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Part 1: The Humphrey Morice Papers from the Bank of England

M7/6 Slave Journal of Humphrey Morice
Orders and Instructions to William Snelgrave of the Henry, second voyage 15 July 1721

M7/7 Slave Journal of Humphrey Morice Orders and Instructions to William Clinch of the Judith, snow, first voyage 13 Sept 1721

M7/8 Slave Journal of Humphrey Morice
Orders and Instructions to Stephen Bull of the Sarah, second voyage 30 Oct 1722

M7/9 Slave Journal of Humphrey Morice
Orders and Instructions to William Snelgrave of the Henry, third voyage 20 Oct 1722

M7/10 Slave Journal of Humphrey Morice
Orders and Instructions to William Boyle of the Portugal, galley, fourth voyage 11 May 1724

M7/11 Slave Journal of Humphrey Morice
Orders and Instructions to Edmund Weedon of the Anne, fourth voyage 25 March 1725

M7/12 Slave Journal of Humphrey Morice
Orders and Instructions to William Snelgrave of the Katharine, galley, fifth voyage 22 Sept 1729

M7/13 Slave Journal of Humphrey Morice
Orders and Instructions to Thomas Hill of the Anne, galley, first voyage undated

M7/14 Slave Journal of Humphrey Morice
Orders and Instructions to Jeremiah Pearce, commander of the Judith, snow, seventh voyage 3 March 1730

M7/196 Journal of Humphrey Morice 1 July 1708 - 30 March 1709

M7/20 Journal of Humphrey Morice 11 Oct 1709 - 29 July 1710
Volume 1 Trading Accounts and Personal Papers Humphrey Morice - Letters 1-52

Volume 2 Trading Accounts and Personal Papers
Humphrey Morice - Letters 53-102

Volume 3 Trading Accounts and Personal Papers
Humphrey Morice - Letters 103-150

Volume 4 Trading Accounts and Personal Papers
Humphrey Morice - Letters 151-199

Volume 5 Trading Accounts and Personal Papers
Humphrey Morice - Letters 200-246

Volume 6 Personal and Business Papers c1700-c1731

Item 435: Copies of the wills of Sir Humphrey Morice’s father, 4 May 1684 and Sir Godfrey Copley,
14 October 1704 1684, 1704

Item 436: Invitation to dine with the East India Company, 29 May 1730
Bill for the funeral expenses of Mrs Judith Morice, 15 January 1719/20

Item 437: Promissory note of John Adams, 29 May 1703 in favour of Sir Nicholas Morice for £6.12s 2d

Item 437: Bill for 35 guineas drawn by John Morice in favour of Sir Nicholas Morice, 19 August 1710

Item 438: Draft of Nicholas Morice’s petition resigning the office of Clerk of the Signet and asking for it

Item 438: to be transferred to his nephew Joseph Moyle c1708
Two memoranda concerning Sir William Morice, father of Sir Nicholas 1682/1704
Address to William III from the Devon Quarter Sessions, 30 July 1689
Five addresses to the Grand Jury of Devon 1692-1694
Manuscript statement of Sir Nicholas Morice’s estate as found at Warington,12 December 1712

Item 439: Papers relating to Sir Humphrey Morice’s appointment as Master of the King’s Buckhounds and disagreements with the Duke of Kent about hunting the hounds. Reasons why Windsor Forest Keepers refuse a certificate for peat cutting 1716-1718

Item 440: Tradesmen’s Bills 1698-1723

Item 434: Papers relating to the South Sea Company 1720-1722

Item 492: Two notices of Committee of Treasury meetings and an invitation to dine at Pontacks c1730

Item 494: Printed list of Governors and Directors of the Bank of England 1727

Item 520: Memorandum in the handwriting of Humphrey Morice relating to a proposed loan to Austria nd

Item 442: List of Members of Parliament nd

Item 442: List of documents in the possession of Edmund Prideaux, 29 April 1691
Receipt for £2800 Bank Stock c/a John Browne 1712
Account Sales of £2000 Bank Stock 1722

Item 488: Two receipts for Land Tax 1722

Item 496: Papers relating to the South Sea Company 1720-1722

Item 497: Papers relating to the South Sea Company 1720-1722

Item 499: His Majesty’s Speech to the House of Commons, 20 January 1725 1725
Votes of the House of Commons, 9 October 1722
His Majesty’s Speech to the Houses of Parliament, 12 November 1724

Item 500: Abstracts of the Acts...to Ports and Places nd
The Case of the Merchants Trading in Tobacco at Whitehaven in the County of Cumberland nd
Reasons...for regulating the importation of Tobacco. nd

Item 501: Newspaper cutting from The Daily Post, 6 March 1727
Newspaper cutting from The Daily Courant, 3 December 1729

Item 503: Newspaper cutting referring to the South Sea Company c1721

Item 506: Abstract of the Penal Laws nd
List of the Nominees...named in Annuity Orders nd

Item 508: List of the Nominees...named in Annuity Orders nd

Volume 7 Personal and Business Papers c1700-c1731

Item 517: Letter from J Wood to Rev Mr Grosvenor concerning the Scottish Rebellion of 1715, 6 September 1722 1722

Item 514: An account of Funds granted to the Bank of England 1694-1716
Abstract of a proposal for reducing the interest on the National Debt and raising a Sinking Fund 1716
Observations on behalf of the Bank of England on the Bill for releasing their Annuity of 6d 1716
Suggestions as to the terms upon which the Bank of England may consent ot a reduction of interest on their advances ot Government, 9 May 1717
Minutes of the Court of Directors of the Bank, 15 May 1717

Item 514: Suggestions for reducing the interest on the National Debt and raising fresh capital 1717
Draft of an agreement between the Treasury and the Bank relating to Exchequer Bills, 16 March 1718/19
Memorandum concerning the sale of silver by the Bank to the East India Company, 31 August to 13 September 1731

Item 518: Account of slaves who died on the Elizabeth 1725

Item 489: Bills of Lading nd

Item 441: Statement by John Browne concerning Ann Sande’s fortune, 22 January 1716
Statement of expenses of Anne Morice 1720/21

Item 490: Receipt for call of 15% on £4000 Bank Stock 1709

Item 491: Receipt for call of 10% on £5100 Bank Stock 1710

Item 493: Printed notice of a meeting of Trustees under an Act of 12 Anne, addressed to Humphrey Morice, 6 June 1721
Unnumbered items -mostly Bills

Item 511: Mrs Saunders’ Bills for John Morice’s schooling and board 1722-1725

Item 512: Release given by Sir Nicholas Morice to Nicholas Morice Esq, 22 September 1704

Item 512: Release given by Sir William Carew to Nicholas Morice Esq, 7 November 1711
Three list of amounts owing to Nicholas Morice Esq for rents etc at South Milton and Exeter 1711/12
General Power of Attorney given by Thomas Sandes to John Browne, 30 October 1705
Particulars of the Will of John Browne in the handwriting of Humphrey Morice, 13 April 1716
Copy of Declaration of Trust from Humphrey Morice to Anne Sandes, 23 March 1716/17
Statement of Account of Humphrey Morice as Trustee for Anne Sandes 1717/23
List of Exchequer Orders left at the Exchequer by Humphrey Morice, 30 September 1715
List of payments in the handwriting of Humphrey Morice, 11 January 1719/20
Inventory of goods in his Nicholas Lane House in the handwriting of Humphrey Morice c1720
Bill of Granado Chester, Corn Chandler paid by Humphrey Morice, 8 February 1723/24
Copy of Bond given by Humphrey Morice to Sir Nicholas Morice, 6 May 1721
Draft of Bond from Humphrey Morice to Sir William Morice (as Executor to his father Sir Nicholas
Morice) c1726

Item 512: Draft agreement in the handwriting of Humphrey Morice concerning an amount held in trust for
Sir William Morice 1726
Draft instructions to Counsel given by Humphrey Morice for the defence of an action brought against
him by Granado Pigott, January 1723/24
Receipt for £269 15s 6d for the Solicitor’s costs of Granado Pigott in his cause against Humphrey
Morice,10 February 1726/27
Order of the Master of Rolls on the action brought by Granado Pigott against Humphrey Morice
and others, 7 March 1727
Receipt from Jasper Blythman for £193.10 for the costs in the Cause Pigott v Morice paid by
Humprhey Morice, 12 May 1727
Promissory note of Humphrey Morice to Granado Pigott for £1,622 7s 3d with a year’s interest payable
31 October 1731

Item 528: Authority from Sir William Scawen to Humphrey Morice to buy an estate in Berkshire, 18 May 1720

Item 529: No description available for this item

Item 530: No description available for this item

Item 532: Applications for holdings in a new Africa company 1720
Volume 8 Personal and Business Papers c1730-c1731

Item 533: Applications for holdings in a subscription to Bank Stock 1722

Item 541: Miscellaneous letters

Item 542: Please note that the following letters are listed as they appear in the catalogue at the Bank of England. However the letters are not kept in sequential order and do not appear on film in the following order.
To his uncle Nicholas Morice defending certain business transactions, 29 January 1709
To Lady Copley, letter of sympathy on the death of Sir Godfrey Copley, 11 April 1709
Recommendation of William Wood as the secretary of Jamaica, 16 November 1714
To Sir Nicholas Morice, sending two bags of money to him, 11 June 1715
To the Hon Nicholas Lechmore, Attorney General, re the Royal Mines and Battery Company, insurance of trading ships etc, 17 November 1719
To Granado Pigott, senior, concerning a marriage settlement for Granado Pigott, junior and Anne Sandes, 1 December 1720

Item 542: To the Hon Commissioners of His Majesty’s Customs concerning a cargo of indico detained illegally, 3 April 1721
To Nathaniel Butler concerning the sale of 160 oz of gold dust, 7 April 1721
To John Tymms with instructions for taking money to Sir Nicholas Morice, 6 May 1721
To Captain William Boyle with instructions for a voyage to Africa, 26 June 1724
To Captain Keate complaining of Keate’s behaviour in leaving his "Chief Mate ashore in an island beyond the Seas", 26 July 1731
List of goods belonging to Captain Roberts nd
List of goods for a cargo nd
List of shrouds and cables for the West Indies or New England, addressed to Thomas Sandes, 3 January 1704/05
Note from Peter Hollander asking Morice to endorse a note for £2000, 31 March 1711
From John Symons re the late Robert Melhuish, 11 February 1714
Abstract of several letters John Symons received from La Roche and Co from Lisbon 1714-1715
From John Symons re the late Robert Melhuish, 17 February 1715

Item 542: From John Symons with an enclosure for Samuel Bury, 29 April 1715
List of money owed to and by Wood, 11 October 1715
From Thomas Wood apologising for not enclosing a list of business debts in a previous letter, 25 February 1715/16
To William Nicholson and Major John Smith in Patuxant River, Maryland asking them to sell 200 negroes which Captain Stephen Bull will bring, 4 December 1718
To Captain Bull on the Coast of Africa with instructions as to the disposal of his cargo. (States that war was declared against Spain on (17 December), 15 January 1718/19
To Captain William Snelgrave with instructions for his voyage and information about other ships, 27 November 1719
From Joa Feliz Reiz to William Baillie who had just arrived in port, 16 January 1721
Recommendation from Morice and Charles Long for Alexander Henderson, as Attorney General of Jamaica, 10 October 1721
Note from Matthew Roycroft acting for Joseph Windham to Mr Timms asking what Morice has done in Henry Branthwait’s affair, 4 July 1722

Item 542: From Charles Weekes of Dorchester concerning ships and cargo, 1 February and 13 February 1724
From unknown person on board the Diamond in Honduras Bay giving an account of pirates, 20 September 1724
From Charles Small on board the Lyell near St Iago to Richard Mead telling of the death of a midshipman, 25 February 1730
From John Spencer asking for money for the ship London, 16 June 1731
From Thomas Hunt announcing his arrival of the ship Morice and asking for a berth at Deptford or Woolwich, 24 July 1731
Account of goods bought by John Smallwood and Captain Hogg of the Sarah galley, 29 July 1731
To Messrs Withers and Harrison of Barbados concerning the sale of negroes, 29 June 1731
From Robert Law at Cork announcing that two of Morice’s ships are homeward bound from the Windward passage, 28 July 1731
From Charles Ross asking for his account to be settled, 3 August 1731

Item 542: From Pierre Locquett of Amsterdam asking Morice to remit money belonging to John Pranger, 14 September 1731
From Pierre Locquett asking for a reply to his earlier letter, 9 October 1731
From Jeanne Dubor, 19 October 1731
From Katherine Morice to Messrs Basnett Tymms and Hide in Jamaica with instructions for selling negroes nd
Poem on a scrap of paper addressed to Nicholas Morice at Warrington nd
Documents Relating to British Trade with Africa, America and the West Indies 1720-1725
Memorial to the Admiralty from the merchants of London trading to Africa, asking for protection for their ships against pirates, 29 July 1720
Criticism of the proposal to form a new African company and limiting the trade to Africa to that company c1720
Memorandum proposing means of protecting the British trade to America against the Spaniards c1725
Opinions of five counsel on a proposal for forming a company to carry on a foreign trade 1720
Draft of a petition of planters, merchants and traders concerned in the West India trade for protection of British shipping against pirates nd
Reasons against passing the Jamaica Act to prevent fraudulent trade to Hispaniola and other foreign parts nd
Reasons against a Jamaica Act for laying a duty on certain imports from the American colonies nd
Petition of merchants to the Governor of Jamaica against any alteration in the value of the current coin of the island, 18 October 1722
Copy of a Royal Patent for gold and silver mines in Jamaica in favour of Charles Long and others, 4 July 1721
Reasons against the passing of any Act in Jamaica for laying any duties on negroes imported or exported into that island c1724
Petition to the King from the South Sea Company against imposing duties on negroes and flour imported and exported at Jamaica, 10 July 1724
M7/35 Letter Book of Humphrey Morice 1703-1706

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