Part 2: 1800-1918, Sources from the Bodleian Library, Oxford
[place of publication is London unless otherwise stated]
Sermons and Homilies on Manliness
48.1422 - William Leask: True manhood: a lecture, 1848
48.1313 - George Morris: Mans manhood: a lecture, Canterbury, 1848
G.Pamph.2369(7) - Hugh Stowell Brown: Manliness, 1858
270 c.60 - John Brookes: Manliness, 1859
1419 f.840(5) - William Landels: How men are made, 1859
250 c.17 - William Landels: True manhood: its nature, foundation and development, 1861
100 m.1(19) - William Kirkus: Manly strength: a sermon, 1863
141 k.149 - S S Pugh: Christian manliness, 1867
100 i.68(33) - Robert G Swayne: Christian manhood: a sermon, 1869
100 i.10(11) - John Caird: Christian manliness: a sermon, Glasgow, 1871
260 g.367(7) - William Crosbie: Manliness: an address, Derby, 1876
270 g.774 - John Brookes: Manliness and culture, 1878
100 k.53(17) - Henry R Heywood: Manliness: a sermon, Manchester, 1878
141 j.446 - Thomas Hughes: The manliness of Christ, 1879
24727 e.1 - James Baldwin Brown: The home in its relation to man and to society, 1883
100 f.267 - J B Figgis: Manliness, womanliness, godliness, 1886 (2nd edition)
1419 e.175 - John W Diggle: Godliness and manliness, 1887
100 e.573(1) - J A Atkinson: Christian manliness: a sermon, Bolton, 1888
26520 e.95 - William J Dawson: The making of manhood, 1894
26520 e.133 - Horace G Groser: The kingdom of manhood, 1897
26520 e.148 - Silas K Hocking: The culture of manhood, 1898
The Gospel of Work and Self-help
43.128 - Thomas Carlyle: Past and present (Book 3, chapters 11-12), 1843
270 c.321 - Samuel Smiles: Self-help, 1859
270 g.342 - Samuel Smiles: Character, 1871
100 e.267a - H H Almond: Sermons by a lay head-master, The idler no Christian (pp 149-164), Edinburgh, 1886
26520 g.29 - Rules for the behaviour of children, Birmingham, c.1840
34.472 - The Eton system of education is vindicated: and its capabilities of improvement considered, Eton, 1840
G A Warw 423 - The book of Rugby School: its history and its daily life, Rugby, 1856
26236 f.1 - The childrens wrong: a book for Christian parents, 1864
251 c.560 - G N Banks: A day of my life: or every-day experiences at Eton, 1877
100 e.352 - Herbert A James: School ideals: sermons preached in the chapel of Rossall School, 1887
2532 e.158 - G N Banks: An Eton boys letters, 1901
G A Middl 8396 - Harrow School: Existing customs, 1903 (3rd edition)
G A Warwick 8 160(13) - Rugby School: principal rules respecting discipline, games, locking-up etc, Rugby, 1908
26236 e.42 - Essays on duty and discipline: papers on the training of children in relation to social and national welfare (1-30), 1910
26236 e.63 -
- Essays on duty and discipline: papers on the training of children in relation to social and national welfare (31-40), 1913
- Public school life: Eton, by an old Etonian, 1910
- W Teignmouth Shore: Public school life: Westminster, 1910
- Archibald Fox: Public school life: Harrow, 1911
H H Hardy: Public school life: Rugby, 1911
Advice Books for Boys and Young Men
260 g.342 - Isaac Taylor: Advice to the teens: or practical help towards the formation of ones own character, 1818 (2nd edition)
8 N4(3)BS - Isaac Taylor: Character essential to success in life: addressed to those who are approaching manhood, 1820
26520 e.486 - William Cobbett: Advice to young men and (incidentally) to young women in the middle and higher ranks of life, 1829
100 z.242 - John Angell James: The young mans friend and guide through life to immortality, 1851
270 c.18 - T S Arthur: Advice to young men on their duties and conduct in life, 1855
270 c.17 - T S Arthur: Advice to young ladies on their duties and conduct in life, 1855
270 g.391 - John Angell James: The young man from home, 1871 (New edition)
100 w.87 - James Baldwin Brown: Young men and maidens: a pastoral for the times, 1871
260 g.255 - Harvey Newcomb: Youth and its duties: a book for young gentlemen, containing useful hints on the formation of character, 1873
141 m.722 - Robert Philip: Manly piety: a book for young men, 1879
26520 f.11 - [Thomas Hughes]: Notes for boys (and their fathers) on morals, mind and manners, 1885
26520 e.51 - William J Dawson: The threshold of manhood: a young mans words to young men, 1889
26520 f.60 - Frederick A Atkins: Moral muscle and how to use it: a brotherly chat with young men, 1890
38483 e.7 - Robert Baden-Powell: Scouting for boys: a handbook for instruction in good citizenship, 1908
13217 f.15 - The Boys Brigade manual, for the use of officers, Glasgow, 1913 (Special edition)
Domestic and Family Relations
Vet. A5 e.1283 - John Aikin: Letters from a father to his son, 1793, 1800 (2 vols)
2806 f.24(3) - How to make love, Dublin, 1820
24. 341 - The father and son: a tale, by a friend to a youth, 1824
260 g.215 - G E Sargent: Home Education, 1854
100 g.49(1) - How to choose a wife, 1855
250 i.3(19) - Letters from a father to his son (signed J A M), 1869
1419 f.1901(17) - A fathers advice to a son: a letter, n.d.
1489 f.1558 - Father and daughter, 1886
1419 e.1811 - A fathers letters to his son, 1911
Fashion and Etiquette
8 M58(11) BS - John Harris: An essay on politeness, 1820 (3rd edition, by James McKnown)
38.87 - Etiquette for gentlemen: with hints on the art of conversation, 1838 (2nd edition)
38099 f.2 - How to shine in society, or the art of conversation, Glasgow, 1860
247895 g.2 - The gentlemans manual of modern etiquette, 1864
250 k.17(18) - The man of the period: a companion to the girl of the period, 1868
268 c.454 - The gentlemans art of dressing with economy, by a lounger at the clubs, 1876
268 c.538 - Manners and tone of good society: or, solecisms to be avoided, by a member of the aristocracy, 1879
247895 g.9 - How to behave: or, etiquette of society, 1879
268 b.260 - The manners of the aristocracy, by one of themselves, 1881
3987 e.93 - The golden rule readers: manners and morals, 1898 (Books 1 & 2)
247895 e.8 - Etiquette for gentlemen, 1900
247895 e.25 - Manners and rules of good society: or, solecisms to be avoided, by a member of the aristocracy, 1910 (32nd edition)
25611 e.1738 - Men about town, by F O L, 1912
The Gentleman
8 T139 BS - Kenelm Digby: The broad stone of honour, or rules for the gentlemen of England, 1822
26520 e.499 - William Roberts: The portraiture of a Christian gentleman, 1829
39.2 - Advice to a young gentleman on entering society, 1839 (2nd edition)
49.997 - The English gentleman: his principles, his feelings, his manners, his pursuits, 1849
Per.2705 d.213 - James Fitzjames Stephen, Gentlemen, Cornhill Magazine (vol 5, 1862, pp 327-42), 1862
270 g.64 - James H Friswell: The gentle life: essays in aid of the formation, 1864
Per.3977 d.58 - J R Vernon, The grand old name of gentleman, Contemporary Review (vol II, 1869, pp 561-80), 1869
210 k.387 - William Davies: A fine old English gentleman, exemplified in the life and character of Lord Collingwood, 1875
26520 e.247 - A Smythe-Palmer: The ideal of a gentleman, 1908
The Working Man
1672 f.19 - Household truths for working men, 1857 (new edition)
270 c.105 - Mans duty to his neighbours, in a series of eleven prize essays, 1859
G Pamph 2373(9) - Derby working mens association: seven essays by working men: Helps and hindrances to home happiness, 1860
250 b.226 - Social science: being selections from John Cassells prize essays by working men and women, 1861
232 f.43 - [Thomas Wright] A journeyman engineer: Some habits and customs of the working classes (pp184-203), 1867
1419 f.1316(19) - The fathers meeting: half an hours reading for working men, 1873
270 f.692 - Working men and women by a working man, 1879
Sexuality and Purity
26521 f.7(1) - Alfred S Dyer: Facts for men on moral purity and health, 1884
26521 e.12(1) - Richard A Armstrong: Our duty on the matter of social purity: an address to young men, 1885
26521 e.6 - A lecture to young men on the preservation of health and personal purity of life, 1885 (1st edition)
26521 e.13(2) - James Barker: A secret book for men, Brighton, 1888
26521 e.13(8) - John H Kellogg: Social purity: an address, 1891
26225 e.1 - Edward Lyttelton: Mothers and sons: or problems in the home training of boys, 1892
26236 e.14 - Edward Lyttelton: Training of the young in laws of sex, 1900
Health and Sport
34867 e.300 - Pierce Egan: Boxiana: sketches of ancient and modern pugilism (vols 1 & 2), 1824
34867 e.300 - Pierce Egan: Boxiana: sketches of ancient and modern pugilism (vol 3), 1824
Vet A6 f.323 - The boys book of sports and gamesby Uncle Charles, 1850
38457 f.20(17) - The laws of football as played at Rugby School, Rugby, 1862
268 b.46 - Every boys book: a complete encyclopaedia of sports and amusements. Edited by Edmund Routledge, 1868
N.2288 c.8 - Athletics, Saturday Review (vol 27, 27 March, 1869 pp 413-4), 1869
Per.3977 e.200 - Lesley Stephen, Athletic sports and university studies Frasers Magazine (NS. vol 2, 1870, pp 691-704), 1870
Per.3977 d.66 - Edward Lyttelton: Athletics in public schools The nineteenth century (vol 7, 1880, pp 43-57), 1880
100 e.267a - H H Almond: Sermons by a lay head-master The consecration of the body (pp 165-76), Edinburgh, 1886
280 f.663(12) - Rugby rhymes, rough and ready: with Mr Jingle, Cupar, 1893
38467 e.8 - Tom Sayers: Boxing: or, the art of self-defence, Manchester, 1905
Per.3977 d.59 - F G Aflalo, The sportsman, Fortnightly reviews (NS. vol 81, 1907, pp155-67), 1907
38463 e.28(18) - Rules of golf, Edinburgh, 1913
Heroic and Military Manliness
41.110 - Thomas Carlyle: On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history: lecture 6 The hero as king, (pp 316-93), 1841
280 r.506 - Captain R Compton Noake: War Songs, Edinburgh, 1860
280 j.294 - Major R Compton Noake: The bivouac, or, martial lyricist containing songs, epigram, and poems, 1871
221 g.74 - S S Pugh: Tales of heroes, 1873
200 h.118(27) - Major R Compton Noake: The British army: A challenge to the War Office Actuaries: exposing the misstatements made to induce parliament to pass the Short Service Enlistment Act of 1870, the reasons why there are so many desertions and the army so unpopular, from the soldiers own point of view, 1875
1419 g.111(22) - Francis Paget: A word to soldiers about Christianity and manliness, 1889
G A Bucks 8 46 - Geoffrey Drage: Eton and the empire, Eton, 1890
Per 2533 c.5 - Boys of the Empire: a magazine for British boys all over the world, 1900-01
Per 2533 c.5 - Boys of the Empire: a magazine for British boys all over the world, 1901-02
Per 2533 c.5 - Boys of the Empire: a magazine for British boys all over the world, 1902-03
2288 e.488(2) - B-P: The hero of Mafeking. Tit-bits monster penny books, 1907
e.24 - How to become a naval officer (revised edition, introduction by Sir E R Fremantle), 1909
2624 e.56 - Herbert B Gray: The public schools and the empire, 1913
38483 e.42 - Sir Robert Baden-Powell: The young knights of the Empire, their code and further scout yarns, 1916
2221 e.39 - Henry Newbolt: The book of the happy warrior Chivalry of today (pp 272-84), 1917
22281 e.1070 - The scouts book of heroes: a record of scouts work in the Great War. Foreword by the Chief Scout Sir Robert Baden-Powell, 1919