Section IV: Africa Missions Part 2: West Africa (Sierra Leone), 1820-1880
Part 2 provides the Original Papers, 1820-1880, for the West African Mission (Sierra Leone). There are two sequences of Original Papers. The second of these is an alphabetical series organised by surname of missionary: A-D is in Part 2; D-Y is in Part 5.
- The Original Papers describe early missionary work, problems with the slave trade, the emphasis on education and the development of self-supporting, self-governing and self-propagating mission churches.
- There are good runs of Original Papers for Rev Samuel Adjai Crowther, 1828 and 1837-1844, Henry Cheetham, 1870-1882, Joseph Bartholomew, 1842-1857,
Rev James Beale,
1838-1856, Mrs Mary Beale, 1856-1866, Rev William Keelong Betts,
1826-1833, Rev Henry Boston, 1861-1874, Henry Christian Bockstatt, 1858-1871, and many others.