The Index. A Weekly Journal of Politics, Literature and News devoted to the exposition of the mutual interests, political and commercial, of Great Britain and the Confederate States of America, 1862-1865
The Index is a valuable source for US History, Economic History and Anglo-American trade at the time of the Civil War. It includes articles on:
- 'American Indians',
- the Abolition Edict,
- 'Continued insults to the British Flag',
- the Seizure of Bermuda,
- the Cotton Famine,
- Cotton Substitutes, Cotton Supply and India,
- the cause of the Disruption of the Union,
- Finances - Federal and Confederate,
- the Tobacco Market,
- Gladstone’s Views on America,
- the Louisiana Purchase,
- Mexican Interventions,
- Slave Power and the Slave Trade,
- Southern Railroads,
- Stonewall Jackson and various Military Campaigns
(These journals are part of our 'Business and Financial Papers' series)