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Section IV: Africa Missions

Part 17: Kenya Mission, 1880-1934

REEL 331
Catalogue to the Africa (Group 3) Missions Vol 3 South and East Africa, pp 33-44

G 3 A 5 L 3: Letter Book, 1883-1886
The Letter Books contain copies of outgoing correspondence from Secretaries at headquarters to missionaries.
Included are: Instructions to missionaries going out to the mission field; lists of books required for libraries in the mission; an extract from Bishop Royston's report re the proposed boat for the East African mission.

REEL 332
G 3 A 5 L 4: Letter Book, 1886-1888
Included are: Instructions to missionaries going out to the mission field; a resolution re enlarged powers of the bishop in mission affairs; letters from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York re the Uganda martyrs; letters from Douglas Hooper, 1886 and R H Walker, 1887; a translation of a letter from the girls of the orphanage at Amritsar.

G 3 A 5 L 5: Letter Book, 1888-1890
Included are: Instructions to missionaries going out to the mission field; circular re biographies of native Christians, 1889 and re the need for reinforcements, 1890.

REEL 333
G 3 A 5 L 6: Letter Book, 1890-1893
Included are: Instructions to missionaries going out to the mission field; minutes of a conference held at Kisokwe, 1890; letter from Mrs Hannington re the bishop's burial place

G 3 A 5 L 7: Letter Book, 1893-1896
Included are: Instructions to missionaries going out to the mission field; a list of questions re the residence for lady missionaries; circular and printed questionnaire from the Native Races and the Liquor Traffic United Committee, 1895.

REEL 334
G 3 A 5 L 8: Letter Book, 1896-1901
Included are: Instructions to missionaries going out to the mission field; questions and a memo re the Taveta colony; letter to Daudi Kasagama, King of Toro, 1897; regulations re the marriage of CMS missionaries; memo on the bishopric of Mombasa.

G 3 A 5 L 9: Letter Book, 1901-1906
Included are: Instructions to missionaries going out to the mission field; memo on the case of Mr Westgate, 1902; letter to missionaries engaged in educational work.

REEL 335
G 3 A 5 L 10: Letter Book, 1906-1916
Included are: Instructions to missionaries going out to the mission field; circulars about retrenchment; resolution re the possibility of a mission federation; proposals for a federation of societies in British East Africa.

G 3 A 5 L 11: Letter Book, 1916-1923
Included are: Instructions to missionaries going out to the mission field; a note re the rights of the European congregation in Mombasa cathedral to have their own choice of minister, service etc.

REEL 336
G 3 A 5 L 12: Letter Book, 1923-1928
Included are: Instructions to missionaries going out to the mission field; letter to Rev J Britton from the Medical Secretary re the possibility of re-opening a medical mission in Kenya.

G 3 A 5 L 13: Letter Book, 1928-1933
Included are: Instructions to missionaries going out to the mission field; letter to G F Maxwell re Jomo Kenyatta, 1930.

G 3 A 5 L 14: Letter Book, 1933-1934
Included are: Instructions to missionaries going out to the mission field.

REEL 337
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers (such as letters, journals, reports and minutes sent to London by the mission secretary), 1880-1883
- 1880: Letter re Rev B K Binns' intention to form a mission station at Teita; Finance Committee minutes; report on the work being done at Frere Town and Rabbai; letters from B K Binns, secretary of the mission.
- 1881: Letter from R C Ramshaw re the formation of the town of Durima by slaves which was then scattered by the natives; annual letter of J W Handford; an account of the mission station at Mamboia by Rev J T Hart; an account of a journey to Nakamba and Nagiriama by Rev B K Binns, secretary of the mission; a list of the people on the Mamboia mission station with notes on their wages; instructions on the use of grammar of the Gogo language; sketch map showing part of East Central Africa; map of Frere Town; Finance Committee minutes.
- 1882: Notes on a visit to Godoma in the Goriama country by Rev W S Price; Finance Committee minutes; extracts of the journal of Rev W S Price describing local customs; report on the East Africa mission; letters from Rev B J Binns, secretary of the mission.
- 1883: Finance Committee Minutes; monthly accounts.

REEL 338
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers (such as letters, journals, reports and minutes sent to London by the mission secretary), 1884-1885
- 1884: Reports and journals of J M Handford, the Clerical Superintendent; letters from Rev B J Binns, secretary of the mission; Finance Committee minutes; a letter re the removal of people from Frere Town.
- 1885: News cuttings re the slave trade off the East African coast; letters and reports from J M Handford including one on the arrival of slaves at Frere Town; Finance Committee minutes; letters from Rev B J Binns, secretary of the mission; report on a visit to Miweba station.

REEL 339
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers (such as letters, journals, reports and minutes sent to London by the mission secretary), 1886 (1-305)
- 1886 (1-305): Report by J M Handford of the murder of Bishop Hannington; report by W H Jones; journal of J C Price on his visit to Ugogo, September-October 1886; detailed letter re the situation at the mission by Rev A W Mackay; photos of a missionary campsite taken on an itineration; letters from Rev B J Binns, secretary of the mission; report by A Downes Shaw; typewritten precis of papers for 1886.

REEL 340
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers (306-end), 1887 (1-219)
- 1886 (306-end): Report on a journey to Mpwapwa by E H Baylis; letters from Rev B J Binns, secretary of the mission
- 1887 (1-219): Reports by Bishop H P Parkes on the work of Miss Harvey at Frere Town and the proposed Shimba settlement; a vocabulary of the Kitatulu language; a sketch of Mtatuiru, son of the local chief; a printed memo of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa by Sir H B E Frere; accounts of journeys to Chagga by Bishop H P Parkes; letter from T Pruen regarding the necessity to have a nurse in the mission with a list of items needed for her; a diagram showing the CMS growth at home and corresponding influence abroad; Finance Committee minutes; a printed precis of papers for 1887.

REEL 341
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1887 (220-end), 1888 (1-150)
- 1887 (220-end): Letters from Bishop H P Parkes with news on the mission; Finance Committee minutes; extracts from the journal of A M McKay; letters from A Downes- Shaw, the mission secretary; letters from Rev B K Binns, secretary of the mission.
- 1888 (1-150): Letters from Bishop H P Parkes; Finance Committee minutes; letter from T Pruen concerning the progress of the work in the mission; mission statistics for the year ending 1887; report on the schools by A Downes Shaw; report of a conference held in Usambilo.

REEL 342
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1888 (151-353)
-1888 (151-353): Letter from T Pruen; letter from Mrs Pruen describing the murder of men who the Chief suspected of witchcraft; a very long and detailed diary of itineration in Giryama; description of a journey in the mission area by E A Fitch; Finance Committee minutes; journal of the second visit by J C Price to Ugogo; report from Chagga by W E Taylor.

REEL 343
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1888 (354-end), 1889
- 1888 (354-end): Long letters from W S Price, Secretary of the mission on mission affairs, including information on runaway slaves; letters from A M McKay and Douglas Hooper; Finance Committee minutes; an account of an itinerary in Usagara by A M Wood; letter from R H Walker giving details on the local King and his attitude to the missionaries; memo to European and British subjects on the blockade against the slave trade on the East Coast of Africa.
- 1889 (1-189): Letters from W S Price, Secretary of the mission including remarks on the opening of a new station at Mbungu and discussions on the effects of the Anglo-German blockade; Finance Committee minutes; letters from A M McKay and Douglas Hooper.

REEL 344
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1889 (190-end), 1890 (1-155)
- 1889 (190-end): Report on the work of J Burness; Finance Committee minutes; report on a meeting of the CMS Elders; letters from E Fitch, Douglas Hooper and A M McKay; extract of an annual letter from Rev H J Robson; a news cutting re the arrival in Mochi of Rev A R Steggall; journal of A M Wood.
- 1890 (1-155): Finance Committee minutes; letters from Douglas Wood and Rev A R Steggall.

REEL 345
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1890 (156-end), 1891(1-186)
- 1890 (156-end): Journals of G K Baskerville; letters from E Fitch, R H Walker and W S Price and from Bishop R Tucker; copy of a decree by the Sultan of Zanzibar prohibiting slave traffic; Finance Committee minutes; journal of B K Binns; letter from Miss Maria Ackerman describing her journey and safe arrival in the mission.
- 1891 (1-186): Extract from the journal of Dr C J Edwards re hospital work; list of provisions needed for the station and for journeys; pamphlets of African language vocabularies; sketch map of the Shimba district; Finance Committee minutes.

REEL 346
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1891 (187-end), 1892 (1-130)
- 1891 (187-end): Finance Committee minutes; letters from D A Hooper, R P Ashe, J Burt and R H Walker; translations in Ki-Sukuma; issues of The Record; report of the death of Miss Caroline Fitch; sketch plans for the Secretary's house.
- 1892 (1-130): Letters from A M Wood; Finance Committee minutes; report of the death of Chief Mandara in December 1891; description of the life and work in Buganda of G K Baskerville together with his very detailed journals; news cuttings re British interests around Uganda; sketch map of the Mombasa and Frere Town missions.

REEL 347
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1892 (131-350)
- 1892 (131-350): Description by A M Wood of the hunting and poisoning of a man-eating lion; plans for a new church; news cuttings re the Uganda war between the Protestants and Catholics; extracts of a letter from Rev R P Ashe to Mrs Blackett written at Bukomi describing his narrow escape on a visit to a neighbouring village; Finance Committee minutes; letter re the proposed Industrial Mission station; occasional papers from Bishop R Tucker relating his travels in the diocese; journals of G K Baskerville; letters from R H Walker and G L Pilkington; report of Frederick Charles Smith on his journey to Uganda from Buboga.

REEL 348
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1892 (351-end), 1893 (1-115)
- 1892 (351-end): Captain Lugard's report on the troubles in Uganda; letters from Bishop R Tucker and Rev A R Steggall re the problem in Uganda; journals of G K Baskerville; translation of a letter written by Zakeneya, the Kanguu ruler of Bulemezi; news cutting re CMS's objections to the withdrawal from Uganda; Finance Committee minutes; copy of the treaty between Mwanga, King of Uganda and the British East Africa Company, 26 December 1890.
- 1893 (1-115): Finance Committee minutes; hints by Rev R H Walker on making a journey through Ugogo to Victoria Nyanza; letters from Bishop R Tucker; journals of G K Baskerville; a news cutting of Captain Williams' report on the situation in Uganda; an account of the work done on the hospital, dispensary and house at Mzizima, Mombasa.

REEL 349
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1893 (116-end)
- 1893 (116-end): Letter to the Finance Committee from Rev A R Steggall detailing the needs of the new mission at Tareta; Finance Committee minutes; list of slaves received at Frere Town from 1875-1890 ( total of 921); journals of G K Baskerville; copy of the first native book printed and published in East Africa, 1893; letters from Bishop R Tucker re the termination of the East Africa Company's rule and the declaration by the African chiefs of the abolition of slavery; statistics of the Shimba station with the number of residents and a list of the villages roundabout; reports by Rev J Burt and J Burness; journals of G K Baskerville; a Finance Committee report on the state of Frere Town in 1893; report on Industrial Work; a list of requirements for Mahoo (Happy Land) a new station near Taveta.

REEL 350
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1894
- 1894: Finance Committee minutes; journals of G K Baskerville; news cutting re The Freeland Exhibition; reports relating to Uganda by Sir Gerald Portal; letter to Sir Fowell Buxton from R H Walker re the position of the mission at Mengo; minutes of the conference at Usagara; report by Bishop R Tucker on a visit to Rabai.

REEL 351
G 3 A 5 O: 1895 (1-182)
- 1895 (1-182): Letters from Bishop R Tucker; Finance Committee minutes; journal of G K Baskerville; news cutting of letter from Rev A R Steggall of Mahoo, Taveta to his father in Consett, County Durham; copy of The Taveta Chronicle.

REEL 352
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1895 (183-end)
- 1895 (183-end): Finance Committee minutes; letters from Bishop R Tucker; photos of swarms of locusts; extracts of a journal of A M Wood describing his journey through the mission area; detailed journals of Miss M Ackerman at Rabai containing details on earthquakes, local customs and famine; plan for a house at Taita; sketch map of Busoga; journal of G K Baskerville; photos of the boys and staff at the Nassa mission; interesting letters from Miss Edith M Furley on her travels within the mission; an issue of The Taveta Chronicle.

REEL 353
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1896 (1-179)
- 1896 (1-179): Journal of Rev W A Crabtree; Finance Committee minutes; an account by Mrs Binns of the attack on Frere Town in January 1896; an account of a Native Conference at Frere Town; letters from Bishop R Tucker re the changes in Uganda since 1890; report of a visit to Nassa by E C Gordon; issues of The Taveta Chronicle; journals of Miss E M Furley of Mengo; journals of Miss M Ackerman; journal of the first lady missionaries to Uganda accompanied by Bishop A R Tucker; regulations for the registration and protection of porters.

REEL 354
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1896 (180-end)
- 1896 (180-end): Journals of Miss E M Furley; Finance Committee minutes; issues of The Taveta Chronicle; letter from Bishop R Tucker; journals of Miss M Ackerman; letter from Miss Liseth Chadwick, one of the first lady missionaries in the mission; statistics for Nassa and Usukume stations; report by Ernest Miller on the birth of a son to King Mwanga; journals of G K Baskerville.

REEL 355
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1897 (1-290)
- 1897 (1-290): Journal of G K Baskerville; journal of Miss E M Furley with a description of the celebrations in Kampala to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Queen Victoria's reign; letters from Bishop R Tucker; Finance Committee minutes; an account by Rev A R Steggall of the death of Miss Conway; journals of Miss M Ackerman; notes on an itinerating tour in Ugogo with a map of the area by Rev H Cole; issues of The Taveta Chronicle; translation of a letter from King Daudi Kasagama, King of Toro asking for more lady missionaries.

REEL 356
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1897 (291-end, 1898 [1-75[)
- 1897 (291-end): Journals of Miss M Ackerman, G K Baskerville and Miss E M Furley; Finance Committee minutes; report on the mission by Bishop R Tucker with a list of mission staff; news cutting on the rebellion in Uganda (reprint of a letter from Rev A R Cook).
- 1898 (1-75): Finance Committee minutes; issues of The Taveta Chronicle; a printed report by Sir A Hardings on the condition and progress of the East Africa Protectorate from its establishment to 20 July 1897; details on the Swahili language; journal of Miss M Ackerman.

REEL 357
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1898 (76-end)
- 1898 (76-end): Journals of Miss M Ackerman; issue of The Gazette for Zanzibar and East Africa and of The Taveta Chronicle; Finance Committee minutes; plans for a new mission house at Mombasa.

REEL 358
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1899
- 1899: Finance Committee minutes; issues of The Taveta Chronicle and of The Friend; minutes of the women's conference at Frere Town; description of a plague of locusts affecting 20,000 square miles by Miss E Kathleen Wray.

REEL 359
G 3 A 5 O: Original Papers, 1900
- 1900: Finance Committee minutes; reports on the women's conference; minutes of Frere Town Executive Committee including work done among the women in 1899; annual report of the Rabai mission and work done in Taveta; issues of The Taveta Chronicle; report on the Native Agents Committee; report on the famine fund at Rabai.

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