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Section IV: Africa Missions

Part 4: Nigeria - Yoruba, 1844-1880

The CMS Archives reveal much about African history and culture. They record the collision between western and indigenous cultures and the changes that resulted from this. They describe the introduction of western medicine, the establishment of schools, and the confrontations and compromises between differing religious beliefs. The papers are a rich source for ethnologists, social historians and all those trying to understand Africa both before and after missionary intervention.

Please see the copy for Section IV Part 3 for more details of CMS missionary activity in Nigeria.

Part 4 completes the Nigeria - Yoruba papers for the period 1844-1880. It contains the remaining Original Papers O38-099 covering the letters and papers of missionaries, catechists and others from Field (038) to Young (O98) plus the papers of Lamb (O99).

Letters and journals from the missionaries and catechists form the main part of the material with correspondence from people such as Abraham Fasina Foster who was a native catechist in Iseyin 1874-1876, Dr Arthur Aylett Harrison, a medical missionary in Ake from 1861-1896 and Rev David Hinderer who worked in various places from 1849-1876. The full listing of the missionaries can be found in the Catalogue to the Nigeria – Yoruba papers which is filmed on Reel 46 in Part 3.There are also miscellaneous items such as examination papers, papers on the Yoruba language, sketch maps of missionary tours, petitions, copies of Lagos government proclamations, letters to the African Industrial Committee, newspaper cuttings, descriptions of itinerations to other parts of the country, half-yearly reports of the Female Institution, accounts of the persecution of the Abeokuta mission, circulars on the blockade of the slave trade on the African coast, Yoruba music and translation of hymns, and statistics of church attendance.

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