Section I: East Asia Missions
Part 4: Church of England Zenana Missionary Society, 1880-1957
The CMS archive includes the papers of a number of other missionary societies which were eventually amalgamated with it. The most important of these is the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society. CEZMS worked in close cooperation with the CMS until 1957 when they amalgamated. Parts 4-9 of this microfilm project provide coverage of all the main elements of the CEZMS archive.
- The material in Part 4 covers CEZMS General and Executive Committee Minutes, 1880-1957, along with relevant sub-committees.
- Medical and teaching work was of great importance.
- The overseas work of CEZMS started in India, but spread to China in 1884, Japan in 1886 and Ceylon in 1889. It was extended to Malaya in 1952.
- CEZMS also took over the work of the Female Education Society in Singapore in 1900.
Its main aim was to evangelise the women of India by means of normal schools (teacher training colleges), zenana visiting, medical missions. Hindu and Muslim female schools and the employment of Bible women. These activities are well documented in the minutes made available in Part 4 of this microfilm project.