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Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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Section IV: Africa Missions
Part 4: Nigeria - Yoruba, 1844-1880

Here we have the balance of Original Papers arranged alphabetically by surname of missionary F-Y.

  • The papers provide rich detail on the work throughout the Yoruba Mission for 1844-1880.
  • There is good material on the work of Rev Henry Townsend, 1845-1880, and many other missionaries such as John Field, William George, Rev Charles Andrew Gollmer, Rev David Hinderer, Rev Nathaniel Johnson, Rev Thomas Babington Macaulay, James Okuseinde, Rev Daniel Olubi, Rev Samuel Pearse, Henry Robbin and Rev Thomas Benjamin Wright.
  • Researchers can examine papers covering the growing friction between the African missionaries and the commercial priorities of European traders.
  • It is also possible to study the growing difficulties experienced by Crowther after 1875.  With the death of Henry Venn, Crowther no longer had the same measure of support from CMS headquarters in London.
  • Venn’s replacement, Hutchinson, tried to introduce European supervision and sent out young missionaries to report on the state of the Yoruba Mission. The records here can be examined to understand the controversy and the loss of confidence between Crowther and CMS.
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