Manuscript Sources from the Public Record Office
Part 4: Equal Opportunities and Pay (T 162, T 163, T 171, T 172, T 189, T 214,
T 215, T 217, T 273, T 275, T 328 and WO 32 files)
T 162/11/E598/01
Salary Scales: General: Temporary Clerks: Rates of Pay: Average Ages, 1921.
T 162/11/E598/02
Salary Scales: General: Temporary Clerks: Rates of Pay: Duties Assigned to Grades I and II, 1920-1921.
T 162/11/E598/03/1
Salary Scales: General: Temporary Clerks: Rates of Pay: Comparison with Rates in Outside Employment, 1918-1921.
T 162/11/E598/03/2
Salary Scales: General: Temporary Clerks: Rates of Pay: Comparison with Rates in Outside Employment, 1921.
T 162/11/E598/06
Salary Scales: General: Temporary Clerks: Rates of Pay: Claim for equal pay for men and women, 1922.
T 162/11/E598/07
Salary Scales: General: Temporary Clerks: Rates of Pay: Necessity for giving notice of reduction, 1922.
T 162/11/E598/016
Salary Scales: General: Temporary Clerks: Rates of Pay: Inclusion of certain offices in London Area for purposes of pay, 1924.
T 162/11/E598/4
Salary Scales: General: Temporary Clerks: Rates of Pay: General File, 1923.
T 162/11/E598/5
Salary Scales: General: Temporary Clerks: Rates of Pay: General File, 1924.
T 162/11/E598/6
Salary Scales: General: Temporary Clerks: Rates of Pay: General File, 1924.
T 162/11/E598/7
Salary Scales: General: Temporary Clerks: Rates of Pay: General File, 1924-1931.
T 162/14/E731
Establishment. Women: Equal pay for men and women in the Civil Service, 22 January 1920 4 August 1920.
[sub-file Treasury 3698, 23 January 1920; just the one sub-file only].
T 162/19/E1156
Control of, and regulations for the Civil Service, and regulations affecting women admitted under the provisions of the Sex Disqualification Act, 1920.
T 162/47/E.3506/1 & 2
Women Clerks: Assimilation into new grades; Treasury attitude towards Federation of Women Civil Servants; see especially W.R. Fraser minute, 20 August 1920.
[two sub-files only].
T 162/51/E3840/01
Post Office: Messenger Staff, Edinburgh Headquarters: Remuneration of Assistant Head Messengers; with material on pay for both male and female workers, 1927.
[just one sub-file].
T 162/51/E3845
Ministry of Munitions: Civil Service Arbitration Award No.111 of 1920; Rates of Pay for staff of the Inspection Department:
(i) Munitions Area Inspectorate
(ii) Steel Inspectorate
(iii) Miscellaneous Stores Inspectorate
Papers for 1921.
[just one sub-file].
T 162/51/E3867
Assimilation to a lower grade of Officers unfit for Grade to which they would normally be assimilated, Papers for 1921-1923. [just one sub-file].
T 162/51/E3876
Temporary Clerks (male and female) employed in Edinburgh: Scales of Pay; Papers for 1921-1924. [just one sub-file].
T 162/51/E3913/1
Women Officers in Administrative, Executive and other Grades: Rates of Pay; Government policy on Equal Pay; see especially material on Labour Government for 1923. Papers for 1920-1930. [just one sub-file].
T 162/51/E3913/2
Women Officers in Administrative, Executive and other Grades: Rates of Pay; Government policy on Equal Pay. Papers for 1920-1930. [just one sub-file].
T 162/78/E7724 Establishment. Women: Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act, 1919;
Position regarding various replacements of women by men,
22 February 1922 - 25 March 1922. [just one sub-file].
T 162/100/E12483
Establishment. Women: Allocation of posts in the Civil Service between men and women; position with regard to the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act and Resolution of the House of Commons, 5 August 1921.
[just one sub-file].
T 162/674/E12471/1
Equal Pay for Men and Women employed on similar duties in the Civil Service, 12 February 1924 - 3 May 1925. [just one sub-file].
T 162/674/E12471/2
Equal Pay for Men and Women employed on similar duties in the Civil Service, 29 July 1925 - 22 March 1928. Includes material on Conservative Government policy on Equal Pay. [just one sub-file].
T 162/674/E12471/3
Equal Pay for Men and Women employed on similar duties in the Civil Service, 15 November 1928 - 10 December 1934. [just one sub-file].
T 162/674/E12471/4
Equal Pay for Men and Women employed on similar duties in the Civil Service, 5 February 1935 - 24 March 1936. [just one sub-file].
T 162/674/E12471/5
Equal Pay for Men and Women employed on similar duties in the Civil Service, March 1936. [just one sub-file].
T 162/674/E12471/6
Equal Pay for Men and Women employed on similar duties in the Civil Service, 7 April 1936 - 20 April 1937. [just one sub-file].
T 162/674/E12471/7
Equal Pay for Men and Women employed on similar duties in the Civil Service, 24 November 1937 - 13 November 1943, including various printed abstracts.
[just one sub-file].
T 162/894/E3754/01/1
Women in the Civil Service. Representations from Womens Associations, including Minutes of JCWCS meeting with Financial Secretary to the Treasury,
8 November 1921. Treasury maintains sex differentiation in Civil Service. See also W. Fraser memorandum to M. Lawrence and R. Scott, 11 October, 1921 and
P. Strachey to R. Horne, 8 February, 1922; also unsigned memorandum on Employment of Women in Administrative and Executive Posts.
Papers for 12 August 1921 3 March 1924.
[just one sub-file].
T 162/894/E3754/01/2
Women in the Civil Service. Representations from Womens Associations. Papers for 1 May 1925 24 April 1940.
[just one sub-file].
T 162/894/E3754/01/3
Women in the Civil Service. Representations from Womens Associations. Papers for 5 December 1939 4 July 1947.
[just one sub-file].
T 162/894/E3754/010
Women in the Civil Service: Temporary Employment of Married Women, 1930-1947. [just one sub-file].
T 162/935/E47977/010
Royal Commission on Equal Pay: Staff Side Evidence, 1945-1947.
[just one sub-file].
T 162/935/E47977/01/1
Royal Commission on Equal Pay: Treasury Evidence in respect of all persons in the Employment of the Crown, 1944-1945.
[just one sub-file].
T 162/935/E47977/01/2 Royal Commission on Equal Pay: Treasury Evidence in respect of all persons in the Employment of the Crown, 1945-1947.
[just one sub-file].
T 162/935/E47977/012
Minutes of Evidence taken before the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 16 February 1945 10 August 1945.
[just one sub-file].
T 162/935/E47977/
Royal Commission on Equal Pay: Report and subsequent action, 1946-1947.
012/1 Annex [just one sub-file; see file marked E47977/012/1 Annex].
T 162/971/E12471/02
Equal Pay for men and women employed on similar duties in the Civil Service: Estimate of Cost; Means of Scales; Maximum of Scales; Sex differentiation in pay schedule of action taken on TC 16/37, 1938. Papers for 7 March 1929 27 June 1938.
[just one sub-file; see file marked E12471/02].
T 162/974/E21970/03/1
Scientific and professional staff: Women's equivalent of men's scales as recommended by the Carpenter Committee, 1930-1937.
[just one sub-file].
T 162/974/E21970/03/2
Scientific and professional staff: womens equivalent of mens scales as recommended by the Carpenter Committee, 1937-1938.
[just one sub-file].
T 162/1007/E25250/
Personal Injuries (Civilians) Scheme: claim to equal compensation for men and 028/01 women, 1941-1943.
[just one sub-file; see file marked E25250/028/01].
T 162/1018/E47977/02
Royal Commission on Equal Pay: Information collected in Treasury about Non-Industrial Staffs. Details of Evidence. 1944-1945.
[just one sub-file; see file marked E47977/02].
T 162/1018/E47977/
Royal Commission on Equal Pay: Minutes and Memorandum of Working Party; 02/Annex 1 Notes of deputation to Chancellor of the Exchequer from National Council staff side, 1944-1945. [just one sub-file; see file marked E47977/02/Annex 1].
T 163/33/5
Married Women (Employment) Bill, 1927.
T 171/439
Budget Papers for 1954, Volume 3:
Section 18 on "Equal Pay" comprising:
(a) Note by Sir T Padmore, 4 March 1954
(b) Note by Sir T Padmore, 10 March 1954
(c) Note by Financial Secretary of the Treasury, 10 March 1954
(d) Letter from the Chancellor of the Exchequer, R.A. Butler, to the
Minister of Labour, Sir Walter Monckton, 11 March 1954
(e) Memorandum on "Equal Pay" and cover letters from the Chancellor of the
Exchequer, R.A. Butler to the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill;
the Minister of Labour, Sir Walter Monckton; the Minister of Education,
Florence Horsbrugh; the Minister of Housing, Harold Macmillan;
the Minister of Health, Iain Macleod; and the Secretary of State for Scotland,
James Stuart, 20 March 1954.
(f) Record of Cabinet discussions, 24 March 1954: CC(54)22: Cabinet Minutes for
24 March 1954
(g) Note by Mr Fraser, 30 March 1954
(h) Record of Cabinet discussions, 31 March 1954: CC(54)24: Cabinet Minutes for
31 March 1954.
[just section 18 of this volume: material covering Equal Pay; part of volume only].
T 171/449
Budget Papers for 1954: Chancellor of the Exchequer, see especially
Budget meeting minutes, 5 February, 8, 10, 15 and 29 March 1954.
T 172/1098
Civil Service and Womens Pay; see especially Federation of Women Civil Servants letter on equal pay, 15 March 1920, and the Civil Service National Whitley Council Report of the Joint Committee on the Organisation of the Civil Service.
February 1920.
T 214/409
NHS: employment of women on work normally performed by men,
T 214/543
Women factory inspectors (Class II): History of Equal Pay, 1892-1954.
T 215/36
Representations by the Civil Service Legal Society on equal pay for women legal officers, 1947-1949.
T 215/165
Family Allowances as a corollary to the introduction of equal pay, 1951-1953.
T 215/166
International Labour Office Conference, Geneva 1950: Equal Pay: Public Representations and Queries, 1950-1953.
T 215/237
Equal pay issues, 1937-1957: Introduction of Equal Pay; Draft Establishment Circular for Stage I Transitional Scales. Papers for 9 December 1954 1 February 1955.
T 215/238
Equal pay issues, 1937-1957: Introduction of Equal Pay; Draft Establishment Circular for Stage I Transitional Scales. Papers for 2 February 1955 21 March 1955.
T 215/239
Equal pay issues, 1937-1957: Equal Pay Assimilation Proposals and Calculations of Cost. Papers for 11 June 1947 19 January 1955.
T 215/240
Equal pay issues, 1937-1957: Report and Agreement of the Joint Committee of the Civil Service
National Whitley Council on the Preparation of the Scheme for the gradular introduction of Equal Pay. Papers for September 1954 April 1955.
T 215/241
Equal pay issues, 1937-1957: Civil Servants Paid on Outside Rates. See especially letter of J.A. Willis, Minister of Health to M. Rudd, 29 January 1953.
Papers for 12 January 1951 16 November 1955.
T 215/242
Equal pay issues, 1937-1957: Sex Differentiation in Pay. The 1937 Agreement (including interpretation and queries). Papers for 29 June 1937 9 November 1954.
T 215/243
Equal pay issues, 1937-1957: Sex Differentiation in Pay: Local Authority Staffs. Papers for 14 June 1952 8 August 1955.
T 215/244
Equal pay issues, 1937-1957: Sex Differential and Equal Pay Issues in Departmental pay negotiations. Papers for 25 July 1947 17 October 1955.
T 215/245
Equal pay issues, 1937-1957: Introduction of Equal Pay in the non-industrial Civil Service. Effect on Industry in general. Papers for 12 January 1951 14 January 1957.
T 215/469
Recommendations of the Royal Commission on the Civil Service, 1953-1955. Consequential effects on the salaries of "Women Only" grades not eligible for Equal Pay, 1956.
T 215/479
Women in the Civil Service: Employment of Married Women; General Policy and Papers regarding the Civil Service National Whitley Council Negotiating Committee on Commission's Recommendation: Abolition of the marriage bar for women in Civil Service, 1946-1958. Representations regarding retrospective effect.
T 215/484
Equal Pay in the Civil Service: representations from TUC, Staff Associations and Outside Bodies, 1946-1948.
T 215/485
Equal Pay in the Civil Service: representations from TUC, Staff Associations and Outside Bodies, 1949-1951.
T 215/486
Equal Pay in the Civil Service: representations from TUC, Staff Associations and Outside Bodies, 1951.
T 215/487
Equal Pay in the Civil Service: representations from TUC, Staff Associations and Outside Bodies, 1951-1952.
T 215/488
Equal Pay in the Civil Service: representations from TUC, Staff Associations and Outside Bodies, 1952-1953.
T 215/489
Equal Pay in the Civil Service: representations from TUC, Staff Associations and Outside Bodies, 1953-1955.
T 215/490
Equal Pay in the Civil Service: representations from TUC, Staff Associations and Outside Bodies, 1955-1958.
T 215/642
Equal pay policy: effects on Civil Service and employment generally, 1946-1950.
T 215/643
Equal pay policy: effects on Civil Service and employment generally, 1950-1951.
T 215/644
Equal pay policy: effects on Civil Service and employment generally, 1952.
T 215/645
Equal pay policy: effects on Civil Service and employment generally, 1952-1953.
T 215/646
Equal pay policy: effects on Civil Service and employment generally, 1954-1957.
T 215/777
Equal pay policy: Papers for 1951.
T 215/778
Equal pay policy: Papers for 1951-1952.
T 215/779
Equal pay policy: Papers for 1953-1954.
T 215/780
Equal pay policy: Papers for 1957-1960.
T 189/1
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: General Papers relating to setting up of the Royal Commission including details of members.
T 189/2
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Minutes of Meetings including Copies signed by Chairman.
T 189/3
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Minutes of Evidence.
T 189/4
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Index to Published Minutes of Evidence.
T 189/5
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Papers submitted to the Commission including Minutes of Meetings, Nos. 1-36.
T 189/6
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Papers submitted to the Commission including Minutes of Meetings, Nos. 37-72.
T 189/7
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Papers submitted to the Commission including Minutes of Meetings, Nos. 73-119.
T 189/8
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Papers submitted to the Commission including Minutes of Meetings, Nos. 120-170.
T 189/9
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Papers submitted to the Commission including Minutes of Meetings, Nos. 171-210.
T 189/10
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Papers submitted to the Commission including Minutes of Meetings, Nos. 211-236.
T 189/11
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Papers submitted to the Commission including Minutes of Meetings, Nos. 237-259.
T 189/12
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Papers submitted to the Commission including Minutes of Meetings, Nos. 260-291.
T 189/13
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Papers submitted to the Commission including Minutes of Meetings, Nos. 292-313.
T 189/14
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Papers submitted to the Commission including Minutes of Meetings, Nos. 314-328.
T 189/15
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Subject Index of Papers submitted to the Commission.
T 189/16
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Draft Chapters of the Report.
T 189/17
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Formal Approval of the Report by Members and Presentation to the Home Office.
T 189/18
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Memorandum of Dissent and Note of Reservation.
T 189/19
Papers concerning the Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946: Royal Commission on Equal Pay, 1944-1946. Report. Printed edition.
(HMSO, October 1946).
T 217/242
Industrial Civil Servants: introduction of equal pay, 1951-1954.
T 217/243
Industrial Civil Servants: introduction of equal pay, 1954-1955.
T 273/227
Royal Commission on Equal Pay: Papers leading up to equal pay decision, 1946-1954.
T 275/132
National Whitley Council: Committee on Marriage Bar, 1945-1946. General Correspondence.
T 275/133
National Whitley Council: Committee on Marriage Bar, 1945-1946. Minutes.
T 275/134
National Whitley Council: Committee on Marriage Bar, 1945-1946. Report.
T 275/135
National Whitley Council: Committee on Marriage Bar, 1945-1946. Practice of Foreign Countries and Outside Employers.
[includes periodicals and other material in envelope at back of folder].
T 275/136
National Whitley Council: Committee on Marriage Bar, 1945-1946. Views of Staff Side Associations not directly represented on the National Staff Side.
T 275/137
National Whitley Council: Committee on Marriage Bar, inquiry into subsequent history of women for whom marriage bar had been waived,1945.
T 275/232
National Whitley Council: Joint Ad-Hoc Committee to discuss findings of Chapter XII of Report of Royal Commission on Civil Service: Womens Questions, 1932-1934.
T 275/267
National Whitley Council: Sex Differentiation in Pay Sub-Committee of Joint General Purposes Committee, 1935-1937. Minutes and Papers, 1935-1937. [Bound Volume].
T 328/337
Economic effects of the introduction of equal pay, 1 January 1968 31 December 1969. (Folder 1).
T 328/338
Economic effects of the introduction of equal pay, 1 January 1969 31 December 1969. (Folder 2).
T 328/339
Economic effects of the introduction of equal pay, 1 January 1968 31 December 1969. (Folder 3).
WO 32/19337
Sex Discrimination in recruitment and employment: proposals for employment of women, 1964-1967.