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Consultant Editors
All of our projects are produced in close consultation with leading scholars and librarians.
Our editors include:
- Professor Jeremy Black, Department of History, University of Exeter
- David M Blake, Former Curator of European Manuscripts at the India Office Library
(India During the Raj)
- Professor Terry Castle, Department of English, Stanford University
(Sex & Sexuality, 1640-1940, Part 2)
- Michele Cohen, Humanities Department, the American International University in London, Richmond
(Masculinity, 1560-1918: Men Defining Men, Part 1)
- Professor Leonard W Connolly , Department of English, Trent University
(The Papers of Bernard Shaw)
- Professor Patricia Demers, Department of English, University of Alberta
(Women, Morality and Advice Literature)
- Dr Janice Devereux , University of Otago
(Women, Morality and Advice Literature)
- Emma Donoghue, author of Passions between Women: British Lesbian Culture, 1668-1901, London 1985
(Sex & Sexuality, 1640-1940, Part 2)
- Robert J Fehrenbach, Department of English, College of William and Mary
(Private Libraries in Renaissance England)
- Professor Ian Christopher Fletcher, Department of History, Georgia State University
(Sex & Gender: Manuscript Sources from the Public Record Office, Parts 1 & 2)
- Rosemary Keen, former Church Missionary Society Archivist
(Church Missionary Society Archive)
- Professor Norris J Lacy, Department of French, Penn State University
(Arthurian Legends and the Influence of French Prose Romance)
- Dr Elisabeth Leedham-Green, Deputy Archivist, Cambridge University Library
and Fellow, Darwin College, Cambridge
(Renaissance Man: The Reconstructed Libraries of European Scholars, 1450-1700)
- Professor Rodney Lowe, Department of Historical Studies, University of Bristol
(Treasury Papers, Series One: Papers of the Economic Section, 1941-1961)
- Professor Lynn McDonald, Department of Sociology, University of Guelph
(Nightingale, Public Health & Victorian Society)
- Professor Anne Mellor, Department of English, UCLA
(Women, Morality and Advice Literature)
- Dr Alison Millbank, Department of English, University of Virginia
(Gothic Fiction)
- Professor Brad Mudge, Department of English, University of Colorado at Denver
(Sex and Sexuality Parts 3 & 4 )
- Dr Marie Mulvey-Roberts, Senior Lecturer in Literary Studies,
University of the West of England
(Gothic Fiction)
- Dr Francis O'Gorman, Lecturer in Victorian Literature, School of English,
University of Leeds
(Gaskell and the Brontës)
- Professor Peter Otto, Department of English, University of Melbourne
(Gothic Fiction)
- Julian Roberts, Former Keeper of Printed Books, the Bodleian Library, Oxford
(Renaissance Man: The Reconstructed Libraries of European Scholars, 1450-1700)
- Dr Parama Roy, Department of English, University of California, Riverside
(Colonial Discourses, Series Three: Colonial Fiction)
- Dorothy Sheridan, Head of Special Collections, University of Sussex, and
Mass-Observation Archivist
(Mass-Observation Archive)
- Professor William Sherman, Department of English, University of York
(Renaissance Commonplace Books from the British Library &
Renaissance Books from the Huntington Library)
- Dr Harold L Smith, Department of History, University of Houston-Victoria
(Sex & Gender: Manuscript Sources from the Public Record Office, Parts 3 & 4)
- Dr Derek W Spring, Senior Lecturer in East European & Russian History,
University of Nottingham
(Soviet War Posters, c.1940-1945)
- Professor Mark W Summers, Department of History, University of Kentucky
(Civil War & Reconstruction: The Making of Modern America)
- Professor Jennifer Tann, School of Continuing Studies, University of Birmingham
(Industrial Revolution: A Documentary History, Series One)
- Dr Marion Thain, Department of English, University of Birmingham
(Michael Field and Fin-de-Siècle Culture & Society)
- Clive Trebilcock, Fellow, Pembroke College, Cambridge
(Business and Financial Papers, 1780-1939)
- Professor John Tosh, School of Humanities and Cultural Studies, University of Surrey, Roehampton
(Masculinity, 1560-1918: Men Defining Men, Parts 2 & 3)
- Rita McWilliams Tullberg, Fellow, Darwin College, Cambridge
(Economists' Papers, Series Two: The Diaries of John Neville Keynes, 1864-1917)
- Izumi K Tytler, Bodleian Japanese Librarian at the Nissan Institute, Oxford
(East Meets West: Original Records of Traders, Travellers,
Missionaries and Diplomats to 1852, Part 1)
- Dr Amanda Vickery, Reader in the History of Women and Gender, Royal Holloway, University of London
(Women's Language and Experience, 1500-1940: Women's Diaries and related sources &
Women Advising Women: Advice Books, Manuals and Journals for Women, 1450-1837 )
- Professor Jay Winter, Department of History, Yale University
(The First World War: A Documentary Record)
- Heather Wolfe, Curator of Manuscripts, the Folger Shakespeare Library
(Receipt Books, c1575-1800, from the Folger Shakespeare Library)
- Laetitia Yeandle, Former Curator of Manuscripts, the Folger Shakespeare Library
(English Handwriting)
A full list of the consultant editors for Empire Online and Defining Gender Online can be found on the relevant pages.