no issues were published in 1915 and 1916. The journal then reverts to a monthly publication in 1917.

The African Colonizer, 1840-1841 is largely concerned with trade, European Colonial power blocks and the need for a greater dissemination of information. The first issue sets out the aims of this journal as "a source of information useful alike to emigrants, scholars and politicians, merchants and philanthropists..." The introductory piece states "This journal is published, not only under a strong impression that the affairs of Africa, generally, are of deep concern to Great Britain, but, under a still stronger conviction that some of the most dearly cherished British interests will incur the greatest hazard, if steps be not speedily taken to enlighten and rouse the public respecting British Africa in particular".

Subjects covered include the West African Gum Trade, the Slave Trade, Fine Woolled Sheep, Emigration, the Caffre War of 1834-5, the Colonial Office System, South Africa, the Aborigines Protection Society, Sierra Leone and regular shipping intelligence in each issue.

There is much criticism of British Colonial Government and frequent demands for improved and more civilized conditions. The introductory piece in the first issue contains the following assessment: "In short the British possessions in Africa, form an important part of that continent; and whilst their prosperity is dependent, in many respects, upon the general progress of the whole continent, that prosperity is likely to be more lasting and blessed, if the natives of the less favoured regions derive from us support and assistance to work out their own freedom and civilization".

The African Colonizer starts as a weekly publication and then becomes fortnightly appearing every alternate Saturday.

These journals provide excellent sources for African History, Empire Studies, US History and World History.

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