Series One: USA - Politics & Diplomacy, 1960-1974
(Public Record Office Class FO 371:
American Department - United States and FCO files from 1967 onwards)
Part 1: The John F Kennedy Years, 1960-1963
(PRO Class FO 371/148576-148649, 156435-156516,
162578-162648 & 168405-168491) REEL 1 - 1960 FO 371/148576: Annual review for 1959 FO 371/148577: Internal Political Situation 1960 FO 371/148578: Internal Political Situation 1960 FO 371/148579: Internal Political Situation 1960 FO 371/148580: Internal Political Situation 1960 FO 371/148581: Internal Political Situation 1960 FO 371/148582: Appointments to government FO 371/148583: Media statements by prominent politicians REEL 2 FO 371/148584: Periodic reports on political situation FO 371/148585: Political situation in Puerto Rico FO 371/148586: Visit by Earl of Cromer FO 371/148587: Internal political situation in Alaska FO 371/148588: Foreign policy FO 371/148589: Foreign policy FO 371/148590: Visit by US President to Far East FO 371/148591: Political relations with United Kingdom FO 371/148592: Political relations with United Kingdom FO 371/148593: Political relations with United Kingdom FO 371/148594: Message from Prime Minister to Anglo-Texan Society FO 371/148595: Visit to UK by Senators Johnson, Fulbright and Frear FO 371/148596: Visit to UK by Senators Anderson, Dillon and Irwin FO 371/148597: Activities of British-American parliamentary group FO 371/148598: Political relations with Australia FO 371/148599: Visit by Prime Minister of Australia FO 371/148600: Overseas trade policy REEL 3 FO 371/148601: US economic aid to Latin America FO 371/148602: US balance of payments, 3rd quarter 1960 FO 371/148603: Income tax on profits of foreign companies in state of California FO 371/148604: Double taxation agreement with UK FO 371/148605: Long range navigation (LORAN) stations outside US FO 371/148606: US long range proving grounds FO 371/148607: US long range proving grounds FO 371/148608: US long range proving grounds FO 371/148609: US long range proving grounds FO 371/148610: US oceanographic research stations FO 371/148611: US armed forces bases in United Kingdom FO 371/148612: US aid for construction of Ferry Point Bridge, Bermuda FO 371/148613: US weather station on Betio Island, Gilbert and Ellice Islands REEL 4 FO 371/148614: Leased Bases Agreement with United Kingdom FO 371/148615: Leased Bases Agreement with United Kingdom FO 371/148616: Leased Bases Agreement with United Kingdom FO 371/148617: Leased Bases Agreement with United Kingdom FO 371/148618: Leased Bases Agreement with United Kingdom FO 371/148619: Defence FO 371/148620: Armed forces FO 371/148621: Importation of surplus weapons from foreign countries FO 371/148622: US military exercises in Puerto Rico and Panama FO 371/148623: Destroyer Bases Agreement, 1940 FO 371/148624: Publication of book on sinking of Lusitania during World War I FO 371/148625: Visit of New Orleans International House Trade Mission to Europe FO 371/148626: Invitation to ex-President Truman to annual function of Joint Palestine Appeal Committee FO 371/148627: Visit of Dr Jagan of British Guiana FO 371/148628: Visit by United Kingdom Secretary for Defence FO 371/148629: Visit of Mr Gaitskell, leader of Labour Party FO 371/148630: Visit of Lord Baillieu REEL 5 FO 371/148631: Visit of Lord Mountbatten FO 371/148632: Education FO 371/148633: Honorary degrees from UK universities to US nationals FO 371/148634: International Christian Leadership Association FO 371/148635: Quakers FO 371/148636: Policy on immigration FO 371/148637: Racial discrimination FO 371/148638: Payments made by State Federal Welfare FO 371/148639: Celebrations at Jamestown festival: unveiling by Queen Mother in London of statue of Captain John Smith FO 371/148640: UK diplomatic representation: opening of new embassy in Washington FO 371/148641: Diplomatic representation in US FO 371/148642: Diplomatic representation in US FO 371/148643: Diplomatic representation in US FO 371/148644: Diplomatic representation in foreign countries FO 371/148645: Commonwealth diplomatic representation in US FO 371/148646: Establishment of hurricane research stations in Jamaica and Grand Cayman Island FO 371/148647: Strikes FO 371/148648: Trade unions FO 371/148649: Reactions to attendance of Prime Minister, Mr Khruschev of Soviet Union, President Castro of Cuba and other world leaders at UN General Assembly in New York, September, October 1960 REEL 6 - 1961 FO 371/156435: Annual review for 1960 FO 371/156436: Internal Political Situation 1961 FO 371/156437: Internal Political Situation 1961 FO 371/156438: Internal Political Situation 1961 FO 371/156439: Internal Political Situation 1961 FO 371/156440: Internal Political Situation 1961 FO 371/156441: Government appointments FO 371/156442: Government appointments FO 371/156443: Government appointments FO 371/156444: Inauguration of Governor of Puerto Rico REEL 7 FO 371/156445: Communism FO 371/156446: Foreign policy towards Latin America FO 371/156447: Foreign policy towards Latin America FO 371/156448: Foreign policy towards Latin America FO 371/156449: Foreign policy FO 371/156450: Foreign policy FO 371/156451: Political relations: Brazil FO 371/156452: Meeting in Bermuda of British-American Parliamentary Group FO 371/156453: Political relations: United Kingdom FO 371/156454: Political relations: United Kingdom REEL 8 FO 371/156455: Visit to London by Mr A Harriman, special representative of President Kennedy FO 371/156456: Visit to Europe by President Kennedy FO 371/156457: Visit to US by Secretary of State (Lord Home) FO 371/156458: Political relations: Commonwealth countries FO 371/156459: US aid and Mutual Security Programme FO 371/156460: Monthly economic reports (December 1960-November 1961) FO 371/156461: Monthly economic reports (December 1960-November 1961) FO 371/156462: Monthly economic reports (December 1960-November 1961) FO 371/156463: Monthly economic reports (December 1960-November 1961) FO 371/156464: Economy FO 371/156465: Budget FO 371/156466: Foreign trade and aid FO 371/156467: Foreign trade and aid REEL 9 FO 371/156468: Foreign trade and aid FO 371/156469: Foreign trade and aid FO 371/156470: Commercial relations: Brazil FO 371/156471: Commercial relations: Nigeria FO 371/156472: Taxation FO 371/156473: Exchange of Notes with United Kingdom on the use of airfield on Ascension Island FO 371/156474: Agreement with United Kingdom over extension of submarine cable in Long Range Proving Ground in West Indies FO 371/156475: Bases in United Kingdom FO 371/156476: Exchange of Notes with UK on operation of weather station on Betio Island in Gilbert and Ellice Islands FO 371/156477: Bases in West Indies FO 371/156478: Bases in West Indies REEL 10 FO 371/156479: Bases in West Indies FO 371/156480: Bases in West Indies FO 371/156481: Bases in West Indies FO 371/156482: Bases on South Caicos Island in West Indies FO 371/156483: Defence policies FO 371/156484: Defence policies FO 371/156485: Use of training facilities in West Indies FO 371/156486: Atlantic Underwater Testing and Evaluations Centre, Bahamas FO 371/156487: US request for airfield facilities on Bahamas FO 371/156488: Air force bases in United Kingdom FO 371/156489: Civil defence programme FO 371/156490: US attitudes towards nuclear war FO 371/156491: Sale of civil airliners from United Kingdom FO 371/156492: Shipping policy FO 371/156493: Visit by Mr Gaitskell, Leader of Labour Party FO 371/156494: Visit by Prime Minister of Canada REEL 11 FO 371/156495: Visit by Sir R Welensky, Prime Minister of Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland FO 371/156496: Visit by Prime Minister of Federation of Nigeria FO 371/156497: Visit by Minister of Aviation FO 371/156498: Government relations with British press FO 371/156499: Government relations with US press FO 371/156500: Peace Corps activities FO 371/156501: Peace Corps activities FO 371/156502: Education FO 371/156503: Charitable foundations FO 371/156504: Policy on science and research FO 371/156505: Relations with Vatican FO 371/156506: Census FO 371/156507: Racial discrimination and desegregation FO 371/156508: Racial discrimination and desegregation FO 371/156509: Immigration from West Indies FO 371/156510: Appointment of HM Ambassador FO 371/156511: Appointment of Ambassador in London FO 371/156512: Foreign Service FO 371/156513: Presentation of HMS Seraph to Citadel Military College FO 371/156514: Trade unions FO 371/156515: Labour and social affairs FO 371/156516: Anglo-American Telegraph Company and Western Union divestment proceedings REEL 12 - 1962 FO 371/162578: Annual review for 1961 FO 371/162579: Internal political situation FO 371/162580: Internal political situation FO 371/162581: Internal political situation FO 371/162582: Internal political situation FO 371/162583: Government appointments FO 371/162584: Political situation in Puerto Rico FO 371/162585: Reports on first and second sessions of 87th Congress FO 371/162586: Foreign policy towards Latin America REEL 13 FO 371/162587: Foreign policy FO 371/162588: Foreign policy FO 371/162589: Political relations: Brazil FO 371/162590: Political relations: Soviet Union FO 371/162591: Political relations: United Kingdom FO 371/162592: Visit by Prime Minister to US and Canada FO 371/162593: British-American Parliamentary Conference in Bermuda FO 371/162594: British-American Parliamentary Conference in Bermuda FO 371/162595: British-American Parliamentary Group FO 371/162596: Political relations: India FO 371/162597: Political relations: Ghana REEL 14 FO 371/162598: Monthly economic reports FO 371/162599: Monthly economic reports FO 371/162600: Economy FO 371/162601: Budget FO 371/162602: Views on dollar devaluation FO 371/162603: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress FO 371/162604: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress FO 371/162605: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress REEL 15 FO 371/162606: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress FO 371/162607: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress FO 371/162608: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress FO 371/162609: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress FO 371/162610: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress FO 371/162611: Foreign trade and aid REEL 16 FO 371/162612: Foreign trade and aid FO 371/162613: Commercial relations: Brazil FO 371/162614: Commercial relations: United Kingdom FO 371/162615: Taxation FO 371/162616: Double taxation FO 371/162617: Exchange of notes with United Kingdom about use of Wideawake airfield, Ascension Island FO 371/162618: Agreement with United Kingdom over extension of submarine cable in Long Range Proving Ground in West Indies FO 371/162619: Bases in United Kingdom FO 371/162620: Bases in West Indies FO 371/162621: Bases on South Caicos Island, West Indies FO 371/162622: Atlantic Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas REEL 17 FO 371/162623: Atlantic Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/162624: Defence policy FO 371/162625: Bases in UK territories overseas FO 371/162626: [closed for 50 years] FO 371/162627: Canadian bases in US FO 371/162628: Visits by RN ships FO 371/162629: Civil defence programme FO 371/162630: Deportation from UK of Dr Robert Soblen FO 371/162631: Deportation from UK of Dr Robert Soblen FO 371/162632: Deportation from UK of Dr Robert Soblen REEL 18 FO 371/162633: Visit by Harold Wilson MP FO 371/162634: Visit to United Kingdom by Colonel and Mrs John Glenn FO 371/162635: Visit to United Kingdom by General Maxwell Taylor FO 371/162636: Proposed visit by Jomo Kenyatta FO 371/162637: US Peace Corps FO 371/162638: US Peace Corps FO 371/162639: US Peace Corps FO 371/162640: US Peace Corps FO 371/162641: Anglo-American co-operation in Kentucky Mountains Frontier Nursing Service FO 371/162642: Report on narcotics on board HMS Belfast REEL 19 FO 371/162643: Racial discrimination FO 371/162644: Foreign Service FO 371/162645: Building of US Embassy in London FO 371/162646: Building of US Embassy in London FO 371/162647: Labour and social affairs FO 371/162648: American view on Commonwealth 1963 FO 371/168405: Annual review for 1962 FO 371/168406: International reaction to death of President Kennedy FO 371/168407: International reaction to death of President Kennedy REEL 20 FO 371/168408: International reaction to death of President Kennedy FO 371/168409: Profile of Lyndon B Johnson FO 371/168410: Internal political situation FO 371/168411: Internal political situation FO 371/168412: Government appointments FO 371/168413: Political situation in Puerto Rico FO 371/168414: Visit by President Kennedy to Europe FO 371/168415: Foreign policy towards Latin America FO 371/168416: Political Relations: Middle East FO 371/168417: Political Relations: Far East FO 371/168418: Political Relations: Central and Latin America FO 371/168419: Political Relations: Peoples Republic of China FO 371/168420: Political Relations: Soviet Union REEL 21 FO 371/168421: Political Relations: United Kingdom FO 371/168422: Political Relations: United Kingdom FO 371/168423: British-American Parliamentary Group; Bermuda Conference FO 371/168424: British-American Parliamentary Group; Bermuda Conference FO 371/168425: Political relations: Commonwealth FO 371/168426: Political relations: British Virgin Islands FO 371/168427: Political relations: Malaysia FO 371/168428: Monthly economic reports FO 371/168429: Monthly economic reports FO 371/168430: Economy FO 371/168431: Aid to Latin America; Clay Committee report REEL 22 FO 371/168432: Aid to Latin America; Clay Committee report FO 371/168433: Aid to UK dependencies FO 371/168434: Commercial relations: Latin America FO 371/168435: Commercial relations: Brazil FO 371/168436: Commercial relations: United Kingdom FO 371/168437: Commercial relations: Pakistan FO 371/168438: Taxation FO 371/168439: Double Taxation agreements FO 371/168440: Ascension Island: provision of land for RAF facilities FO 371/168441: US bases in United Kingdom FO 371/168442: US bases in United Kingdom FO 371/168443: Military assistance to Latin America FO 371/168444: US bases in Barbados FO 371/168445: US bases in St Lucia FO 371/168446: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/168447: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/168448: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/168449: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/168450: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas REEL 23 FO 371/168451: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/168452: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/168453: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/168454: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/168455: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/168456: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/168457: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas REEL 24 FO 371/168458: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/168459: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/168460: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/168461: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/168462: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas FO 371/168463: Defence policy FO 371/168464: US military bases in British Guiana FO 371/168465: US military bases in Antigua FO 371/168466: United Kingdom expenditure arising from Bermuda Agreement FO 371/168467: US naval base at Anegada, British Virgin Islands FO 371/168468: Supply of nuclear warheads to Canada FO 371/168469: Proposed closure of USAF bases in UK FO 371/168470: Visits by Royal Navy ships REEL 25 FO 371/168471: Sale of United Kingdom aircraft to US FO 371/168472: Proposed visit by Dr Nkrumah, President of Ghana FO 371/168473: Visit by Dr Kenneth Kaunda, President of Zambia FO 371/168474: Visit by Rt Hon Edward Heath MP, Lord Privy Seal FO 371/168475: Visit by Rt Hon Edward Heath MP, Lord Privy Seal FO 371/168476: Visit of Dr Julius Nyerere, President of Tanganyika FO 371/168477: Visit of Richard Nixon to United Kingdom FO 371/168478: Visit of Vice-President Johnson to Europe FO 371/168479: Visit of George Ball, US State Department, to London FO 371/168480: Ascension Island: murder case involving two US citizens; jurisdiction of local courts FO 371/168481: Ascension Island: murder case involving two US citizens; jurisdiction of local courts REEL 26 FO 371/168482: Ascension Island: murder case involving two US citizens; jurisdiction of local courts FO 371/168483: US Peace Corps FO 371/168484: Racial discrimination FO 371/168485: Racial discrimination FO 371/168486: International opinion on US race issues FO 371/168487: Death of President Kennedy FO 371/168488: Death of President Kennedy FO 371/168489: Proposed Kennedy memorial FO 371/168490: Honorary US citizenship conferred upon Sir Winston Churchill FO 371/168491: Labour and social affairs