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Series One: The Papers of Sir Hans Sloane, 1660-1753, from the British Library, London

Part 4: Alchemy, Chemistry and Magic

(with summary list of key items)


Sloane Ms 59: (15th c)
Arnald of Villanova,  Tractatus vinorum diversorum (ff2-20)
Aristotle, Liber Anathomie (ff36-98)
Arnald of Villanova and Johannis de Tornomera,  Alchemical receipts.  (ff106-147)
Aristotle, Letter to Alexander (ff203-206)

Sloane Ms 73: (15th c)
Hermes Trismegistus, De quintis essentiis (ff7-22)
Arnald of Villanova,  Alchemical receipts.  (ff24-46).

Sloane Ms 75: (15th c)
Bacon, Roger, and John de Rupecissa, de quinta essentia (ff99-120)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Ars operatura. (ff157-161)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Prologus Monaldi (ff162-164)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, De xvi electuariis (f183)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, List of works (f185)


Sloane Ms 121: (15th – 16th c)
Salomon, King of Israel, Experimenta naturae (ff90-93)

Sloane Ms 156: (15th – 16th c)
Anon, prophecies (ff2-6)
Bede, on superstition (ff13-18)
John de Rupecissa, Libellus qui dicitur Vade mecum in tribulatione (ff19-34)

Sloane Ms 212: (15th – 16th c)
Geber, Glosa facta super opere majoris Mercurii et Solis (ff4-11)
Johannis Hispaniensis, On the art of alchemy (ff13-20)
Dastyn, John, Cum omnium natura (ff21-22)
Sawtrey, John, On alchemy (ff31-35, 43-53)
Meung, Jehan de, Practica alchymica (ff80-91)
Hermes Trismegistus, Flores secretorum sapientum (ff92-97)
Arnald of Villanova, Rosarius philosophorum (ff99-120)
Sloane Ms 265: (15th c)
Rasis, Liber II (ff2-163)
Rasis, Synonyma Arabica in libro Almansor (ff163-172)


Sloane Ms 276: (15th c)

Albertus Magnus, Compositum de composotis (f3)
Bacon, Roger, Breve breviarum (ff 4-10)
Bacon, Roger, Liber duodecim aquarum (ff22-23)
John of Ferrara, Candelabrum splenderis et perfectionis (ff24-68)
Rasis, De lapide (f76)
Albertus Magnus, Liber lucis (ff75-77v)
Arnald of Villanova, Theorica et practica (ff 77-82)
Sloane Ms 282: (15th c)
Rasis, Liber II (ff58-80)
Rasis, Liber IV (ff229-233)
Sloane Ms 288: (17th c)
Poore, John, On the Philosopher’s Stone (ff33-40)
Sawtrey, John, Monachi de Toornye (ff41-52)
Dastyn, John, The Dream (ff54-58)
Ripley, George, De lapide philosophico seu phenice (ff70-72)
Norton, Thomas, The ordinal of alchemy (f74)
Ripley, George, Medulla Alchymie, 1476 (ff78-90)
Ripley, George, Philorcium alchymiae (ff101-107)
Bacon, Roger, De chemia (ff136-138)
Bacon, Roger, Verbum abbreviatum (ff167-168)
Geber, Testamentum alchymicum ‘alias’ Thomas Aquinas (ff179-181)


Sloane Ms 299: (16th c)
Khunrath, Heinrich, Confession of the philosopher's stone, 1596 (pp13-17)
Bernardus, Trevisanus, De lapide philosophorum (pp18-36)
Locke, Humphrey, Collections on alchemy (pp37-82)
Ripley, George, The 12 gates of alchemy in verse (pp43-83)

Sloane Ms 308: (17th c)
Anon, Elemens de chimie au physique practique

Sloane Ms 311: (16th c)
Sahl Ibn Bashir, Liber introductoris ad astrologicum (ff5-61)
Rasis, Astrological works (ff89-135)

Sloane Ms 313: (15th c)
Honorius filius Euclidis, Opera Salomonis seu Liber Juratus
Salomon, King of Israel, Opus de arte magica

Sloane Ms 316: (16th c)
Albertus Magnus, Semita recta (ff8-53)


Sloane Ms 317: (c1600)
Hermes Trismegistus and Vicentius, extracts (ff1-26)
Geber, Summa perfectionis, c1600 (ff27-44)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Elucidation of his Testament (ff45-56)
Albertus Magnus, Semita recta (ff88-91, 99)

Sloane Ms 319: (c1600)
Robinson, Thomas, On the philosopher's stone (p2)
Kelley, Edward, Verses on the philosopher's stone (p3)
Ripley, George, Vision in verse (p4)
Ripley, George, Medulla Alchymie (pp21-38)

Sloane Ms 320: (15th c)
Arnald of Villanova, Notes gathered out of the Testament of Analdus... (ff33-34)
Chaucer, Geoffrey, Conclusion of the Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale (f34)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, The Repertory (ff63-64) and Theorica (ff66-77)
Paracelsus, De natura rerum et de natura hominis (ff77-95)
Ripley, George, The Philorcium (ff95-99)
Bloomefield, William, The Campe of Philosophy (ff108-111)
Hermes Trismegistus, Tabula Smaragdina (f112v)
Geber, Testament (f115)


Sloane Ms 323: (14th c)
Albertus Magnus, Secretum secretorum (ff2-61)
Albertus Magnus, Semita recta (ff 61-84)
Aristotle, Dicta de alchemia (ff95-109)
Sloane Ms 338: (c1461)
John de Rupecissa, De quinta essentia (pp11-92)

Sloane Ms 342: (13th c)
Rasis, Liber II (ff85-87)
Albertus Magnus, Experimenta physica (ff130v-131v)

Sloane Ms 353: (15th c)
Bacon, Roger, Treatise on the quintessence of alchemy (attributed)
John de Rupecissa, De quinta essentia (ff2-50)
Alexander Africanus, On the seven herbs (ff50-60)

Sloane Ms 410: (16th c)
Kelley, Edward, Treatise on the philosopher's stone


Sloane Ms 420: (13th – 14th c)
Gerard of Cremona: De modo medendi (ff2-17v)
Gerard of Cremona De dandis catharticis (ff18-25)
Aristotle, Letters to Alexander (ff180-185)
Sloane Ms 513: (14th - 15th c)
Dove, Richard, Planetary calendar (ff20-24)
Majoricis, Rodericus de, Tractatus de chiromantia (ff84-96)
Albertus Magnus, Semita recta (ff155-168)
Albertus Magnus, Speculum luminum (ff168-178) [The mirror of lights]
Bacon, Roger, Speculum secretorum alchemiae (ff178-181)
Bacon, Roger, Receipts (f181)
Bacon, Roger, Liber duodecim aquarum (ff184-188)
Dove, Richard, Ars notoria, cum tabulis (ff192-200)
Sloane Ms 684: (16th c)
Charnock, Thomas, Breviary of naturall philosophy (ff1-23)

Sloane Ms 687: (c1600)
Hermes Trismegistus, Of Hermetical philosophy


Sloane Ms 692: (15th c)
Bacon, Roger, Speculum alchimiae (ff1-9v)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, De opere solis et lunae (ff46-51)
Arnald of Villanova, De secretis naturae (ff 67-74)
Hermes Trismegistus, Opus summum, metrice (ff83-93)
Bacon, Roger, Finalis conclusio alchemica (ff102-103)
Bacon, Roger, Speculum alchimiae (ff115-117) [a different work]
Sloane Ms 696: (17th c)
Anon, Catalogue of books relating to alchemy and medicine and another relating to magic

Sloane Ms 732: (17th c)
Anon, Early French alchemy

Sloane Ms 748: (1486)
Aristotle, Commentary on de coelo et mundo (ff1-64)
Aristotle, Commentary on de Sensu et Sensato (ff65-69)
Aristotle, Commentary on de Memoria (ff70-72)
Aristotle, Commentary on de Somno et Vigilia (ff73-80)
Aristotle, Commentary on de Longitudine (ff81-82)
Aristotle, Commentary on De Anima (ff83-145)


Sloane Ms 812: (17th c)
Anon, Observationes chymicae

Sloane Ms 857: (17th c)
Papers of the Glass-Sellers’ Company (ff44-94)
Paracelsus, Explicatio totius Astronomiae (ff101-124) [English]
Paracelsus, Practica in scientam Divinationis (ff124-127)
Paracelsus, Interpretatio totius Astronomia (ff127-144)
Paracelsus, Azoth, sive de ligno et linea vitae (ff145-178) [English]
Catalogue of the library of Edward Sherborne (ff179-199)
Sloane Ms 962: (15th c)
Anon, Charms against elves, serpents, malignant spirits.(ff9-10)
Arderne, John, Remedies (ff123-248)


Sloane Ms 963: (15th c)
Anon, Recipes for making gold etc (ff5-14)
Anon, Charms against elves, serpents, malignant spirits. (ff15-16)

Sloane Ms 976: (15th c)
Dastyn, John, De elixer aquaram (f5)
Arnald of Villanova, Perfectum magisterium (f28)
Aquinas, Thomas, Receipts (f29)
Albertus Magnus, Compendium super artem alkimie (f32b) [part of De mineralibus]
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Receptae alchemicae (f45)
Meung, Jehan de, De lapide minerali et de lapide vegetabili (ff85-108)

Sloane Ms 1068: (17th c)
Peter, John, Alchemical dialogue, c1548 (ff1-111)
Geber, Gebri abri philosophi . de investigatione perfectionis (ff133-142)
Geber, Gebri abri philosophi . summa perfectionis gebri (ff143-238)
Geber, Gebri abri philosophi . de inventione veritatis (ff239-250)
Geber, Gebri abri philosophi . liber fornacum (ff251-262)
Arnald of Villanova, Novum lumen (ff263-269)
Arnald of Villanova, Epistola super alchemia (ff270-271)


Sloane Ms 1080a: (15th c)
John de Rupecissa, De quinta essentia (ff6-31)

Sloane Ms 1091: (15th c)
Geber, Summa perfectionis (ff3-51, 75-81)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Experiments (ff53)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, De furnish faciendis (f60)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Se herba donum coeli (ff68)
Rasis, Lumen luminis (ff85-90, 199-217)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Accurtacio operis (ff94-98)
Bacon, Roger, Alchemical processes (ff99-104)
Pearce the Black Monk, Verses on the elixir (ff105-108)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Apertorium abbreviatum (ff108-117)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Ars magica (ff118-124)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Ars operative seu de Quinta essentia (ff134-145)
Arnald of Villanova, De bonitate memoriae (ff145)
Arnald of Villanova, Novum lumen (f162)
Arnald of Villanova, Flos florum (ff164)
Arnald of Villanova, Theorica et practica (ff166-170)
Bacon, Roger, Speculum (ff178-198)
Sloane Ms 1092: (16th c)
Pearce the Black Monk, Verses on the elixir (f3v)
Ripley, George, Compound of alchemy in verse (ff16-44, 62)

Sloane Ms 1098: (16th c)
Ripley, George, Mystery of the alchhymists (f5)
Merlin, Alchemical verses (ff8)
Norton, Thomas, The Ordinall of alchemy (ff16,42)
Chaucer, Geoffrey, Conclusion of the Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale (f18)
Pearce the Black Monk, Verses on the elixir (f19)
Ripley, George, Writings on alchemy (ff22, 24, 26, 27, 33)
Vadis, Aegidus de, Carmen perpulchrum (ff43-46)

Sloane Ms 1118: (15th c)
Bacon, Roger, Speculum alchimiae (ff50-56)
Geber, Summa perfectionis, translated by Roger Bacon (ff60-71, 73-86)
Bacon, Roger, Opus minor (ff94-99)
Dastyn, John, On the elixir (ff107-111)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Epistola (ff129-130)


Sloane Ms 1123: (17th c)
Boyle, Robert, Extracts, medical and chemical, from his works

Sloane Ms 1198: (16th - 17th c)
Norton, Thomas, The ordinal of alchemy (f1-39)
Ripley, George, Treatise on alchemy (ff41-63)

Sloane Ms 1232: (17th c)
Lemery, Nicolas, Notes on his chemistry (ff41-76)

Sloane Ms 1255: (17th c)
Eckhart, George, On the Philosopher’s Stone (ff11v-13)
Dutch, French and Italian alchemy (ff23v-217)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Conclusio sumaria ad intelligentiam librorum ejus (ff231-234)
Hermes Trismegistus, Tabula Smaragdina (ff250-253)


Sloane Ms 1451: (17th c)
Flamel, Nicholas, Exposition of his hieroglyphics (f21, 38v)
Mary the Prophetess, On alchemy (f25)

Pater sapientiae (ff40-44)

Sloane Ms 1524: (15th - 16th c)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Translation by Ripley of his Book of the Philosopher's Stone (ff13-39)
Ripley, George, Medulla Alchymie, 1476 (ff59-70)

Sloane Ms 1676: (17th c)
Hermes Trismegistus, Hermetic Philosophy

Sloane Ms 1698: (14th c)
Hermes Trismegistus, De salibus et corporibus (ff53-55)
Arnald of Villanova, Theorica et practica (f58-62)


Sloane Ms 1712: (13th c)
Anon, De arte notoria

Sloane Ms 1723: (17th c)
Isaac, On Lead (ff3-17)
Paracelsus, Alchemical treatise "of simple fire" (ff18-28)
Chaucer, Geoffrey, Conclusion of the Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale (ff35-43)
Ripley, George, Treatises on alchemy (ff44-54, 64-70)
Bacon, Roger, Discourse on the philosopher's stone (ff55-60)
Arnold, a polish jew, Alchemical work, 1570 (ff93-115)
Sloane Ms 1751: (17th c)
Bloomfield, William, the Campe of philosophy (ff3-15)
Norton, Thomas, The ordinal of alchemy (ff18-72)

Sloane Ms 1754: (14th c)
Bacon, Roger, Speculum secretorum alchemiae (ff48-50)
Avicenna, Epistola alchemica (ff50-56)
Hermes Trismegistus, Liber artis alchemiae (ff60)
Bacon, Roger, Tractatus trium verborum (ff 62-75)
Aristotle, Liber perfecti Magisterii Alchemia (ff95-112)
Rasis, de duodecim aquis (ff112)
Rasis, Rerum secretarum (ff114-136)
Avicenna, De anima (ff186b-193)
Sloane Ms 1783: (17th c)
Aesop, Fables (ff1-6)
Anon, Remedies for witchcraft (ff69-75)

Sloane Ms 1799: (17th c)
Vadis, Aegidus de, Dialogus inter Naturam et filium Philosophiae (ff2-30)
Bacon, Roger, Radix mundi (ff 31-73)
Bristol, John, Treatise on chemistry (ff74-104)


Sloane Ms 1802: (17th c)
Merlin, Metrical prophecies (ff1-10, 14-17)
Prophecies of Thomas Rymour and Gildas (ff22-27,47)

Sloane Ms 1842: (17th c)
Ripley, George, Terra terrae philosophicae (ff2-4)
Ripley, George, Medulla Philosophiae Chemicae (ff7v-10)
Pearce the Black Monk, Verses on the elixir (ff11-13)
Ripley, George, Philosophical verses and on the philosopher’s stone and the phoenix (ff20-27)
Bacon, Roger: Verbum abbreviatum (ff32-36)
Ripley, George, The great work and other writings (ff43-49, 57-61, 78-101)

Sloane Ms 1873: (16th c)
Norton, Thomas, The ordinall of alchemy (ff2-84)

Sloane Ms 1876: (17th c)
Dee, Arthur, Arca arcanorum abstrusae hermeticae scientiae (ff1-83)

Sloane Ms 1902: (17th c)
Dee, Arthur, Miscellany


Sloane Ms 1922: (17th c)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Catologus operum Mss ejus in bibliotheca Cesarea (ff42-46)

Sloane Ms 1933: (13th c)
Rasis, Works translated by Gerard of Cremona (ff3-114)
Avicenna, Formulae remediorum (f98v)
Avicenna, Libri Canonis ejus (ff184-275)
Sloane Ms 2008: (17th c)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Testamentum (ff3-149)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Testamentum cum cantilena (ff150-188)
Arnald of Villanova, Liber Phoenix (ff189-202)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Practica lapidum preciosorum (ff203-222, 339-344)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Ars magica (ff223-232)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Artis animae compendium (ff232-272)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Liber lucis mercuriorum (ff272-287)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Liber magnae medicinae (ff288-318)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, De conservatione vitae humanae (ff318-338)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Lucidarium testamenti (ff345-356)


Sloane Ms 2027: (15th c)
Aristotle, Secreta secretorum, translated by John Lydgate (ff53-92)
Robert of Gloucester, Chronicle from the fall of Troy to the reign of King John (ff96-169)
Anon, Chronicle from the reign of King John to Richard II (ff170-188)

Sloane Ms 2030: (12th -13th c)
Bede, De natura rerum (ff1-9)
Sahl Ibn Bashir, Liber introductorius ad astrologicum (ff41-76)
Aristotle, On physiognomy (ff95-103)
Avicenna, De physiognomia (ff103-108)
Avicenna, Epistola ad Carolum de mensibus (ff129-131)
Sloane Ms 2036: (17th c)
Avicenna, Excerpts (ff2-4)
Bloomfield, William, The compendiary of alchemy (ff5-13)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Experiments (f13)
Ripley, George, The secret of nature (ff22-28)
Norton, Thomas, The ordinal of alchemy, chapters 3, 6 & 7 (f30-36)
Avicenna, On the Philosopher’s Stone (f49)
Rasis, Practica (ff51)
Sawtrey, John, On the Philosopher’s Stone (ff53-63)
Ripley, George, The marrow of alchemy (ff71-75)

Sloane Ms 2053: (17th c)
Hermes Trismegistus, Collectanea chymica Hermetica (ff2-65)
Tritheim, Johann, Practica alchemica (ff66-72)


Sloane Ms 2055: (17th c)
Ripley, George, Treatise on alchemy (ff32-36)
Lull, Ramon, of Majorca, Experiments (ff130-154)
Sloane Ms 2135: (14th c)
Anon, Early chemistry (ff1-11, 22-30, 30-49, 77-89)
Hermes Trismegistus, Secreta alchemica (ff12-17)
Albertus Magnus, Semita recta (ff20-21)

Sloane Ms 2156: (15th c)
Bacon, Roger, De perspectiva (ff1-41)
Bacon, Roger, De multiplicatione specierum (ff42-71)
Arnald of Villanova, On medicine, Visionum and other writings (ff96-110)
Bacon, Roger, De mirabili potestate artis et naturae (ff111-116)
Aquinas, Thomas, De essentiis essentiarum (ff130-148)
Aquinas, Thomas, De fato (ff154-159)

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