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Part 2: Publications and Reports of Anti-Slavery International and predecesors, 1880-1979


1880: Slave Trade in Egypt, the Soudan and Equatorial Africa, Colonel Gordon
1885: Scandals at Cairo in Connection with Slavery, ASI
1880s: Increase of the Slave Trade in the Soudan under Mahdiism, ASI
1889: Slavery and the Slave Trade, J Eastoe Teall
1890: The Slave Trade Conference at Brussels and the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, ASI
1890: The British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society and the Liquor Traffic in Africa, ASI
1891: Slave Trade in Morocco, ASI
1891: The Hiring of Slaves by British Officials, ASI
1892: Tripoli, Tunis, Algeria and Morocco, Henry Gurney & Charles H Allen
1892: Mombasa-Victoria Railway Survey, ASI
1894: What is Great Britain Doing to Suppress Slavery and the Slave Trade?, Chas H Allen
1895: How We Countenance Slavery, J A Pease
1896: The Ameer of Afghanistan and the Kafirs of the Hindu-Kush, ASI
1897: A Brief Account of the Results of Granting Compensation to the West India Slave Holders, J Eastoe Teall
1897: Slavery in British East Africa, John H Harris
1898: Resignation of the Secretary Mr Chas H Allen, FRGS, ASI
1899: The Duty of Great Britain in the Matter of Slavery in British Protectorates in Africa, Robert N Cust
c1900: How to Organize an Auxiliary, ASI
1900: Sixty Years Against Slavery 1839-1899, ASI
1900: Slavery and its Substitutes in Africa, H R Fox Bourne
1900: Blacks and Whites in South Africa: An Account of the Past Treatment and Present Condition, H R Fox Bourne
1900: The Liquor Traffic in Africa, H R Fox Bourne

1902: Punitive Expeditions in Africa, H R Fox Bourne
1902: Resignation of Chas H Allen, Honorary Secretary and Joseph Allen, Treasurer, ASI
1903: Native Labour in South Africa: A Public Report of a Meeting, ASI
1903: Forced Labour in British South Africa: Notes on the Conditions and Prospects of South Africa, H R Fox Bourne
1909: The Native Question of South Africa, Earl of Selborne
1909: The Amalgamation of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society and the Aborigines Protection Society, ASI
1909: The Christian Church and the Congo Question, John H Harris
1909: What is Slavery?, Lord Cromer
1910: Coolie Labour: The Indian Recruiting Ground, ASI
1910: The Peruvian Rubber Crime, John H Harris
1910: A Memorandum upon the San Thome-Angola Slave Trade and Slavery, Travers Buxton
1911: No 1 Report of J H Harris to the Committee of the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society, John H Harris
1911: Domestic Slavery in Southern Nigeria, John H Harris
1911: Cocoa Production in West Africa, John H Harris
1911: Present Conditions in the Congo, John H Harris
1911: A Plea for an Industrial Mission on the Congo, John H Harris
1912: Slavery in West Africa. Portuguese Revelations, J P de Carvalho
1913: The Putumayo, Justice S Eady
1913: British Colonial Administration. Memorandum to Lewis Harcourt, MP, ASI
1913: Portuguese Slavery - Debate in the House of Lords, ASI
1913: Memorandum on Portuguese Slavery, ASI
1913: Portuguese Slavery, John H Harris
1914: Portuguese Slavery: Britain's Responsibility. Letter to Sir Edward Grey, ASI
1914: Britain's Dilemma in the New Hebrides. Memorandum to Sir Edward Grey, ASI
1914: An Appeal to H M G to Proclaim Liberty for 185,000 Slaves in German East Africa, ASI
1914: British East Africa Back to Slavery an Appeal to L Harcourt MP, ASI
1914: An Appeal to The Parliament and People of Great Britain, the Dominions and the Dependencies, ASI
1914: The Challenge of the Mandates, John H Harris c1914. A Debt of Honour, ASI
1915: Are We a Logical People? Native Races and the Great War, Sir Harry Johnston
1915: Synopsis of Five Years Work, ASI
1915: Portuguese Contract Labour, Lord Cromer
1915: Ceylon-Extracts from Instructions issued by the Inspector General of Police, ASI
1916: Riots and Disturbances in Ceylon, ASI
1916: General Botha's Native Land Policy, John H Harris
1916: Native Races and Peace Terms, John H Harris
1916: Paying Britain's War Debt by Easy Methods, John H Harris
1917: Native Races and Peace Terms Memorial from the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society, ASI
1917: British Africans in Europe and the Work of the Welfare Committee, Committee WAE
1917: The Future of Rhodesia, Ethel Colquhoun Jollie
1917: Slavery in Europe - A Letter to Neutral Governments, ASI
1917: The Ceylon Disturbances, ASI
1918: The Black Slaves of Prussia, Frank Weston

1918: Peace and Colonial Reconstruction, John H Harris
1918: A New Colonial Era for Dependencies 'Possession' or 'Trusteeship', John H Harris
1918: The Struggle for Native Rights in Rhodesia, Leslie Scott
1918: South Africa: A Golden Opportunity, John H Harris
1918: The Greatest Land Case in British History - The Struggle for Native Rights in Rhodesia, John H Harris
1919: A Draft Colonial Mandate submitted to the Commission on Mandates, ASI
1919: The Fight for Vegetable Oils, John H Harris
1919: An Empire Insurance Society, Sir H Johnston
1920: The Serfs of Great Britain, Rev Frank Weston
1920: Mr Podsnap and the Sacred Trust, New Statesman
1920: An African at the Bar of Justice, John H Harris
1920: An African Appreciation of the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society, C E May
1920: The Colonial Office and Native Policy, John H Harris
1920: Labour in British East Africa (Is It Synonymous to Slavery?) - Memorandum to Lord Milner, ASI
1921: Abuses in North Borneo, ASI
1921: Child Slavery in Hong Kong, Anti Mui Tsai Society
1921: Back to Slavery?, John H Harris
1921: Child Slavery in Hong Kong, Haslewood
1921: British African Commerce, John H Harris
1922: Slave Trading and Slave Owning in Abyssinia, Dyce-Sharp
1923: African Land: Memorandum from Society to Duke of Devonshire with Reply, ASI
1923: The Bondel Massacre, John H Harris
1923: A Punitive Expedition under the League of Nations, New Statesman
1923: The League and the Bondelswart Massacres (New Statesman), Sydney Olivier
1923: Flogged to Death: A Shocking Case from Kenya, John H Harris
1923: L'Esclavage en Abyssinie, Dr G Montandon
1923: Slavery the League of Nations: The Appeal, ASI
1923: Slavery and the League of Nations, E F L Wood
1923: Slavery and the Obligations of the League of Nations, John H Harris
1924: British Justice and Native Races, John H Harris
1924: Floggings to Death: South Africa's Test Cast, John H Harris
1925: Correspondence, Abyssinian Raids and Incursions into British Territory, Secretary of State Foreign Affairs
1925: The Exploitation of the Coloured Man, C Roden Buxton
1925: The Mandatory System After Five Years' Working, John H Harris 1925: Portuguese-African Labour Conditions, John H Harris
1925: Slavery, Lord Cecil Chelwood
1925: The Abolition of Slavery - Appeal to the League of Nations, ASI
1925: Slavery Today, Travers Buxton
1926: Backward Races : An International Charter, John H Harris
1926: Native and Colonial Labour in 1926, ILO / ASI
1926: Freeing the Slaves, John H Harris
1926: Abolition of Slavery in Nepal, ASI
1926: Slavery and the League of Nations, J St Loe Strachey
1927: The Five Years of South Africa, Lord Olivier
1927: Plight of the Portuguese Colonies, John H Harris
1927: Native Legislation in Southern Rhodesia An Appeal to the British Parliament, ASI
1927: The Cry of the Slaves, John H Harris
1927: Speech by Lt Col Sir Edward Grigg - Governor of Kenya, E Grigg
1927: Forced Labour - An Appeal to the ILO, ASI
1928: Slavery : Abyssinia/Sudan: Letter from Sir Austen Chamberlain, A Chamberlain
1928: The Challenge to Trusteeship, John H Harris
1929: The Australian Aborigines : A Noble-Hearted Race, Rev CEC Lefroy
1929: The British Trust in Africa, Lord Olivier
1929: An 'Acid Test' of Empire Policy Rhodesia's Land Proposals, John H Harris
1929: Slavery in Hong Kong, John H Harris
1929: Native Labour in Papua, Sir J Hubert Murray
1930: Ten Years' Working of the Mandatory System, Lord Lugard
1930: Britain's Lead against Slavery, Lady Kathleen Simon
1930: The Challenge of Kenya, John H Harris
1930: Slavery in Liberia, John H Harris
1930: Slave Trading in China, John H Harris
1930: A World 'Native' Policy, John H Harris
1930: Slave Markets, Joseph Kessel
1930: The Girl Slaves of China, L Forster
1930: Home for Freed Slave in China : An Appeal, M M Dymond
1931: Memorandum to Lord Stanley of Alderley, ASI
1931: Liberian Slavery : The Essentials, John H Harris
1931: Anti-Slavery Centenary Slavery Debate in the House of Lords, ASI
1931: Anti-Slavery & Aborigines Protection Society, ASI
1932: The Liberian Dilemma, Edwin Barclay
1932: The League and Slavery, John H Harris
1932: Slavery : World Abolition : Speeches, Chelwood & Simon
1932: An Appeal by the Leaders of the Churches - The Anti-Slavery Centenary - the Task Before Civilisation, ASI
1932: The Aborigines of Australia - A Plea for the Remnant, Rev CEC Lefroy
1932: Slavery in Abyssinia, Noel-Buxton
1932: Abolition of Slavery - British Plans Accepted, John H Harris
1932: Slavery : World Abolition, John H Harris
1932: Slavery in Abyssinia, Lord Noel-Buxton

1933: The 'Middle Passage' Today, Nautical Magazine
1933: The Centenary of the Abolition of Slavery within British Possessions, ASI
1933: Five Millions of Slaves still in the World!, ASI
1933: Slavery its Widespread Existence, C Roden Buxton
1933: Wilberforce and Slavery, Archbishop of York
1933: Slavery - Centenary of Abolition and Emancipation, The Spectator
1933: Slavery in Abyssinia : Progress of Reform, Lord Noel-Buxton
1933: Slavery and the Churches, ASI
1933: In Honour of Wilberforce, ASI
1933: 'Slavery' A Centenary Pageant Play, Edwards & Barrett
1933: Slavery in Arabia, Eldon Rutter
1933: The Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society, ASI
1934: Memorandum : By the Parliamentary Committee for studying the Parliamentary Position of the South African Protectorates Committee
1934: This Freedom, The Times
1935: A Statement to the British Parliament and People, Tshekedi Khama 1935: Where Slavery Still Survives, John H Harris
1936: Britain's Greatest African Problem, John H Harris
1936: Slavery : a World Review, John H Harris
1936: Society Rule Book, ASI
1936: A Tragic Exodus - Native Distress in Nyasaland, John H Harris
1937: Australian Aborigines, The Times
1937: The Australian Natives : Tragedy and Romance, John H Harris
1937: Empire Native Policy - Speech by the Rt Hon Lord Noel-Buxton, Marquess of Dufferin
1937: The Industrialization of Natives - Speech by James A De Rothschild, J A de Rothschild
1937: The League : Suppression of Slavery, John H Harris
1937: The Industrialization of the African, ASS
1938: South Africa : from The Cape to The Zambezi, John H Harris
1938: Slaves under the British Flag, John H Harris
1938: The Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society, ASI
1939: The Empire's Racial Peril, John H Harris
1939: Native Labour - Success After Thirty Years, John H Harris
1939: Slave Cargoes - Past and Present, ASI
1939: Centenary Luncheon, ASI
1940: Native Races, the War & Peace Aims, John H Harris
1940: Too Poor to Plead, ASI
1941: Memo of the Commission's Report of Disturbances in the Copperbelt, ASI
1942: 'A Colonial Charter', Lord Hailey
1943: The British Colonial System and its Future, Lord Samuel
1943: Tasks for International Colonial Conference, CWW Greenidge
1943: Forced Labour, CWW Greenidge
1944: Colour Bar // Ethiopia, Gore Brown //Bentwich
1944: The Economic Development of Africa, Sir Alan Pim
1945: International Trusteeship of Colonies, A Creech Jones
1945: An International Colonial Convention, ASI
1945: Land Hunger in the Colonies, CWW Greenidge

1946: Colonial Policy // Colonial Problems as a Challenge to the Social Sciences, A Creech-Jones, N Bentwich
1947: The Destiny of Africa, Sir R Coupland
1947: Impressions of Four West Indian Islands Visited in 1946, CWW Greenidge
1948: African Slave Traffic and West Indian Emancipation, Gordon Lethem
1948: Forced Labour, CWW Greenidge
1948: Slavery Today, 1948, Measures for its Abolition, ASI
1949: The Present Outlook in the British West Indies, CWW Greenidge
1949: The Evolution of the French Empire Towards a French Union, M Ren Pleven
1950: Hunt and Die - The Prospect for the Aborigines of Australia, M M Bennett
1950: Delegation of Responsibility in Colonial Administration, Lord Winster
1950: The British Caribbean Federation, CWW Greenidge
1951: The Development in Bechuanaland, Frank Debenham
1952: Slavery in the Twentieth Century, CWW Greenidge
1952: A New Phase in Colonial Policy, Lord Hailey
1953: Memorandum on Slavery, CWW Greenidge
1953: The Gold Coast, Lord Hemmingford
1954: Slavery at the United Nations, CWW Greenidge
1954: The Aborigines of Australia, Dr Charles Duguid
1955: A Comparison of the Aims of the Anti-Slavery Society, Dr G Murray
1955: Slavery and the United Nations, CWW Greenidge
1956: An Address on Slavery, Emmanuel la Gravire
1956: Memorandum on Forced Labour in Portuguese West Africa, CWW Greenidge
1957: Islamic Thought on Slavery, H E Sayed Awad Satti
1958: Free Consent and Minimum Age in Marriage, Dr Lucy Mair
1958: Free Consent in African Marriage, Dr Lucy Mair
1959: The ILO and Forced Labour, Robert Gavin
1960: Draft Convention and Recommendation on Marriage, UN Review
1960: The Pass Laws and Slavery, Dr Ambrose Reeves
1961: The Aborigines of Australia, Jaquetta Hawkes
1962: Constitution, ASI
1963: Annual General Meeting, ASI
1963: Annual Report, ASI
1964: Why Tolerate Slavery?, T Fox-Pitt
1964: World Poverty - A World Problem, Earl of Listowel
1966: Annual Report, ASI
1966: An Analysis of Slavery, The Rev The Lord Sorensen
1966: Anti-Slavery Society. Its Task Today, ASI
1967: The Complexities of National Development, James Roosevelt
1968: The Discovery of Africa, Sir Robert Birley
1969: The Battle for Human Rights, J Duncan Wood
1970: British Politics and Slavery 1830-1870, Dr Howard Temperley
1970: The Aborigines of Australia, Patrick Montgomery
1973: The Anti-Slavery Society 1973, Patrick Montgomery
1973: Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Twenty Five Years Later, Peter Archer
1973: The Work of the Anti-Slavery Society Today, Patrick Montgomery
1976: Slavery in the Seventies, Patrick Montgomery
1981: The Last Colonial Frontier: the Plight of the Brazilian Indians, John Hemming
1981: Slavery in Mauritania in 1980, ASI Reporter
1982: The Anti-Slavery Society: the Protection of Human Rights, R P H Davies


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